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Pharmacology Paper: Acebutolol Drug
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Acebutolol drugs are used to treat heart failure, blood pressure and irregularly of the heart
beats. Acebutolol drug belongs to beta-blocker drug class. Acebutolol is used to treat mitral
prolapse. Acebutolol drug is used to block the b-adrenergic. Acebutolol drug can be utilized
alone or in combination with other medicine. The use of acebutolol drug is determined by the
doctor who is making the prescription. The acebutolol drug has the pharmacokinetic properties
in the patient body. Acebutolol drug has pharmacodynamics features in the body. Like other
drug, acebutolol has some adverse and side effect and the risk that can affect the function of
the body. Acebutolol drug has an allergic effect, and there is a precaution that needs to be
followed by the patient to avoid the adverse outcome of the drug. The patient is supposed to
get the direction of the dose from the doctor. In the case of any negative side effect the patient
is expected to contact the doctor for further instruction. The work below tries to show a
summarization of acebutolol description, description of class acebutolol drug belong, the
pharmacokinetic and pharmacokinetic properties of acebutolol, the adverse and side effect of
the acebutolol drug.
Introduction of acebutolol drug
Acebutolol is a beta-blocker drug that is used to treat high blood pressure. Acebutolol drug is
off-white powder free soluble in water and less soluble in alcohol. (Skidmore,2012) states that
chemically, acebutolol drug is defined as a hydrochloride salt. Acebutolol may be used alone
or in combination with another drug for better medication. The combination of acebutolol drug
should be through doctor prescription. Acebutolol drug can also be used to treat the heart best
irregulars. A physician may also use acebutolol to treat other condition. Acebutolol helps the
heartbeats to slow down and the patient to get regular heart beats. A patient should not employ
acebutolol drug with the allergy to any of ingredient in acebutolol when a patient has slow heart
beats rates, progressive heart failure and shock caused by the severe heart problem. Before
taking acebutolol drug, the patient is advised to tell the doctor if they have any medical
condition for example if you are pregnant, planning to become or breastfeeding, if a patient is
allergic to medicine. Acebutolol is administered by mouth with or without food. The patient is
advised to take acebutolol at the same time each day so that it will be easy to take it. The patient
should not stop taking the medication even if they feel well. Acebutolol drug indicates the
management of hypertension in adult. Ventricular Arrhythmias help to manage the premature
heartbeats (Aronson, 2016).
Class of acebutolol drug
Acebutolol drug belongs to beta-blockers drugs class. Beta-blocker act as blocking agent. The
beta-adrenergic blocking agent treats variety of condition for example high blood pressure and
migraines this happens when the beta-blocker slows the heart beats by reducing the blood
pressure. Beta-blocker are used to prevent, treat and improve symptom in the variety of
condition that is high blood pressure, irregular heart rhythm, heart failure, chest pain and certain
types of tremors. Beta-blocker may not work effectively for black and older especially when
taken without blood pressure medications. Beta-blockers should not be taken by people with
asthma because the drug activates asthma attacks. When taking beta-blocker, the patient should
monitor their blood pressure. Beta-blocker may affect cholesterol which may cause
triglycerides and decrease high-density are temporary. Beta-blocker are used to treat angina
and reducing the chest pain caused by narrowing of the arteries supplying of the heart. Heart
failure where the beta-blocker helps to pump enough blood around the body. Beta-blocker are
used to help in the supplying the blood to the heart. Patient with the allergy to any of the
ingredient of beta-blocker should talk with the doctor before medication. Beta-blocker interacts
with other medicine. Beta-blocker reduces the case of hospitalization and death due to heart
Pharmacokinetic properties of acebutolol drug
Acebutolol drugs are well absorbed from the GI tract, but they undergo substantial first pass
metabolization leading to bioavailability. Optimal plasma level of acebutolol drug takes up to
2 to 2.5 hours after being administered. Acebutolol drug undergoes extensive hepatic
metabolism after des butylamine. Acebutolol has the half-life of 3 to 4 hours, and diacetolol
has a half-life of 8-13 hours. Diacetolol is active as acebutolol and appear to have the same
pharmacologic profile. The geriatric patient tends to have high higher highest plasma level of
thus lengthening the excretion (Watson, 2012).
Within the single oral range of 200 to 400g, the kinetics are the direction proportional.
Acebutolol drug has less effect on the peripheral. The absorption of the acebutolol is 2.5 and
has 40% bioavailability. Food may decrease the absorption of the acebutolol. Distribution of
the acebutolol drug is through hydrophilic, and it crossed the placenta and excreted in the breast
milk. The metabolism of the acebutolol drug is first- hepatic biotransformation mostly when
there is decrease elimination of the diacetolol resulting in a 2-3-fold increase. Acebutolol drug
should be administered with cause to reduce the side effects associated with the drug. Liver
cancer does not change the pharmacokinetic profile of the parent drug and metabolite.
Acebutolol drug has low binding affinity for the plasma protein. Acebutolol drug is dialyzable.
Acebutolol concealed in the breast milk.
