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Our heart is one of the most important organ in our body. It is a
muscle that is responsible for pumping blood around our body.
Our heart is at our chest, located between our lungs and our fifth
and sixth ribs. The biggest part of our heart is at the left side of our
chest, so some people say that our heart is at the left.
Our heart never stops pumping. It contracts rhythmically,
circulating blood around our body. If our heart stops beating,
there will be no blood going around our body, no oxygen going
around our body and we will no longer be able to breathe. The
sound that we hear from our heart is the sound from the moment
when our heart contracts and relaxes or the moment when our
heart valves open and closes.
Our heart has many different parts to it. Every different parts of our
heart has its own function.
The right side of our heart collects de-oxygenated blood from the
body and pump it to our lungs, so carbon dioxide can be dropped
off and oxygen can be picked up. This process can sometimes be
called “Gas Exchange”. The left side of our heart collects
oxygenated blood and pumps it out to our body.One of the parts
of our heart is the aorta, it gives oxygen and blood around our
body. There is also the ventricles, it receives blood from the atrium
and pumps it around our body. We also have the vena cava, it
carries blood from our body to the right side of your heart. These
are only some parts of our heart. There are many more other parts
that helps keep us breathing.
We all have two lungs, Our lungs are one of the largest organ in
our body. Located at our chest, it’s very large that it takes up most
of the space. The left side is divided into two lobes and the right
side is divided into three lobes, they are different sizes too, the left
side is smaller than our right side, because it leaves space for our
Our lungs are the respiration system, it releases energy from food.
Our lungs help us with breathing and taking in oxygen. When you
respire, you take in fresh, new air and breathe out the stale, old air.
Underneath our lungs are the diaphragm, it works with our lungs to
help us inhale and exhale.
Our lungs are protected by our rib cage. Those ribs are connected
with our spine in your back and it goes around our lungs so keep
them safe.
When we breathe in, the diaphragm flattens out, when it flattens
out, it is able to move down and give our lungs more space to
take in air. When we breathe out, our body does the opposite. The
diaphragm moves up and pushes the air out of your lungs.
Our brain is the boss of our body. It tells us what to do at what time.
It even tells us what to do when we are sleeping, that’s where
dreams come from.
There are many parts working together in our brain. The biggest
part is the Cerebrum. It is 85% of our brain. It is the thinking part of
our brain and it controls the voluntary muscles, the muscles that
move when you want them to. The cerebrum is also the part that
keeps all of our memories. It is divided into 2 parts. We believe that
the right part is the part that thinks abstract (music, art, drama
etc.). The left part is the part that thinks about things like maths,
science, speech etc. The right side of the cerebrum controls our
left side of the body and the left side of the cerebrum controls the
right side of our body. We also have the brain stem, the small but
wise part. It is beneath the cerebrum. It connects our brain to our
neck and back. The brain stem is in charge of the important things
like breathing, digesting food and circulating blood.
The other job that our brain stem has is to control the involuntary
muscles, the ones that work automatically. Pituitary Gland, the
other part of our brain, is responsible for controlling growth. It is very
small, approximately the size of a pea. It releases hormones into
our body. It plays a big part in puberty.
Our brain also controls our emotions. Our brain has cells in them
called amygdala, it controls your feelings.