Download Worksheet 7.2 Similar Polygons

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Worksheet 7.2 Similar Polygons
Geometry Regular
Name _____________________
Date _____________ Mod ____
Score _____ out of 4
The polygons are similar. Identify the corresponding angles. Write the
corresponding sides in ratio form, including the similarity ratio.
1. _________________________
State if the polygons are similar based on the given information.
2. __________
3. __________
4. __________
5. __________
6. __________
7. __________
Determine whether the polygons are similar. If so, write a similarity ratio and
similarity statement.
8. _________________________
The polygons are similar. Find the missing side length.
9. __________
10. __________
11. __________
The polygons are similar. Find the value of x.
12. __________
13. __________
14. perimeter of WXYZ
15. area of WXYZ
Review from Chapter 1
16. A is between M and K … MAK. We are given MA = 2x + 7, AK = 5x - 10, and
MK = 60. Use this to a. solve for x and b. calculate AK. SHOW YOUR WORK.