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AI from the Perspective of Cognitive Science
Study Questions for Meeting #2
Examples of AI programs and topics, Basic issues
Copeland Chapter 2 (“Dazzling Exhibits”)
1. Do Parry and Eliza (2.2, 2.3) seem to possess “intelligence”? Does the initial
computer program (2.1)? What do the latter possess that the former does not?
What “knowledge” or “tricks” do you think they use? (You will have to guess, or
else you can “cheat” by looking up “Eliza” or “chatterbot” on the internet—We
will have a chat with Eliza during the next meeting).
2. What aspects of intelligence does Shrdlu exhibit (that Parry and Eliza do not)?
Can you point to specific examples from the transcript to support your
conclusions? What aspects/knowledge does Shrdlu seem to be lacking?
3. There is a saying that “Computers can only do what they are programmed to do.”
Does Hacker falsify this saying? What about Samuel’s checker program?
4. Which program possesses more intelligence, Deep Blue (which beat Kasparov at
chess) or General Problem Solver (GPS), which can solve simple “brain teaser”
puzzles? Is it possible that they both work in the same way?
5. Which brand of AI is most relevant to Cognitive Science, Human AI or Alien AI?
How do we know whether an AI program belongs to one camp or the other?
6. Compare SAM’s and FRUMP’s understanding of language to Parry’s and Eliza’s.
What unique capacities do SAM and FRUMP exhibit?
7. Copeland asserts that expert systems are “not much more than automated
reference manuals” (p. 32). Based on the example from MYCIN, do you agree?
What does a “real” expert have that MYCIN and Dendral do not?
Goldsmith & Nevo (Sections 13.1 – 13.2)
1. What is your favorite definition of “Artificial Intelligence?” (Look also at the
links from the course web site.)
2. According to the authors, what is the “main problem” (‫ )הבעיה העיקרית‬of AI?
What is the difference between “data” and “knowledge”?
3. What is “common sense”? Is it knowledge, thinking ability, something else?
4. How does the distinction between the “cognitive” and “intelligent-machines”
approaches to AI map onto Copeland’s distinction between “human” and “alien”
5. Regarding each AI domain in section 13.2:
a. What are the main problems (challenges) that make it difficult for
computers to do the tasks?
b. Think of some examples of computer (AI) applications in each domain
with which you are familiar in everyday life.