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Reading quiz questions for week 3 of BIOL 220 (July 8-10)
For July 8 (45.5)
Which of the following statements about closed circulatory systems is FALSE?
Blood remains in blood vessels.
Blood pressure and blood flow are generally lower than in open circulatory systems. – YES
Blood pressure is supplied by the heart.
Blood flow can be directed to the specific tissues that need it the most.
Vertebrates have this type of circulatory system.
Some animals can survive without circulatory systems by maximizing exchange via diffusion. Which of
the following does NOT help these animals meet their needs via diffusion?
small size
highly folded gastrovascular cavity
a body shape that maximizes the surface area/volume ratio
churning of body fluids
hemolymph’s high viscosity – YES
The blood vessel(s) with the thickest walls is/are the
pulmonary artery
aorta – YES
The leakage of water through the wall of a leaky garden hose is analogous to
fluid leaving the capillaries due to hydrostatic pressure – YES
fluid entering the capillaries due to hydrostatic pressure
fluid leaving the capillaries due to osmotic pressure
fluid entering the capillaries due to osmotic pressure
blood clotting in the capillaries
Blood travels the slowest in
Capillaries – YES
Reading quiz questions for week 3 of BIOL 220 (July 8-10)
For July 9 (45.1-45.3)
Why is there less oxygen at the top of Mount Everest than at sea level?
On Everest, oxygen is a smaller faction of the total atmospheric gases
On Everest, there are no plants to release oxygen into the air
On Everest, the atmospheric pressure is lower, so oxygen levels are lower as well – YES
On Everest, the high levels of ozone (O3) mean there's less room for diatomic oxygen
Which of the following will decrease the rate of diffusion, according to Fick's Law?
Increasing the thickness of the diffusion barrier – YES
Increasing the surface area
Increasing the pressure gradient
Increasing the diffusion constant
Why are fish gills called a "countercurrent exchange" system?
Blood and water flow in opposite directions – YES
Oxygen flows against its gradient
They are most effective for fish swimming against a river's current
Oxygen flows from blood to gills and carbon dioxide flows in the opposite direction
Water flows up from the stomach and out the mouth
When the diaphragm contracts during inhalation, the lungs
Stay the same
Expand because the pressure in the chest cavity becomes more positive
Expand because the pressure in the chest cavity becomes more negative – YES
Collapse because the pressure in the chest cavity becomes more positive
Collapse because the pressure in the chest cavity becomes more negative
When carbon dioxide dissolves in the blood,
Hydrogen ion concentration and pH stay the same
Hydrogen ion concentration increases and pH increases
Hydrogen ion concentration increases and pH decreases – YES
Hydrogen ion concentration decreases and pH increases
Hydrogen ion concentration decreases and pH decreases
Reading quiz questions for week 3 of BIOL 220 (July 8-10)
For July 10 (45.4)
Each molecule of hemoglobin contains _________ heme molecules.
Four – YES
Most of the blood's oxygen is carried by
White blood cells
Red blood cells – YES
According to the "Bohr Shift," the oxygen saturation curve shifts to the right as blood pH drops.
This means that as blood pH drops, the amount of oxygen bound to hemoglobin
Decreases – YES
Does not change
Either increases or decreases, depending on the partial pressure of oxygen
Carbonic anhydrase is an enzyme that converts __________ to _____________ and vice versa.
Oxygen; carbon dioxide
Bicarbonate; chloride and carbonate
Carbon dioxide and water; bicarbonate and hydrogen ions – YES
Water; hydrogen ions and hydroxide
Compared with adult hemoglobin, fetal hemoglobin binds oxygen
More tightly – YES
Less tightly
Equally tightly
More or less tightly, depending on the partial pressure of oxygen