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Youngstown City Schools
Grade 5 Science Curriculum Map
See Model Curriculum
Content Statements
Physical Science (PS)
Instructional Practices
Matter and Motion
The amount of change in movement of an object is based on the mass
of the object and the amount of force exerted.
Movement can be measured by speed. The speed of an object is
calculated by determining the distance (d) traveled in a period of time
Earth pulls down on all objects with a gravitational force. Weight is a
measure of the gravitational force between an object and the Earth.
Any change in speed or direction of an object requires a force and is
affected by the mass* of the object and the amount of force applied.
Note 1: Gravity and magnetism are introduced
Light, Sound and Motion
Light and sound are forms of energy that behave in predicable ways.
Sound is produced by vibrating objects and requires a medium
through which to travel. The rate of vibration is related to the
pitch of the sound.
YCSD 5th Grade Science Curriculum Map – updated: 9/1/2014
In all investigations, it is understood that the teacher is the facilitator
and the student is the investigator doing the investigations. It is
advisable to limit the whole-class demonstrations where the teacher
is the doer and the student is the observer. The roles are to be
reversed; teacher as observer, student as doer.
Conduct investigations to study the relationship between mass and gravity
Conduct investigations to study the relationship between force and motion
Conduct investigations centered around speed as a concept not a mathematical
Investigate the relationship between length and pitch.
Investigate how different mediums impact the behavior of sound.
Trade books/Read alouds
Writing Activities (informational, persuasive, narratives, poetry, responses,
Page 1
Youngstown City Schools
Grade 5 Science Curriculum Map
See Model Curriculum
Content Statements
Instructional Practice
Physical Science (PS) Life Science (LS)
Light, Sound, and Motion
Light and sound are forms of energy that behave in
predictable ways.
Light travels and maintains its direction until it
interacts with an object or moves from one
medium to another and then it can be reflected,
refracted or absorbed.
All of the processes that take place within organisms
require energy.
For ecosystems, the major source of energy is sunlight.
Energy entering ecosystems as sunlight is transferred
and transformed by producers into energy that
organisms use through the process of photosynthesis.
That energy then passes from organism to organism as
illustrated in food webs.
In all investigations, it is understood that the teacher is the facilitator and the student is
the investigator doing the investigations. It is advisable to limit the whole-class
demonstrations where the teacher is the doer and the student is the observer. The roles
are to be reversed; teacher as observer, student as doer.
Investigations on how light travels; reflection, refraction, absorption
Explore the properties of light (i.e. travels in a straight line, etc.)
Trace the energy flow that occurs in organisms within different environments
Use food webs to illustrate the flow of energy
Trade books/Read alouds
Writing Activities, (informational, persuasive, narratives, poetry, responses, research, etc.)
In most ecosystems, energy derived from the sun is
transferred and transformed into energy that organisms
use by the process of photosynthesis in plants and other
photosynthetic organisms.
YCSD 5th Grade Science Curriculum Map – updated: 9/1/2014
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Youngstown City Schools
Grade 5 Science Curriculum Map
See Model Curriculum
Content Statements
Instructional Practices
Earth and Space Science (ESS) Life Sciences (LS)
Matter and Motion
Most of the cycles and patterns of motion between the Earth and
sun are predictable.
Earth’s revolution around the sun takes approximately 365
days. Earth completes one rotation on its axis in a 24-hour
period, producing day and night. This rotation makes the sun,
stars and moon appear to change position in the sky. Earth’s
axis is tilted at an angle of 23.5°. This tilt, along with Earth’s
revolution around the sun, affects the amount of direct sunlight
that the Earth receives in a single day and throughout the year.
The average daily temperature is related to the amount of direct
sunlight received. Changes in average temperature throughout
the year are identified as seasons.
