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Solar System Diagram
Skill Builder
Create a diagram of the solar system. Include the Sun, Asteroid belt, and planets. The
planets in no particular order are Earth, Saturn, Jupiter, Mercury, Uranus, Venus, and
Mars, Neptune and Pluto (now called a “Dwarf Planet”).
If you do not already know the solar system in order here are some clues.
The five planets nearest the Sun are Earth, Jupiter, Mercury, Venus, and Mars, not
necessarily in that order.
Early astronomers knew that Venus and Mercury were the only two planets closer
to the Sun than our planet Earth.
Saturn is nearer Earth than Neptune.
Mercury and Pluto have seven planets between them.
There is just one planet between Uranus and Pluto.
During the 16th century only six planets had been discovered: Earth, Mars,
Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, and Venus. These are the six planets closest to the Sun.
Uranus is between Saturn and Neptune.
The asteroid belt is between the Mars and the largest planet.
Example of a comet
Solar System Diagram
Solar System Notes
The Center?
a. Ptolemy
i. Geocentric Model which means ____________________
ii. 140A.D
b. Copernicus
i. ________________________ which means the Sun is
the Center
ii. 1543
Solar System
a. __________________
b. __________________
c. __________________
d. Sun
i. Composition
1. ¾ mass is Hydrogen and ¼ Helium
2. Surface isn’t a ______________ but a glowing
__________ ball
ii. Features
1. Sunspots
2. _________________________
3. Solar Flares
4. _________________________
a. Mercury
i. Fastest Planet to revolve 1 year = _________ Earth Days
ii. Covered with __________________
iii. Named for _____________________________________
b. Venus
i. Earth’s __________________ because their
___________ are similar
ii. Clouds of ____________ = ________________ effect
iii. Revolves ____________ to __________ in _______
Earth months around the sun
c. Earth
i. Only planet ________________________
ii. Liquid _____________________
iii. One Moon = ___________________
d. Mars
i. Atmosphere
1. 95% is ______________________ = red rust color
2. Transparent
ii. Named for _______________________________
iii. 2 moons ____________ (fear) and ____________(terror)
iv. _______________________ vapor
v. Volcanoes
e. Jupiter
i. Great __________________ ____________
ii. _____________________ planet
iii. Named for _____________________________________
iv. Composed of rock core, ________________ vapor,
methane and ___________________ and
__________________ liquid and gas
f. Saturn
i. Rings of ________________ and ___________
discovered by _______________________
ii. _________ __________________ planet
iii. __________________ on water because of it’s
______________ of ____________________
iv. Atmosphere consists of Hydrogen and Helium clouds
causing _________________________
g. Uranus
i. Tilt __________ rotating ___________ to ___________
in about 17 hours
ii. Small ________________ of _______________ ice
causing its blue green color
iii. Covered by oceans of superheated _________________
iv. __________________ times the Earth’s diameter
v. It’s 25 moons were discovered by __________________
h. Neptune
i. _____________ Planet
ii. ______________ twin
iii. Moon_______________________ has its own
iv. Named for _____________________________________
v. Great Dark Spot = _____________________________
i. Dwarf Planet
i. _______________________
ii. Moon ___________________ is more than _____ is size
iii. Rotates about every ____________________________
iv. Named after ___________________________________
v. Composition: ice, rock, dust = solid