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2010-2011 Sixth Grade Science L to J Vocabulary List
Hypothesis A predicted answer to a scientific question
Variable part of an experiment
Independent variable an element in an experiment that is changed
Dependent variable an element in an experiment that is not changed but can be affected
Technology the use of scientific knowledge to solve problems or create new products, tools, or
6. Remote Sensing the use of scientific equipment to gather information from a distance
7. Satellite an object that orbits a more massive object
8. Mineral a solid formed in nature with a definite chemical makeup and a crystal structure.
9. Density the mass of a substance divided by its volume
10. Element a substance that contains only one type of atom
11. Compound substance consisting of more than one type of atom
12. Faults a fracture in Earth’s lithosphere along which blocks of rock moves past each other
13. Tectonic plate large, moving pieces into which Earth’s lithosphere is broken
14. Theory of plate tectonics states that Earth’s lithosphere is made up of huge plates that move over
the surface of Earth
15. Transform boundary two tectonic plates scraping past each other
16. Convergent boundary two tectonic plates pushing together
17. Divergent boundary two tectonic plates moving away from each other
18. Subduction the process by which one tectonic plate dives or sinks below another tectonic plate
19. Asthenosphere a layer of hotter softer rock in the upper mantle
20. Lithosphere Earth’s crust and the very top of the mantle
21. Inner Core a solid sphere of metal, mostly nickel and iron, at Earth’s center
22. Outer Core a layer of molten metal that surrounds Earth’s inner core
23. Mantle Earth’s thickest layer, made up mostly of molten rock
24. Crust the thin rocky outer layer of the Earth
25. pH measure of how acidic or basic a solution is
26. Weathering mechanical or chemical process that breaks down rocks into smaller and smaller
27. Erosion the process in which sediment is picked up and moved from one place to another
28. Pangaea supercontinent that included all the landmasses on Earth
29. Deposition the process in which eroded sediment is deposited in a new location
30. Desertification-the expansion of desert-like conditions in areas where the natural plant cover has
been destroyed
31. Conduction- process that moves energy from one object to another because they are touching
32. Convection- process that transfers energy by the motion of large numbers of particles in a particular
direction in either gases or liquids
33. Radiation- Energy that travels as electromagnetic waves, which include visible light, microwaves,
and infrared light
34. Heat the flow of energy from an object at a higher temperature to an object with a lower temperature
35. Sonar instruments that use echolocation to locate objects underwater
36. Wave- a disturbance that transfers energy form one place to another
37. Energy the ability to do work and cause a change
38. Matter anything that has mass and takes up space
39. Electromagnetic type of wave, such as a light wave or radio wave, that can travel in a vacuum as
well as in various materials
40. Potential energy- The stored energy that an object has due to its position or chemical composition
41. Kinetic Energy- The energy of motion that is dependant on an object’s mass and speed
42. Kinetic theory of matter- States that all of the particles of matter are constantly in motion
43. Equilibrium- the processes in which two or more substances transfer energy until they are the same
44. Frequency- the number of waves that pass a fixed point in a certain amount of time
45. Amplitude- the distance between a line through the middle of a wave and a crest or trough
46. Wavelength- the distance from one wave crest to the next wave crest
47. Crest- the highest point, or peak, of a wave
48. Trough- the lowest point, or valley, of a wave
49. Focal point- the point where light rays meet when they are reflected off of concave surface
50. Lens- a clear optical tool that refracts light
51. Convex a lens that is curved outward like the outside of a sphere
52. Concave a lens curved inward like the inside of a sphere
53. Refraction- the bending of light as it passes from one substance to another
54. Diffraction- the bending of light waves around an object
55. Scattering- the spreading out of light rays in all directions due to particles reflecting and absorbing
56. Intensity- the amount of energy a sound wave has
57. Pitch- the characteristic of highness or lowness of a sound
58. Vacuum- an empty space, contains no matter
59. Solar System the sun and its family of orbiting planets, moons, and other objects
60. Revolution the time it takes an object to go around something one time
61. Equinox when the sun shines equally on the northern and southern hemispheres (happens in
September and March)
62. Solstice when the amount of sunlight in one hemisphere is at its maximum and in the other
hemisphere is at its minimum (happens in December and June)
63. Waxing- when the appearance of the moon grows larger
64. Waning- when the appearance of the moon shrinks
65. Crescent phase of the moon between a new moon and a quarter moon
66. Gibbous phase of the moon between a quarter moon and a full moon
67. Tides- changing levels of the ocean due to the moons gravity changes
68. Eclipse when one object in space casts a shadow on another
69. Photosynthesis- the process by which green plants and other producers use simple compounds and
energy from sunlight to make food
70. Chlorophyll the green pigment in the leaves and stems of plants that is necessary for the production
of plant food by photosynthesis
71. Food Web- interconnected food chains in an ecosystem
72. Food Chain a model used to show the feeding relationship of producers and consumers in an
73. Natural selection- theory that states the strongest, best adapted organisms are more likely to survive
and create offspring
74. Adaptation a characteristic or inherited trait that makes a species able to survive and reproduce in a
particular environment
75. Symbiosis- different species living and interacting together in a close relationship
76. Pioneer species- first living things to move into a barren environment
77. Limiting factor- something that limits the growth of a population
78. Carrying capacity- the maximum number of individuals that an ecosystem can support
79. Succession- the re-growth of an ecosystem after a drastic change
80. Ecosystem all of the living and non-living things that interact in a particular environment
81. Biome a region on Earth that has a particular climate and certain types of plants
82. Niche the role a living thing plays in its habitat
83. Habitat natural environment where living things get what they need to live
84. Coniferous cone bearing trees that keep their leaves or needles though out the entire year
85. Deciduous Trees and shrubs that drop their leaves when winter comes