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The Latin West 1200-1500
AP World History
Ch 16
Chapter 16 Topics
Rural Growth and Crisis
Urban Revival
Learning, Literature and Renaissance
Political and Military Transformations
Tips for understanding
Read the introduction to chapter pg. 394
Review timeline
Read conclusion page 415
Read “Environment and Technology”
section pg. 406 The Clock
Part 1. Rural Growth and Crisis
The Latin West
• Western Europeans
regarded themselves as
• due to their allegiance to
the Latin rites of
Christianity and to the
Pope in Rome.
• Latin was also the
language used by their
literate members.
The Latin West
• 90% of the western
population was rural
during the late
Middle Ages.
• The manor system
did not create a huge
surplus of food.
• Peasants overworked
and underpaid by
Three Field
• Agricultural system used
to increase crop yields.
• Crops grown on 2/3 of
• 1/3 of farm planted in oats.
• Oats replenished the soil
and fed draft animals to
help work fields.
• 54 hour week avg. for
• Population growth leads to
new settlements as food
production increases.
• Swamps drained forests
cleared for farms.
• After 1250 many farming on
land with poor soil
• 1315-1317 Great Famine
• Due to bad weather and
poor soils.
• Starvation widespread in
• Life expectancy 30-35
Black Death
• Bubonic plague
brought to Europe
by Genoese )Italian)
Black Death 13471351
• Killed 1 out of every
3 western
Impact of Plague
• Laborers demand
higher pay
• Peasant Revolutions
• Increase in per
capita income
• Brings about the
end of serfdom in
western Europe
Social Rebellion
• Wat Tyler in 1381 led
English peasants in a
revolt in London.
• Demanded an end to
serfdom and most
kinds of manorial dues
• Wanted higher wages
and social changes.
• Murdered the archbishop
of Canterbury and many
• Serfdom practically
• The welfare of the
rural masses
generally improved
after the Black
Population Growth
• From 1350-1445 population of Europe
doubles to 80 million (about the same as
• Causes:
• Economic growth
• Warm temperatures
• Few epidemics
• New farming techniques
New Industries
• Water wheels, windmills
and mines spring up
along rivers.
• Waterwheels
• Had long been common
in Islamic societies
• Along with windmills
provided power for
increased food
production and jobs.
Rise of Industry and Cities
• The water wheel
provided the power for
increased production.
• Wind and water driven
mills ground flour and
• The technology had
existed in the Islamic
world for a century.
• Mill owners soon became
very rich men!
End Part 1