Download Opportunities - Hurricane Junior Golf Tour

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Hurricane Junior Golf Tour College Marketing Plan
Competitive Analysis – Doing further research, there is no other Junior Golf Tour that offers a
legitimate college tour experience. Our big competitor is the Amateur tournaments put on by
big tours, such as FSGA, Dixie Am and colleges themselves.
SWOT Analysis:
Only Junior Tour that has a continuation of a program from junior golf
Opportunities to play in the off season, every week
Conversion from our own junior golfers is low
Offering a service to a demographic that has minimal income
Players moving to states where there are no tournaments offered
Tour is small, only up from here
Converting current HJGT players to HJGT College golfers
Partnering with colleges to host mock college events
Agency for Golfers who to go pro (Partnered with Tiger Woods agent)
Scholarship program
Ranked Amateur events
Economy (this can affect the parents who want to support their kids)
Other tours coming into play, capitalizing on the missed opportunities
NCAA regulations
Scholarship regulations
The Buyer:
The buying process starts with the introduction of the brand. This age is 16-24, male and
female. They will be pursuing college beyond the junior level, whether in college, amateur or
pro. These players will be looking for events to help them get recruited.
Buyer’s buying cycle:
The players being in college can hinder their want to play due to expenses. Since budgeting is
tight and parents have spent a good amount of money during their Junior tournaments, money
becomes an issue. Finding a way to help the college golfers with deals and promotions will
influence them to play.
To grow the college tour, it will be all about building brand awareness. The conversion rate
from Junior Golfers to College Golfers on our tour is slim. With the number of junior golfers that
are having an interest in the game, it is vital to start building the need to compete during off
seasons as well as recruiting opportunities.
The combo that will make this work is content and frequency. We are all exposed to over 100
billboards and advertisements, but none of them stick. Except that one we pass every single
day. With the email list we have, the goal is to send at least two emails a week to start exposing
the players who are eligible to compete on the tour. This will always have a Call to Action and
provide benefits on why they should play with us.
Social media will also be a crucial instrument in building the brand. I expect my interns to post
once a day to our college tour account. These posts will be the schedules and any promotions
that we are offering.
While we are farming our emailing list, I am going to find the locations on where the majority of
our players are being recruited from. Georgia seems to have the most amount of players in the
field. We will be looking for correlations to find the places with the most amount of players that
are in college and see where they are from. We will be able to better market to these players
because we will be providing a service that will not hurt their bank.
Starting a sponsorship program will be what will entice the majority of the college golfers to
play. We will capture them to play, and the player with the most amount of points at the end of
the season will win this scholarship. One for the females and one for the males. Me and the
interns will personally work on this and hopefully find a way to gain sponsorships for this
At the end of the year, we should host a big college championship that will invite teams and
players from all over the country to compete. With the my relationships with college coaches
and high school coaches, I will use them to help get this started with them. I will need to lookup
the NCAA regulations to see what the requirements are.
First year the goal is to increase every tournament by 15 payers every event, want to make it
realistic and something that can build momentum.
Build brand awareness. Seeing that there is no other college tour (at least one that ive seen) we
need to make a name for ourselves. For example, Kleenex is a tissue, but their brand is so
strong, people say can you hand me a Kleenex vs tissue. The same should be true for the
College tour.
What is the brand, is my question? What is the mission of the tour?
When we find the Why we will find the Way. Confused on the mission for this opportunity,
meant to be competitive or no? Just to play? Or to be as competitive as Dixie Am, FSGA, etc.
Everything will start with Social Media and emailing. I have everything I need to start this and
have two interns that will work on this as their special project. I will make a personal invitation
video that will help build awareness from my following and golf following.
I want to see this become a tour that host college events better than colleges themselves,
which is easy. Out tour should be the go to for competitive golf at the college level. We have
got to start converting the juniors now with good copy and headlines.
Want to play golf at the college level? This is a question that any golfer will say yes.