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CHAPTER 4 THE INTERNAL ASSESSMENT CHAPTER OUTLINE The Nature of an Internal Audit The Resource-Based View Integrating Strategy and Culture Management Marketing Finance/Accounting Production/Operations Research and Development Management Information Systems Value Chain Analysis The Internal Factor Evaluation (IFE) Matrix CHAPTER OBJECTIVES After studying this chapter, you should be able to do the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Describe how to perform an internal strategic-management audit. Discuss the Resource-Based View (RBV) in strategic management. Discuss key interrelationships among the functional areas of business. Compare and contrast culture in the United States versus other countries. Identify the basic functions or activities that make up management, marketing, finance/ accounting, production/operations, research and development, and management information systems. 6. Explain how to determine and prioritize a firm’s internal strengths and weaknesses. 7. Explain the importance of financial ratio analysis. 8. Discuss the nature and role of management information systems in strategic management. 9. Develop an IFE Matrix. 10. Explain benchmarking as a strategic management tool. I. THE NATURE OF AN INTERNAL AUDIT A. Strengths and Weaknesses 1. All organizations have strengths and weaknesses in the functional areas of business. No enterprise is equally strong or weak in all areas. Internal strengths/weaknesses, coupled with external opportunities/threats and a clear statement of mission, provide the basis for establishing objectives and strategies. 2. The internal-audit part of the strategic-management process is illustrated in Figure 4-1. B. Key Internal Forces 1. A firm’s strengths that cannot be easily matched or imitated by competitors are called distinctive competencies. Building competitive advantages involves taking advantage of distinctive competencies. 2. Strategies are designed in part to improve on a firm’s weaknesses, turning them into strengths, and maybe even into distinctive competencies. C. The Process of Performing an Internal Audit 1. The process of performing an internal audit closely parallels the process of performing an external audit. Representative managers and employees from throughout the firm need to be involved in determining a firm’s strengths and weaknesses. 2. Performing an internal audit requires gathering, assimilating, and evaluating information about the firm’s operations. 3. Compared to the external audit, the process of performing an internal audit provides more opportunity for participants to understand how their jobs, departments, and divisions fit into the whole organization. 4. Financial ratio analysis exemplifies the complexity of relationships among the functional areas of business. II. THE RESOURCE-BASED VIEW (RBV) A. Internal Factors versus External Factors 1. The RBV takes the opposing view to that of the I/O theorists discussed in Chapter 3. The RBV approach to competitive advantage contends that internal resources are more important than external factors for a firm in achieving and sustaining competitive advantage. 2. Internal resources come from three categories. a. Physical resources: plant, equipment, location, technology, raw materials, machines, etc. b. Human resources: employees, training, experience, intelligence, knowledge, skills, abilities, etc. c. Organizational resources: firm structure, planning processes, information systems, patents, trademarks, copyrights, databases, etc. B. The Basic Premise 1. The mix, type, amount, and nature of a firm’s internal resources should be considered first and foremost in devising strategies that can lead to sustainable competitive advantage. 2. Firms should pursue strategies that are not currently being implemented by any competing firm. C. Valuable Resources 1. Resources are only valuable if they have one or more of the following characteristics: a. rare b. hard to imitate c. not easily substitutable III. INTEGRATING STRATEGY AND CULTURE A. Strategy and Culture 1. Relationships among a firm’s functional business activities perhaps can be exemplified by focusing on organizational culture, an internal phenomenon that permeates through all departments and divisions of an organization. 2. Organizational culture can be defined as a pattern of behavior developed by an organization as it learns to cope with its problem of external adaptation and internal integration that has worked well enough to be considered valid and to be taught to new members as the correct way to perceive, think, and feel. Remarkably resistant to change, culture can represent a major strength or weakness for the firm. 3. Defined in Table 4-1, cultural products include values, beliefs, rites, rituals, ceremonies, myths, stories, legends, sagas, language, metaphors, symbols, heroes, and heroines. 