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Chapter 2 Section Review Packet
Section 2-1: Europeans Set Sail
Define the following terms by matching the word to its definition:
1. Black Death_____
2. Commercial Revolution_____
3. Capital_____
4. Joint-Stock Companies_____
5. Renaissance_____
6. Astrolabe_____
7. Monopoly_____
8. Prince Henry_____
9. Caravel_____
10. Bartolomeu Dias_____
a. Company in which people invest together and
share profits and losses
b. Money or property that is then used to make
more money
c. An epidemic that killed as many as 30 million
people in Europe alone
d. Instrument that allowed ship navigators to use
the stars as a guide
e. Man who gathered Portugal’s finest mapmakers,
shipbuilders, etc. in order to encourage exploration
f. Explorer who discovered the Cape of Good Hope
g. A small ship built to move quickly and handle well
h. Term to describe having sole economic control of
a good or service
i. Period of great change in the European economy
j. Period characterized by the rebirth of arts and
learning of ancient Rome and Greece
Thoroughly answer the following questions (bullet your answers if necessary):
11. (a) What was the Black Death? (b) How did it occur? (c) What were its effects on Europe’s population?
(a) Epidemic that swept through Europe, Asia, and northern Africa believed to be the bubonic plague
(b) Thought to have been brought here by flea-infested rats travelling aboard trading caravans and ships coming
from Asia to Europe; fleas would then infect humans
(c) Estimated that 1/3 to ½ of Europe’s population was killed; one of the factors that led to Commercial
Revolution; led to a shortage of labor in Europe, which led to higher wages and more power/wealth for the
peasant and merchant classes
12. (a) Describe the Commercial Revolution. (b) How did the way in which people did business change? (c) How
did this lead to greater power for merchants and farmers?
(a) C.R. was a major period of economic change in Europe in the Middle Ages
(b) Emphasis on making a profit by merchants and farmers, rather than just trading goods for a “fair” price;
More money available for investment; capital (money used for investments) used to make profits
(c) Creation of an early middle class; more money = more power for lower classes (merchants, farmers,
peasants, etc.)
13. (a) Explain how merchant families of Europe, such as the Medici family, became very wealthy. (b) What
types of businesses did they operate or invest in?
(a) Merchant families of Europe became very wealthy through trade, selling and buying of goods, etc.
(b) Invested in small manufacturing, trade, and banking; invested in joint-stock companies as well
14. (a) What was the Renaissance? (b) When, where, why, and how did it begin? (c) What kinds of subjects
were the focus of the Renaissance?
(a) Renaissance was a “rebirth” of learning and knowledge of art, science, math, philosophy, etc. inspired by
ancient Greece and Rome
(b) Began during the 15th century, primarily in city-states of Italy such as Florence and Venice; Wealthy families
such as the Medicis would sponsor artists, scientists, etc. as patrons in order to bring more prestige and power
to their families and countries
(c) Renaissance focused on art, architecture, science, philosophy, people tried to gain a better understanding of
the world around them
15. Who were some of the major figures of the Renaissance and what were some of their most famous works
and/or contributions?
(a) Leonardo da Vinci painted various famous works such as the Mona Lisa and The Last Supper; was also an
inventor, architect, etc.
(b) Michaelangelo was a famous artist and sculptor; created the statue of David and painted the ceiling of the
Sistine Chapel in the Vatican
(c) Natural philosophers (scientists) such as Galileo, who improved the telescope and observed the planets and
stars; Nicolas Copernicus proposed the Heliocentric (sun-centered) model of the solar system
(d) Other famous artists include Raphael, Donatello, etc.
16. (a) What was the printing press and (b) who was its inventor? (c) How did it change the way people
exchanged and/or spread ideas?
(a) Printing press is a machine that allows one to mass-produce printed literature, books, etc.
