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RELIGION 3990-11
Shi@‘ite Islam: Religion, Culture, & Politics
Mohammad H. Faghfoory
Fall 2014
Office: 303-A Religion Department.
Office Hours: Tues. & Thurs. 2.00-3.30
FNGR 210
TR: 09:35-10:50AM
CRN: 82538
Email: [email protected]
Shi@‘ism is the second largest branch of Islamic tradition. From its origins in the
seventh century to the present day, the Shi@‘ites have constituted a very distinct
community within the Islamic world. Throughout most of its history as today Shi@‘ite
population has accounted for some 15-20% of the world’s Muslim population.
However, their contribution to Islamic civilization has been far greater than their
numerical strength as Shi@‘ite scholars have contributed immensely to the
development of law, theology, philosophy, political thought, literature, and all other
fields of Islamic intellectual tradition.
This course examines the emergence and development of Shi@‘ism as a branch of
Islamic orthodoxy with particular emphasis on its doctrine, practices, theologies, and
the laws, and the geographical and political context within which a distinct Shi@‘i
identity developed. Its main objective is to understand Shi@‘a doctrine and its
relationship with politics, particularly the concept of Ima>mate and the role of the
Ima>ms among the Twelvers, the Isma>‘i@lis, and the Zaydi@ branches.
To understand the current situation in the Muslim world the course will also
examine recent developments in Shi@‘ite theology and politics in light of the Iranian
revolution of 1979, Ayatulla>h Khomeini@’s theory of the Rule of Jurist-Consult
(Wila>yat-i Faqi@h) and recent developments in Iraq. In this connection, the
development of messianic conception surrounding the figure of the Twelfth Ima>m,
the emergence of Shi@‘ism as a political ideology, its nature and relationship with
modernism, fundamentalism, secularism and nationalism will be studied. The course
will conclude with the challenges that Islam in general and Shi@‘ism in particular face
in the contemporary regional and international political, religious, cultural, and
intellectual scenes.
Course Requirements & Prerequisite: Religion 161 or general knowledge of Islam. Students
who do not have any background in Islam must read Ideals and Realities of Islam or The
Heart of Islam. In addition to a mid-term and a final exam, the course requirements include a
term paper. Grades will be determined on the following basis: mid-term exam (25%), final
exam (35%), and research paper (30%), and class attendance and participation in discussion
Required Reading:
1. Chittick, W. C The Psalms of Islam: al-S}ah}i@fa al-Sajja>di@ya, (2006, trans.), London: The
Muhammadi Trust, 2006.
2. Momen, Moojan, An Introduction to Shi@‘i Islam: The History and Doctrines of Twelver
Shi@‘ism, New Haven: Yale University Press, 1985.
3. Mottahedeh, Roy. The Mantle of the Prophet, 2nd ed. Oxford: One World, 1985,
4. Nasr, Seyyed Vali Reza, The Shi@‘a Revival, W. W. Norton, 2005.
6. T}aba>t}aba>’i@, ‘Alla>mah Sayyid Muhammad H}usayn, Shi@‘ite Islam, Albany, State
University of New York Press. 1977.
7. Walbridge, S. Linda (ed.) The Most Learned of the Shi@‘a: The Institution of the
Marja‘ -i Taqli@d, Oxford University Press, 2001.
8. Sobh}a>ni@, A@yatulla>h Ja‘far. Doctrines of Shi@‘i Islam: A Compendium of Ima>mi@
Beliefs and Practices, tr. And ed. Reza Shah-Kazemi. London: I. B. Tauris in
association with The Institute of Ismaili Studies, 2001.
Recommended Reading:
1. Ami@r-Moezzi@, ‘Ali, The Divine Guide in Early Shi@ ‘ism: The Sources of Esoterism
in Islam, State University of New York Press. 1994.
2. Chittick, William, ed. and tr. A Shi@‘ite Anthology, London: Muhammadi@ Trust,
3. Nasr, Seyyed Hossein, H}ami@d Daba>shi@, and Seyyed Vali Reza Nasr, (eds.)
Shi@‘ism: Doctrines, Thought, and Spirituality. Albany: State University of New
York Press, 1988.
4. Sachedina, ‘Abdulaziz, Islamic Messianism: The Idea of the Mahdi@ in Twelver
Shi@‘ism, Albany: State University of New York Press, 1981.
5. Shams al-Di@n, Muhammad M, The Rising of al-H}usayn: Its Impact on the
Consciousness of Muslim Society, London, Muhammadi@ Trust, 1985.
6. T}aba>t}aba>’i@, ‘Alla>mah Sayyid Muhammad H}usayn, Kernel of the Kernel:
Concerning Wayfaring and Spiritual Journey of the people of Intellect. Translated by
Mohammad H. Faghfoory, State University of New York Press, 2003.
