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September 1st 1939- September 2nd 1945
After WW1 Germany was very
upset after the treaty of
versailles they were the
scapegoat and fell into
depression after receiving the
expense from the war
During a time of depression The
Soviet Union ,Germany,Italy, and
Japan a ruler with total power over
their country (dictator) was
mandatory for its people’s survival
Adolf Hitler (Germany)
-Adolf Hitler was born in Austria on April 20th, 1889
-He committed suicide on April 30th, 1945
-In the early 1920s Hitler gave speeches to the German population
and he was seen as a hero
-He was thrown in jail in 1923 while there he wrote Mein Kampf
-1933 Hitler and Nazis rise to power
-He was appointed chancellor but in 1934 when president
Hindenburg died he took all the power
Benito Mussolini (Italy)
-Born on July 29, 1883 in Dovia, di Predappio, Forli, Italy
-1919 forms fascist movement in Italy
-1922 organized “Black Shirts”, which terrorized political opponents
and helped increase Fascist influence
-1925 made himself dictator
-1935 invaded Ethiopia
-1939 Germany and Italy signed pact of steel
-1942 Mussolini was forced to resign and was arrested
-April 28, 1945 in Mezzegra, Italy Mussolini and Claretta Petacci were
Joseph Stalin (The Soviet Union)
-Born on December 18, 1878 in Gori, Georgia
- Died March 5th, 1953 in Moscow, Russia
--1922 he became secretary general of the central committee of
The communist party
-December 28th, 1922 declaration of the USSR
--Late 1920s he became dictator of the soviet Union/ launched
series of 5- year plans to transform the Soviet Union into an
industrial power.
-1939 signed non aggression pact with Hitler
-1941 Germany invaded USSR which became the turning point of
the war
Tojo Hideki/Hirohito (Japan)
Tojo Hideki:
-Used his position as head of the military police of Japan’s garrison
force to invade Manchuria on September 18,1931
-Pushed for alliance with Germany
-Gave approvals to attacks on the United States,Great Britain, and the
Dutch East Indies,in December 1941
-1941 signed Tripartite pact with Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy
-Consented decision to battle America(Pearl Harbor)
-Made radio broadcast announcing Japan’s surrender on August
American Neutrality
-Americans were determined to avoid war after having
been in debt from World War 1
-Congress passed Neutrality Acts in 1935,1936, and 1937
-The laws barred the transportation or sale of arms to
western nations and banned loans to nations at war
outside the Western Hemisphere
-October 5,1937 FDR warned the American People that the
war was contagious; He also believed Germany,Italy, and
Japan were “bad neighbors”, however he signed the
Neutrality acts
Cash and Carry
-In 1939 Neutrality Act, FDR succeeded in renewing
“Cash and carry” and expanded the policy to include
arms sales
-Loans to the warring nations were still prohibited in
the Act and American ships were not allowed to
“Carry” the weapons to foreign ports
Franklin D Roosevelt Helps:Lend -Lease Act
-Passed in March 1941, the Lend-Lease Act provided U.S. military
aid to foreign nations during World War 2
-The act authorized the president to transfer arms or any other
defense materials for which congress appropriated money to
“the government of any country whose defense the president
deems vital to the defense of the united states “
-Britain, the soviet Union, China, Brazil, and many other countries
received weapons under this law
-Enabled British to keep fighting until events led America into the
-Brought America one step closer to the war
Key Axis vs Allied Powers
Axis: Germany, Italy and Japan
Allied: Great Britain, France, the
Soviet Union, and America
Attack on Pearl Harbor (December 7th, 1941)
-Hitler and the Emperor of Japan signed pact and became allies
-On December 7th, 1941, Japanese bombers launched a surprise attack
on American naval,air, and ground forces at Pearl Harbor, on the
Hawaiian island of Oahu
-The attack was planned by General Hideki Tojo, it was created to
cripple the United States in the pacific and prevent them from stopping
the Japanese from expanding their empire
-On December 8th, 1941 Franklin Roosevelt addressed the US congress;
Congress voted to declare war on Japan
-Germany and Italy declared war on the United States
-Americans were again involved in a world war
-Will lead to Internment of Japanese Americans
Pearl Harbor’s Effects
-Pearl Harbor helped America out of the Great Depression but into
the war
Korematsu vs U.S. (1941)
-The court upheld the constitutionality of detention camps of
Japanese Americans
-Anyone American with Japanese descent were convicted in
federal court of “knowingly remaining in a designated military
area in San Leandro, California”
-Required All Japanese Americans to live on restricted areas
-The U.S. was thrust into world War 2 and everyday
life was dramatically altered
-Food,gas, and clothing were rationed
-Women found employment as electricians,
welders, and riveters in defense plants
-Japanese Americans had their rights stripped
-The U.S. grew increasingly dependent on radio
U.S. Involvement
1.The Soviet Union switches sides
-Originally the Soviet Union signed a nonaggression pact with Germany in
1939, however on June 22,1941 Germany invaded the Soviet Union (Operation
-On June 6,1944, more than 160,000 Allied Troops landed along the French
Coastline, to fight Germany on the beaches of Normandy, France
-The Normandy landings have been called the beginning of the End of war in
3.Island Hopping
-island hopping: to gain military bases and secure the many small islands in the
-The US army moved closer to Japan, taking control of many of the surrounding
4. Atomic Bombs
-August 1939, Albert Einstein wrote a letter to FDR to warn him that the Nazis are
working on the atomic bomb
-December 1941, the American government launched the Manhattan Project, the
scientific and military undertaking to develop the bombs
5.War Bonds
-Effort to lend money to the government
6. Ration stamps
-Stamps allowed families to buy a certain amount of goods that were rationed
because of the war
Defeat of Germany & Japan
V-E Day: (Also known as victory in Europe day.) On May 8th, 1945, in
Prague, Germans surrendered to their soviet antagonists. The German
surrender was realized in a final cease-fire. More surrender
documents were signed in Berlin and in eastern Germany.
V-J Day: (Victory over Japan Day.) On August 15, 1945, the news of
surrender was announced to the world. On August 6th, 1945, America
dropped an atomic bomb on the city of Hiroshima. Three days later
another atomic bomb was dropped on the city of Nagasaki. Japan had
no other option but to surrender.
The Holocaust
-Period: January 30, 1933 - May 8,1945
-6 million European Jews along with children, the old, gypsies, mulatto
children, homosexuals, poles, slaves, and people with physical and mental
-Throughout Adolf Hitler’s rise of power he clearly established that he was an
anti-jew. He also wanted to exterminate any type of person that he felt was
unfit for his ideal Aryan Society
-Those groups of unfortunate people were sent to concentration camps. The
strong and fit were sent to labor camps, and both the old
and weak were sent to death camps
-In the camps people were starved, dehydrated (only given sea -water to
drink), abused, were subjects to medical experiments, were thrown in ovens,
shot, and thrown in gas chambers
-Anne Frank became famous for writing a diary during the time in hiding
and in the camps
-Peoples’ only way of survival was to hide, to keep the strength to live
and fight to live, and to hope the Allied powers would come to save them
-The world hadn’t found out about the Holocaust until late June in 1941
-On December 17, 1942 the Allied Powers issued a proclamation
condemning the concentration camps, and declaring punishment to
hold those responsible for their actions
-The Nuremberg Trials were a series of 13 trials carried out in
Nuremberg, Germany between 1945 and 1949 to punish the Nazi officers