Pharmacodynamic properties of the acebutolol drugs
Acebutolol had the potential to antagonize isoproterenol-induced tachycardia B1 than
antagonizing isoproterenol -induced vasodilation B2. Acebutolol establishes the vascular and
bronchial effects. Vascular effects of the acebutolol drug have the weakly opposed effect on
the peripheral vascular B2 receptors at rest and after epinephrine stimulation than nonselective
B-antagonist. Bronchial effect of the acebutolol drug, a single dose in the asthmatic examining
effects it may cause. Acebutolol drug shows less evidence of bronchoconstriction and less
reduction of beta agonist.
Lenz, & Gillespie, (2011), acebutolol drug has lower resting heart rates when allied from
another beta-blocker drug. The chronic therapy with acebutolol induced no significant
alteration in the blood lipid profile. Acebutolol drug has conduction time and to increase the
refractories of the node recovery time the membrane stabilizing effect of acebutolol is not
patent at the doses used clinically. After the administration of the acebutolol drug, there is the
reduction in resting and exercise heart rates and systolic blood pressure. Acebutolol drug has
shown the significant effect on exercise-induced 24-30 hours after administration.
Acebutolol drugs show the substantial relationship between the plasma level of acebutolol drug
and the decline in the resting heart beats. Rendering to Dolton, Roufogalis, & McLachlan
(2012), patients answering to acebutolol drug should administer twice each day. Most patient
respond to 400 to 800 mg daily in divided dose. Antiarrhythmic efficacy of acebutolol is in
observation even during exercise.
Adverse effects and side effect of the acebutolol drug
The side effects associated with acebutolol drug includes; the drug cause allergy to the patient
in this case patient are expected to check the ingredient of the acebutolol to see if there is any
that they are allergic. The adverse effect of acebutolol drug is mild abnormalities in the patient
that takes acebutolol drug. White, & Bradnam, (2015) upholds that dizziness after the
administering the medicine. The patient may experience Diarrhea is due to the different
reaction-participating in the body. A patient may experience uneven heartbeats mostly in the
case where the patient has some other condition. The patient may experience the chest pain due
to being short of the breath. Due to allergy effect of the drug the patient may see swelling of
the ankle and on feet. After taking acebutolol drug, the patient may have nausea, stomach pain,
low fever and loss of the appetite. The patient may encounter feeling depressed and feeling
cold in hand and feet.
Patient taking acebutolol drug may have the small sex drive and difficulties having an orgasm.
The patient may have the issue when sleeping and feeling tired and feeling anxiety. The patient
is advised to contact the doctor in case of any of the side-effect. A severe allergy reaction is
rare, but in the event of any, the patient is advised to see a doctor for more instruction.
Acebutolol drug may cause muscle ache due to lack of enough blood in the flow.
The adverse effect associated with acebutolol drug include; effect on the central nervous system
where the patient experience depression, has the short-term memory, emotional lability and the
decline in the performance of the nerve.
Risk and benefit of acebutolol drug
Lowe, Henderson, Grau, Hansen, & Sontheimer (2011), many people with asthma should not
have the prescription of acebutolol drugs. The patient with any pulmonary disease should take
less dose of acebutolol and with close monitoring. Acebutolol drug tends to block the receptors
on the breathing passages; this narrowing of the airway thus making asthma worse. To the
patient with diabetes, acebutolol drug may hide the signs of little sugar thus making it hard to
know when sugar is low. Patient with unfortunate circulation faces the risk of reduced blood
pressure leading to less blood flow in the body. Patient with heart failure faces the danger of
making the condition worse when they use acebutolol drug. Patient with overactive thyroid
face the risk of confusion, fast heartbeats, shaking, sweating and agitation. According to
Skidmore, & Brenner (2013), acebutolol drug when taken by a breastfeeding mother it tends
to pass serious effect in the child being breastfed. Acebutolol drug causes an allergic reaction
for example trouble when breathing, swelling of the throat and skin rash. When the patient
takes too much of the acebutolol drug, they are at risk of low blood pressure.
Acebutolol drug is used to treat high blood pressure. When lowing the blood pressure,
acebutolol drug reduces the occurrence of heart attack, stroke, and kidney failure. Acebutolol
drug prevents the irregular heartbeats thus lessen the cause of heart attack. Acebutolol drug is
also used to prevent chest pain and improve the survival after heart attack.
In Aronson, J. K., & Meyler, L. (2016). Meyler's side effects of drugs: The international
encyclopedia of adverse drug reactions and interactions.
Skidmore-Roth, L. (2012). Mosby's 2012 nursing drug reference. St. Louis, Mo:
Skidmore-Roth, L., & Brenner, T. L. (2013). Mosby's drug guide for nursing students.
White, R., & Bradnam, V. (2015). Handbook of drug administration via enteral feeding tubes.
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Watson, D. G. (2012). Pharmaceutical Analysis: A Textbook for Pharmacy Students and
Pharmaceutical Chemists. London: Elsevier Health Sciences UK.
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Lowe, G., Henderson, C. L., Grau, R. H., Hansen, C. B., & Sontheimer, R. D. (March 01,
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