Mu’adhdhin Khura>sa>ni@, Mohammad, Tuh}fah-yi ‘Abba>si: The Godlen Chain of
Sufism in Shi@‘ite Islam, Translated by Mohammad H. Faghfoory, University Press of
America, 2008
7.-------------- The Qur’a>n in Islam, London, Routledge & Kegan, 1987.
Week One: Aug. 26-28
Introduction: Introductory Remarks on the Advent of Islam
Muhammad: Prophet and Statesman
Political/Spiritual Authority
The Question of Succession to the Prophet
READINGS: Nasr, Ideals and Realities…, pp. 1-27, Momen, pp. 1-22.
Week Two: Sept. 2-4
Methods of Selection of Prophet’s Successor
Majority-Minority: Causes of Separation
Sunni Perception of Political Authority: The Caliphate
Religious and Spiritual Authority
READINGS: T}aba>t}aba>’i@, pp. 31-55, Nasr, Shi@‘ism: Doctrines, Thought, and
Spirituality, pp. 11-13 & 65-82, Vali Nasr, pp. 31-61.
Week Three: Sept. 9-11
Present State of Shi@‘i Studies: Methods and Approaches
Major sources and Scholars of Shi@‘ism
The origin and Growth of Shi@ ‘ism
Shi@‘i Perception of Political Authority: The Ima>mate
Religious and Spiritual Authority: Wila>yah
The Image of Ali in Shi@’a Thought
READINGS: Nasr, Ideals and Realities of Islam, chapter 1-4, and, Nasr,
“Introduction” in T}aba>t}aba>’i@, Shi@‘ite Islam, , pp. 3-26, & 31-33, 39-55, Nasr,
Expectation… pp. 2-6.
Week Four: Sept. 16-18
a. Principles of Shi@‘ism: The Doctrine
On the Knowledge of God
Divine Qualities and its Meaning
Divine Justice
b. On the Knowledge of the Prophet
The Prophets and the Prophet Muhammad
The Revelation
The Qur’ān in Shi@ ‘i@ Thought
Rules of Interpretation of the Qur’a>n
Exoteric and Formal Aspects of Religion
the hadi@th, Narrations of the Shi@‘ite Ima>ms
Rules for Authenticating h}adi@th
READINGS: Sobh}a>ni@, pp. 56-60, T}aba>t}aba>’i@, pp. 90-105, Nasr, Doctrine…, pp. 2043. READINGS: T}aba>t}aba>’i pp. 123-135, 139-156, 173-217, Sobh}a>ni@, pp. 18-32, 3355, & 61-88, Chittick, pp. 27-51, Nasr, Doctrines…, pp. 128-154.
Week Five: Sept. 23-25
a. On the Ima>mate Doctrine and the Knowledge of the Ima>ms
The Image and Status of the Household of the Prophet in Shi‘ite Doctrine
Shi@‘ite Approach to the Concept of Authority: The Ima>m and His Functions
The Twelve Ima>ms
1. ‘Ali ibn Abi@ T}a>lib
2. Ima>m H}asan
3. Ima>m H}usayn
4. Ima>m Sajja>d
5.Ima>m Ba>qir
6. Ja‘far al-S}a>diq
7. Ima>m Musa> al-Ka>z}im
8. Ima>m Rid}a>
9. Muhammad Taqi@
10. ‘Ali al-Naqi@,
11. H}asan al-‘Askari@
12. The Twelfth Ima>m: Occultation and Re-Appearance
READINGS: T}aba>t}aba>’i, pp. 75-84, Sobh}a>ni@, pp. 89-141, 142-200, Chittick, 91-124
& 135-140, Momen, pp. 23-45 & 147-171, Nasr, Expectation…, pp. 8-57.
Week Six: Sept. 30-Oct. 2
Shi@‘ism in History-Phase I: Establishment of the Umayyad Dynasty:
Mu‘a>wiyah and The Status of the Shi@‘ite Community:
Yazi@d: Persecution of the Shi@‘ites
From Ima>m H}asan to the Martyrdom of H}ussein
The Tragedy of Karbala>’ (80/681)
Martyrdom of Hussein in Shi@’ite Thought
Other Umayyad Caliphs
The End of the Umayyad Dynasty
READINGS: T}aba>t}aba>’i@, pp. 31-67; Momen, 61-104; Nasr, Expectation…, pp. 240278, and, Class Lectures.