(b) Invented by Johannes Gutenberg
(c) Led to greater dissemination (spread) of ideas and learning; made books affordable to the average person
rather than just the wealthy and monks/priests; Also allowed people to begin to question social and cultural
norms (traditions); ex: people began to interpret the Bible for themselves
17. What were some Renaissance-era technological advances that led to greater interest in exploration?
(a) Technologies include the printing press, which spread knowledge and information, led to further curiosity
about the outside world
(b) The magnetic compass, which would help ship captains in navigating the seas
(c) The astrolabe, which would also help in sea navigation by using the positions of the stars to determine one’s
location on the Earth’s surface
(d) Better ships such as the caravel
18. (a) Describe trade during the Commercial Revolution. (b) Over which two continents did most of this trade
occur? (c) What were the two primary trade routes between these continents? (d) What kinds of goods were
(a) During the Commercial Revolution, trade drastically increased; new trade routes were established to import
and export goods around the known world; focus was on profit over fair prices
(b) Centered on trade between Europe and Asia
(c) Two primary trade routes included the Mediterranean Sea and the Silk Road in Asia
(d) Various types of goods traded include spices, luxury items such as silk, and precious metals like gold and
19. (a) What led merchants to search for new trade routes to foreign lands? (b) What other factors led
Europeans to take a greater interest in the outside world?
(a) Danger of overland routes like the Silk Road (length, danger from bandits, etc.) and monopolization of trade
routes in the Mediterranean by Italian city-states led to search for new trade routes
(b) Increased interest in outside world arose from Crusades, spread of knowledge and ideas thanks to printing
20. Who were two of Portugal’s early “pioneers” of exploration and what kinds of contributions did they make?
(a) Prince Henry “The Navigator”, who gathered experts in seamanship to improve instruments such as the
compass, astrolabe, etc.; improved mapmaking techniques; created the caravel, a new type of vessel that was
small, but fast and maneuverable
(b) Bartolomeau Dias, who “discovered” the Cape of Good Hope, or the southern tip of Africa; proved it was
possible to sail around Africa to Asia, allowing Portugal to eventually control that trade route
Section 2-2: Voyages to the Americas
Define the following terms by matching the word to its definition:
Christopher Columbus_____
Ferdinand and Isabella_____
Nina, Pinta, Santa Maria_____
Line of Demarcation_____
Treaty of Tordesillas_____
a. Imaginary boundary line showing land that Spain
could explore and claim
b. Term that means Spanish royal governor
c. Ships used by famous explorer in first voyage to
d. The ongoing struggle to remove the Islamic
Moors from Spain
e. Treaty that officially established Spanish and
Portuguese territory in the Americas
f. King and Queen of Spain in the late 15th century
g. Explorer known for “discovering” the Americas
h. Term that means to change a person’s religious
Thoroughly answer the following questions (bullet your answers if necessary):
29. (a) What was Christopher Columbus’s motivation for exploration? (b) Why was his plan so risky?
(a) Wanted to find an all-water route to the west from Europe to Asia in order to avoid the Italians’ monopoly
over the Mediterranean and the dangers/cost of overland routes like the Silk Road; also sought fame and glory,
power, and wealth for himself
(b) Risky because no one knew if the plan would work; underestimated the circumference of the Earth;
expensive undertaking that might end in failure
30. (a) What were Ferdinand and Isabella’s motivations for helping Columbus with his journey? (b) What kinds
of rewards did they promise him if he succeeded?
(a) F. & I. also wanted to avoid expensive trade routes as well; wanted to compete with Portugal’s growing
power; wanted wealth, glory and power for Spain; wanted to spread Christianity to the people of Asia
(b) Promised him wealth and offered to make him viceroy, or royal governor, of the lands he discovered and
claimed for Spain
31. (a) What part of the Americas did Columbus initially explore (i.e. what islands)? (b) What tribal group did he
meet? (c) What did he mistakenly call these people and why?
(a) Initially discovered and explored the islands of the Caribbean, specifically the island of San Salvador (in the
Bahamas), Cuba, and Hispaniola.
(b) Encountered the Taino tribe.
(c) Called these people “Indians” because Columbus mistakenly believed he had reached the East Indies in Asia
32. (a) When Ferdinand and Isabella learned of the natives Columbus met, what was their goal for these
people? (b) How did the pope become involved in these events?
(a) To convert the natives to Christianity and use them as labor on plantations, mines, etc.