Interactions within Ecosystems
Organisms perform a variety of roles in an ecosystem
Populations of organisms can be categorized by how they acquire
Food webs can be used to identify the relationships among producers,
consumers and decomposers in an ecosystem
*Content up to this point can be on the Performance Based
Assessment (PBA)*
In all investigations, it is understood that the teacher is the facilitator
and the student is the investigator doing the investigations. It is
advisable to limit the whole-class demonstrations where the teacher is
the doer and the student is the observer. The roles are to be reversed;
teacher as observer, student as doer.
Conduct investigations to study the impact the tilt of the Earth has on the
seasons (this can be done 3 or 4 times throughout the school year)
Study the connections between the tilt of the Earth, the seasons, and the
average daily temperature in regions of the world. Use 3D models and a light
source to demonstrate.
Eclipse and Moon Phase Simulation
Collect data on the motion and position of sun, moon, stars in the sky over a
period of time in order to investigate the predictable patterns and cycles
Design and build a variety of self-sustaining ecosystems
Trade books/Read alouds
Writing Activities, (informational, persuasive, narratives, poetry, responses,
research, etc.)
YCSD 5th Grade Science Curriculum Map – updated: 9/1/2014
Page 3
Youngstown City Schools
Grade 5 Science Curriculum Map
See Model Curriculum
Content Statements
Instructional Practices
Earth and Space Sciences (ESS)
Cycles and Patterns in our Solar System
The solar system includes the sun and all celestial bodies that orbit
the sun. Each planet in the solar system has unique characteristics
The distance from the sun, size, composition and movement of each
planet are unique. Planets revolve around the sun in elliptical orbits.
Some of the planets have moons and/or debris that orbit them.
Comets, asteroids and meteoroids orbit the sun.
The sun is one of many stars that exist in the universe.
The sun appears to be the largest star in the sky because it is the
closest star to Earth. Some stars are larger than the sun and some
stars are smaller than the sun.
*Content to this point will be on the End of Year Assessment (EOY)*
In all investigations, it is understood that the teacher is the facilitator
and the student is the investigator doing the investigations. It is
advisable to limit the whole-class demonstrations where the teacher is
the doer and the student is the observer. The roles are to be reversed;
teacher as observer, student as doer.
In small groups conduct and present research on the planets and celestial
bodies that orbit the sun. Making sure to include the major characteristics of
each planet and celestial body to determine the viability of human habitation.
The use of models to represent the vast differences in size between the sun,
the planets, and the celestial bodies.
Eclipse and Moon Phase Simulation
Trade books/Read alouds
Writing Activities, (informational, persuasive, narratives, poetry,
responses, research, etc.)
YCSD 5th Grade Science Curriculum Map – updated: 9/1/2014
Page 4
Youngstown City Schools
Grade 5 Science Curriculum Map
May/ June
See Model Curriculum
Content Statements
All content (LS) (PS) (ESS)
The sun is one of many stars that exist in the universe.
The solar system includes the sun and all celestial bodies that
orbit the sun. Each planet in the solar system has unique
Instructional Practices
In all investigations, it is understood that the teacher is the facilitator
and the student is the investigator doing the investigations. It is
advisable to limit the whole-class demonstrations where the teacher
is the doer and the student is the observer. The roles are to be
reversed; teacher as observer, student as doer.
Organisms perform a variety of roles in an ecosystem
Most of the cycles and patterns of motion between the
Earth and sun are predictable.
All of the processes that take place within organisms require
Light and sound are forms of energy that behave in
predictable ways.
Light and sound are forms of energy that behave in predicable
The amount of change in movement of an object is based on
the mass of the object and the amount of force exerted.
YCSD 5th Grade Science Curriculum Map – updated: 9/1/2014
At this point, teachers can review any material students
struggled with or need further instruction.
Students can create their own investigations on any of the
topics that were of interest and present to the class.
Students can review each other’s work.
Trade books/Read alouds
Writing Activities, (informational, persuasive, narratives, poetry,
responses, research, etc.)
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