Week Seven: Oct. 7-9
a. Divisions within Shi@ ‘ism
Twelver-Ima>mi@s (Ithna>‘ashari@)
Isma>‘ili@s & its branches
Zaydism & its branches
Other branches
b. Historical Expansion of Shi@ ‘ism and Present Geography
Persia & Iraq
Egypt, Lebanon and Syria
READINGS: Sobh}a>ni@, pp. 56-60, T}aba>t}aba>’i@, pp. 90-105; Nasr, Doctrine…, pp. 2043, and, class lectures.
Week Eight: Oct. 14-16
a. Tuesday: Oct. 14, MID-TERM EXAM
b. Thursday: On Shi@‘i Eschatology
Body and Soul
Death in Islam
Purgatory (barzakh)
The day of Judgment-Man’s resurrection
b. Religious Practices and Rituals
Intercession (Shira>‘ah)
READINGS: T}aba>t}aba>’i@, pp. 161-171, Nasr, Doctines…, pp. 245-272 & 331-340,
Momen, pp. 172-183.
Week Nine: Oct.21-23
Shi@‘i Law and Jurisprudence
Sources of Shi@‘i Law
Development of Shiite Jurisprudence and Legal Methodology (us}u>l al-fiqh)
The Rise of the Notion of ijtiha>d and the Office of Mujtahid as the Supreme
The Emergence of Juristic Hierarchy (Marja‘i@yah) and its Effects on the Structure of
Political Authority of Time
On Jiha>d
READINGS: Momen, pp. 184-189, Nasr, Expectation…, pp. 61-64 & 67-72, Nasr,
Doctrines…, pp. 227-242 & 275-278.
Week Ten: Oct. 28-30
a. The Way of Intellection & Intellectual Reasoning
a. Shi@‘i Philosophy and Philosophers
b. Shi@‘ite Theology (kala>m): Shaykh Kulayni@, Mufi@d, T}u>si@
b. Intellectual intuition and mystical Unveiling
On Man and God
Man: Free Will & Predestination
Man and Gnostic Comprehension
Shi@‘ism and Sufism: The Infallibility of the Imams and Designations of
READINGS: T}aba>t}aba>’i@, pp. 112-117, Momen, pp. 208-219, Nasr, Doctrines…, pp.
Week Eleven: Nov. 4-6
Shi@ ‘ism in History-Phase II: 1500-1900
READINGS: Momen, pp. 105-146.
Week Twelve: Nov. 11-13
Shi@‘i Political Thought:
a. State and government in Shi'ite thought and history
b. Shi'ite clerical structures and institutions
c. The Role of Shi@‘i Clergy in Politics
READINGS: Chittick, pp. 67-82, Nasr, Expectation…, pp. 92-114, Momen, 189207, Mottahedeh, chapters 1-10 & Epilogue, pp. 378-390, Vali Nasr, pp. 63-117.
Week Thirteen: Nov. 18-20
Shi@ ‘ism in Contemporary World: 1890-1963
a. Synthesis for Adaptation to Constitutionalism and Modern SocioEconomic Notions: Ayatulla>hs Na>’ini@ and Muhammad Ba>qir al-S}adr
b. Shi@i‘te ‘Ulama on the Challenge of Modernity and Response to
Week Fourteen: Nov. 25
Shi ‘ite Revival: Reform or Revolution: 1963-Present
Ayaullya>h Khomeini@, Dr. Ali Shari@‘ati@ & Dr.'Abdulkari@m Soroush
Ayatulla>h Sista>ni@, H}asan Nas}rulla>h, & Muqtada S}adr
Other parts of the Islamic World
The Message of Shi@‘ism
READINGS: Sobh}a>ni@, pp. 197-200; T}aba>t}aba>’i@, pp. 215-217; Vali Nasr, pp. 119184, 185-254.
November 26-28 Thanksgiving Break
Week Fifteen: Dec. 4
Final Exam: THURSDAY, December 11, 10:20-12:20
Bibliography on Shi@‘ism– Categorized Thematically
Religious Doctrine and Practice:
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Thought, and Spirituality. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1988.
Amir-Moezzi, Mohammed Ali. The Divine Guide in Early Shi‘ism: The Sources of Esotericism in
Islam. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1994.
Ayoub, Mahmoud. Redemptive Suffering in Islam, Edited by Leo Laeyendecker, Religion and
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Cook, Michael A. Commanding Right and Forbidding Wrong in Islamic Thought, Cambridge
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Rizvi, Sayyid Saeed Akhtar, Imamate: the Vicegerency of the Prophet.
Newman, Andrew J. The Formative Period of Twelver Shi@‘ism: Hadith As Discourse Between Qum
and Baghdad,
Ajami, Fouad. The Vanished Imam: Musa al-Sadr and the Shia of Lebanon. Ithaca: Cornell University
Press, 1986.
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