(b) Pope created the Line of Demarcation, which stated where Spain and Portugal could claim territory in the
New World (the Americas); later negotiated the Treaty of Tordesillas, changing the boundaries of this territory
33. What problems did Columbus encounter on his later voyages and during his time as viceroy?
(a) Settlement of La Navidad on Hispaniola was destroyed by natives with no survivors
(b) Enslaved the Taino natives against F. & I.’s wishes, removed as viceroy in Caribbean
(c) Shipwrecked on last voyage in Jamaica
Section 2-3: The Race for Trade Routes
Define the following terms by matching the word to its definition:
Vasco de Gama_____
Pedro Cabral_____
John Cabot_____
Amerigo Vespucci_____
Vasco Nunez de Balboa_____
Ferdinand Magellan_____
a. Italian explorer for whom the Americas are
b. Italian explorer who discovered North America
on behalf of England
c. Spanish explorer who searched for the “South
Sea” or Pacific Ocean
d. Term that means to sail around, for example, the
e. Portuguese explorer who claimed Brazil for
f. Portuguese explorer who was the first European
to sail to India around the coast of Africa
g. A narrow passage of water between two larger
bodies of water
h. Portuguese explorer whose crew sailed around
the world on behalf of Spain
Thoroughly answer the following questions (bullet your answers if necessary):
42. Who were some early Portuguese explorers and what were their accomplishments?
(a) Vasco de Gama: first explorer to sail around Africa from Europe to Asia, specifically India
(b) Pedro Cabral: discovered Brazil mistakenly after being blown off course during a storm
(c) Ferdinand Magellan: first to circumnavigate the globe on behalf of Spain, found all-water route west from
Europe to Asia by sailing around Cape Horn (southern tip of South America)
43. Who were some Italian explorers and what were their accomplishments? For which countries did they sail?
(a) Giovanni Caboto (John Cabot): “Discovered” North America on behalf of England; explored coast of what
today is Canada and northeastern North America
(b) Amerigo Vespucci: Explorer and mapmaker who made detailed descriptions of South America, including
plant and wildlife, drew detailed maps of South American coast; Americas are named in his honor
44. (a) Which explorer “discovered” the Pacific Ocean or South Sea? (b) Which explorer’s crew was the first to
circumnavigate the globe, and what was his fate?
(a) Vasco Nunez de Balboa discovered the South Sea after trekking through the Andes Mountains in Colombia
and Panama
(b) Ferdinand Magellan’s crew first to circumnavigate (sail completely around) the world; Magellan died in battle
against Filipino natives
Section 2-4: The Opening of the Atlantic
Define the following terms by matching the word to its definition:
Columbian Exchange_____
Northwest Passage_____
Jacques Cartier_____
Samuel de Champlain_____
Henry Hudson_____
a. Dutch explorer who searched for the Northwest
Passage; has bay in Canada named for him
b. A hypothetical route that would allow ships to
sail from the Atlantic to the Pacific in the Northern
c. French explorer who searched for the Northwest
Passage; sailed up the St. Lawrence River
d. French explorer who founded the colony of
e. The collective transfer of plants, animals, and
diseases from the “New World” back to Europe, and
Thoroughly answer the following questions (bullet your answers if necessary):
50. (a) What countries, aside from Spain, began to explore and look for new trade routes between Europe and
Asia? (b) What route were many countries and explorers looking for by sailing across the Atlantic?
(a) Other countries like England, France, and the Netherlands explored and looked for new trade routes
between Europe and Asia
(b) Looked for the Northwest Passage, which would allow ships and trade to avoid having to go around southern
tip of South America, a long and expensive journey
51. (a) Describe the Columbian Exchange. (b) What kinds of products were involved in this process? (c) What
did explorers and other Europeans bring to the New World inadvertently (and reportedly on purpose)? (d) What
effect did this have on the native population?
(a) Columbian Exchange was the exchange of goods, natural resources, crops, animals, people, and disease
between the Old World (Europe) and the New World (Americas)
(b) Europe to Americas: various types of crops such as wheat, barley, and potatoes; animals such as cattle, pigs,
and horses; Americas to Europe: crops such as soybeans, corn, tomatoes, squash, cocoa beans, tobacco;
exported raw materials such as gold and silver
(c) Explorers and colonists brought diseases to the New World such as smallpox, typhus, measles, etc.
(d) These diseases would kill of much of the native population of the Americas due to their lack of immunity to
European illnesses