4. Organizational culture significantly affects business decisions and thus, must be evaluated during an internal strategic-management audit. B. United States versus Foreign Cultures 1. To successfully compete in world markets, U.S. managers must obtain a better knowledge of historical, cultural, and religious forces that motivate and drive people in other countries. a. In Japan, for example, business relations operate within the context of wa, which stresses group harmony and social cohesion. In China, business behavior revolves around guianxi, or personal relations. In Korea, activities involve concern for inhwa, or harmony based on respect of hierarchical relationships, including obedience to authority. b. U.S. managers have a low tolerance for silence, whereas Asian managers view extended periods of silence as important for organizing and evaluating one’s thoughts. The book lists other important differences between U.S. and foreign managers. 2. Table 4-2 contains an excellent list of cultural pitfalls that individuals need to know when traveling in foreign countries. 3. Probably the biggest obstacle to the effectiveness of U.S. managers, or managers from any country working in another, is the fact that it is almost impossible to change the attitude of a foreign workplace. “The system drives you; you cannot fight the system or culture,” says Bill Parker, president of Phillips Petroleum in Norway. IV. MANAGEMENT A. The Functions of Management 1. The functions of management consist of five basic activities: planning, organizing, motivating, staffing, and controlling. An overview of these activities is provided in Table 4-3. a. Planning—Planning consists of all those managerial activities related to preparing for the future. Specific tasks include forecasting, establishing objectives, devising strategies, developing policies, and setting goals. Planning is most important in the strategy-formulation stage of the strategic-management process. b. Organizing—Organizing includes all those managerial activities that result in a structure of task and authority relationships. Specific areas include organizational design; job specialization, descriptions, specifications, design, and analysis; span of the control; unity of command; and coordination. Organizing is most important in the strategy implementation stage of the strategic-management process. c. Motivating—Motivating involves efforts directed toward shaping human behavior. Specific topics include leadership, communication, work groups, behavior modification, delegation of authority, job enrichment, and so on. Motivating is most important in the strategy-implementation stage of the strategicmanagement process. d. Staffing—Staffing activities are centered on personnel or human resource management. Included are wage and salary administration, employee benefits, interviewing, hiring, firing, training, employee safety, and so on. Staffing is most important in the strategy-implementation stage of the strategic-management process. e. Controlling—Controlling refers to all those managerial activities directed toward ensuring that actual results are consistent with planned results. Key areas of concern include quality, financial, sales, inventory, and expense control; analysis of variances; rewards; and sanctions. Controlling is most important in the strategyevaluation stage of the strategic-management process. It consists of four basic steps: 1) establishing performance standards, 2) measuring individual and organizational performance, 3) comparing actual performance to planned performance standards, and 4) taking corrective actions. V. MARKETING A. Marketing 1. Marketing. Marketing can be described as the process of defining, anticipating, creating, and fulfilling customers’ needs and wants for products and services. There are seven basic functions of marketing: (1) customer analysis, (2) selling products/services, (3) product and service planning, (4) pricing, (5) distribution, (6) marketing research, and (7) opportunity analysis. 2. Customer Analysis. Customer analysis—the examination and evaluation of consumer needs, desires, and wants—involves administering customer surveys, analyzing consumer information, evaluating market positioning strategies, developing customer profiles, and determining optimal market segmentation strategies. a. The information generated by customer analysis can be essential in developing an effective mission statement. b. Successful organizations continually monitor present and potential customers’ buying patterns 3. Selling Products/Services. Successful strategy implementation generally rests on the ability of an organization to sell some product or service. Selling includes many marketing activities such as advertising, sales promotion, publicity, and so on. Table 4.4 lists the firms which spend the most on advertising. 4. Product and Service Planning. Product and service planning include activities such as test marketing; product and brand positioning; devising warranties; packaging; determining product options, product features, product style, and product quality; deleting old products; and providing for customer service. a. One of the most effective product and service planning techniques is test marketing. b. Consumer goods companies use test marketing more frequently than industrial goods companies. It can allow companies to avoid substantial losses by revealing weak products and ineffective marketing approaches before large-scale production begins. 5. Pricing. Five major stakeholders affect pricing decisions: consumers, governments, suppliers, distributors, and competitors. a. Sometimes an organization will pursue a forward integration strategy primarily to gain better control over prices charged to consumers. b. Governments can impose constraints on price fixing, price discrimination, minimum prices, unit pricing, price advertising, and price controls. 6. Distribution. Distribution includes warehousing, distribution channels and coverage, retail site locations, sales territories, inventory levels and location, transportation carriers, wholesaling, and retailing. a. Distribution becomes especially important when a firm is striving to implement a market development or forward integration strategy. b. Successful organizations identify and evaluate alternative ways to reach their ultimate market. 7. Marketing Research. Marketing research is the systematic gathering, recording, and analyzing of data about problems relating to the marketing of goods and services. a. Marketing research can uncover critical strengths and weaknesses, and marketing researchers can employ numerous scales, instruments, procedures, concepts, and techniques to gather information. b. Marketing research activities support all major business functions. 8. Opportunity Analysis. The next function of marketing is opportunity analysis, which involves assessing the costs, benefits, and risks associated with marketing decisions. a. Three steps are required to perform a cost/benefit analysis: (1) compute the total costs associated with a decision, (2) estimate the total benefits from the decision, and (3) compare the total costs with the total benefits. b. As expected benefits exceed total costs, an opportunity becomes more attractive. VI. FINANCE/ACCOUNTING A. Importance of Finance and Accounting 1. Financial condition is often considered the single best measure of a firm’s competitive position and overall attractiveness to investors. Determining an organization’s financial strengths and weaknesses is essential to formulating strategies effectively. 2. A firm’s liquidity, leverage, working capital, profitability, asset utilization, cash flow, and equity can eliminate some strategies as being feasible alternatives. B. Finance/Accounting Functions 1. According to James Van Horne, the functions of finance/accounting comprise three decisions: the investment decision, the financing decision, and the dividend decision. 2. Basic Types of Financial Ratios. Financial ratios are computed from an organization’s income statement and balance sheet. Trend analysis, illustrated in Figure 4-2, is an example of a technique that incorporates both the time and industry average 3. Key Financial Ratios—Table 4-5 lists good websites for getting financial information. Table 4-6 provides a summary of key financial ratios showing how each ratio is calculated and what each ratio measures. They can be classified into five types. a. Liquidity ratios measure a firm’s ability to meet maturing short-term obligations. 1. Current ratio 2. Quick (acid-test) ratio b. Leverage ratios measure the extent to which a firm has been financed by debt. 1. Debt-to-total assets ratio 2. Debt-to-equity ratio 3. Long-term debt-to-equity ratio 4. Times-interest-earned (coverage) ratio c. Activity ratios measure how effectively a firm is using its resources. 1. Inventory turnover 2. Fixed assets turnover 3. Total assets turnover 4. Accounts receivable turnover 5. Average collection period d. Profitability ratios measure a management’s overall effectiveness as shown by returns generated on sales and investment. 1. Gross profit margin 2. Operating profit margin 3. Net profit margin 4. Return on total assets 5. Return on stockholders’ equity 6. Earnings per share 7. Price-earnings ratio e. Growth ratios measure the firm’s ability to maintain its economic position in the growth of the economy and industry. 1. Sales 2. Net income 3. Earnings per share 4. Dividends per share B. Additional Components of Financial Ratio Analysis 1. How has each ratio changed over time? 2. How does each ratio compare to industry norms? 3. How does each ratio compare with key competitors? VII. PRODUCTION/OPERATIONS A. Production and Operations 1. The production/operations functions of a business consist of all those activities that transform inputs into goods and services. 2. Production/operations management deals with inputs, transformations, and outputs that vary across industries and markets. 3. The production/operations activities often represent the largest part of an organization’s human and capital assets. 4. Table 4-7 illustrates the basic functions of production operations management, including process, capacity, inventory, workforce, and quality. Table 4-8 provides the impact of strategy elements on production management. VIII. RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT (R&D) A. Importance of R&D 1. The fifth major area of internal operations that should be examined for specific strengths and weaknesses is R&D. Many firms today do not conduct R&D, and yet many other companies depend on successful R&D activities for survival. Firms pursuing a product development strategy especially need to have a strong R&D orientation. B. Internal and External R&D 1. R&D in organizations can take two basic forms: (1) internal R&D, in which an organization operates its own R&D department, and/or (2) contract R&D, in which a firm hires independent researchers or independent agencies to develop specific products. Many companies use both approaches to develop new products. A widely used approach for obtaining outside R&D assistance is to pursue a joint venture with another firm. IX. 2. Most firms have no choice but to continually develop new and improved products because of changing consumer needs and tastes, new technologies, shortened product life cycles, and increased domestic and foreign competition. MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS A. Importance of Information 1. Information ties all business functions together and provides the basis for all managerial decisions. 2. A management information system receives raw material from both the external and internal evaluation of an organization. It gathers data about marketing, finance, production, and personnel matters internally; and social, cultural, demographic, environmental, economic, political, government, legal, technological, and competitive factors externally. Data is integrated in ways needed to support managerial decision making. 3. Because organizations are becoming more complex, decentralized, and globally dispersed, the function of information systems is growing in importance. B. Strategic Planning Software 1. Strategic planning software can allow firms to tap the knowledge base of everyone in the firm. There are a number of commercially available software products designed to train and assist managers in strategic planning. X. VALUE CHAIN ANALYSIS A. Porter describes the business of a firm as a value chain, in which total revenues minus total costs of all activities undertaken to develop and market a product or service yields value. B. Value Chain Analysis refers to the process whereby a firm determines the costs associated with organizational activities from purchasing raw materials to manufacturing products to marketing those products. An example is provided in Figure 4-3. C. All firms should use value-chain analysis to develop a nurture a core competence and develop this competence into a distinctive competence. 1. A core competence is a value-chain activity that a firm performs especially well. 2. When a core competence evolves into a major competitive advantage, it is called a distinctive competence. Figure 4-4 illustrates this process. D. Firms use benchmarking to determine whether its value chain activities are competitive compared to rivals. This entails measuring the costs of value chain activities across an industry to determine “best practices” among competing firms for the purpose of duplicating or improving upon those best practices. XI. THE INTERNAL FACTOR EVALUATION (IFE) MATRIX A. The IFE Matrix 1. A summary step in conducting an internal strategic-management audit is to construct an IFE Matrix. This strategy-formulation tool summarizes and evaluates the major strengths and weaknesses in the functional areas of a business, and it also provides a basis for identifying and evaluating relationships among these areas. 2. Intuitive judgments are required in developing an IFE Matrix, so the appearance of a scientific approach should not be interpreted to mean this is an all-powerful technique. B. An IFE Matrix is developed in five steps. An example IFE Matrix is provided in Table 49. 1. List key internal factors as identified in the internal-audit process. Use a total from ten to twenty internal factors including both strengths and weaknesses. 2. Assign a weight ranging from 0 (not important) to 1.0 (very important). The weight indicates the relative importance of the factor to being successful in the firm’s industry. The sum of all the weights must equal 1.0. 3. Assign a 1-4 rating to each factor to indicate whether that factor represents a major weakness (1), minor weakness (2), minor strength (3), or major strength (4). 4. Multiply each factor’s weight by its rating to determine a weighted score for each variable. 5. Sum the weighted scores for each variable to determine the total weighted score for the organization. 6. Total weighted scores of below 2.5 indicate an internally weak organization.