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Essential part of Basal Ganglia is:
(a) Substantia nigra
(c) Golgi bodies
(b) Superior colliculi
(d) Amyloid bodies
(c) Inferior colliculi
(d) Caudate Nucleus
Renal columns of Bertin are:
(a) Extension of cortical tissues between
(b) Juxtaglomerular apparatus
(c) Renal papillae
(d) All of the above
The main action of triceps on arms is
(a) Medial rotation
(b) Lateral rotation
Which one of the following is a Tensor of Linea
(a) Adductor magnus
(b) Obturator externus
(c) Obturator internus
Which one is lined by Columnar Epithelium?
(b) Central canal of spinal cord
(d) Tympanic membrane
Special Stave cells are seen in:
(b) Brain sand
Pineal Gland contains:
(a) Herring bodies
Hassall’s Corpuscles are seen in:
Avascular Necrosis is seen in:
(c) Trapezium
10. Zygomaticus Major Muscle is supplied by:
(a) Abducens nerve
(b) Oculomotor nerve
(c) Trochlear nerve
(d) Facial nerve
11. Which one of the following muscle is not a
superficial muscle?
(b) Occipital belly of Frontalis muscle
(d) Adductor magnus
12. Umbilical cord consists of:
(a) 2 umbilical arteries + 2 umbilical veins
(b) 1 umbilical artery + 2 umbilical veins
(c) 2 umbilical arteries + 1 umbilical vein
(d) 1 umbilical artery + 1 umbilical vein
13. Spinal cord in adult ends at the level of:
(a) L1 vertebra
(b) L2 vertebra
(c) S1 vertebra
(d) L3 vertebra
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14. The nerve supply of Cremaster muscle is:
21. Vertebra prominence is:
(a)T11, 12 nerve roots
(b) Genitofemoral nerve
(c)L5 , S1 nerve roots
(d) Ilioinguinal nerve
15. Rotator cuff consists all of the following, except:
(b) Infraspinatus tendon
(c) Subscapularis muscle
(d) Teres major muscle
16. Posterior pituitary bodies are:
23. Safety muscle of tongue is:
(a) Herring bodies
(b) Brain sand
(c) Golgi bodies
(d) Amyloid bodies
17. Anterior
24. The stability of the vertebral column is due to:
(a) Motor loss
(a) Vertebra and vertebral discs
(b) Sensory loss
(b) Interspinous ligaments
(c) Para spinal muscle
18. Which of the following is not a branch of the
basilar artery?
(a) Labyrinthine artery
(c) Pontine artery
(d) Posterior communicating artery
19. Which is not found on the lateral wall of the nose:
(b) Superior concha
(c) Lamina papyracea
(d) Bulla ethmoidalis
20. Abdominal aorta divides at the level of:
(a) Supraspinatus tendon
22. All the muscles of the tongue are supplied by XII
cranial nerve, except:
25. Bile duct opens into:
(a) Second part of the duodenum
(b) Third part of duodenum
(c) First part of duodenum
26. Left testicular vein drains into:
(a) Left renal vein
27. Anteriorly transverse sinus of pericardium is
related to the:
28. Anterior spinal artery is a branch of:
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(a) Vertebral artery
(b) Basilar artery
(c) Labyrinthine artery
(d) Internal carotid artery
29. Complete Claw hand occurs in Palsy of:
(a) Radial Nerve
(b) Ulnar Nerve
(a) Pseudo-stratified columnar non ciliated cells,
goblet cells and basal cells
(b) Pseudo-stratified columnar ciliated cells, goblet
cells and basal cells
(c) Stratified columnar non
goblet cells and basal cells
(d) Stratified non columnar
goblet cells and basal cells
36. Ascending pharyngeal artery is a branch of:
(c) Both Median + Ulnar Nerve
(a) Arch of aorta
(d) Median Nerve
(b) Inferior thyroid artery
30. Which of the following cartilage is not calcified?
(a) Epiglottis
(c) Superior thyroid artery
(d) External carotid artery
37. In Gray matter of cerebellum all the following
nuclei are present, except:
(a) Nucleus globosus
(b) Nucleus emboliform
31. Anterior Interventricular septum is supplied by:
(a) Circumflex artery
(b) Left Coronary artery
(c) Nucleus dentate
(d) Nucleus caudatus
38. True facts about tremor associated with cerebellar
lesions are all, except:
(c) Right Coronary artery
(a) Called resting tremor
(d) Right Marginal artery
(b) Seen predominantly in extremities
32. Muscle attaching to vertebra and lower limb is:
(b) Psoas major
(c) Rectus femoris
(d) Biceps femoris
33. Axillary sheath is derived from:
(a) Clavipectoral fascia
(c) Occurs ipsilateral to lesion
(d) has coarse, irregular quality
39. Broca’s area is localized in:
(a) Superior temporal gyrus
(b) Parietal lobe
(c) Inferior frontal lobe
(d) Angular gyrus
40. Which of the following is lateral rotator of knee?
(b) Prevertebral fascia
(c) Pretracheal fascia
(c) Biceps femoris
34. Floor of nose is formed by:
(a) Palatine process of maxilla
35. The Epithelial Lining of the Trachea is composed of:
(b) Horizontal plate of palatine bone
(c) Both a and b
(d) Vastus medialis
41. CSF Rhinorrhea is due to fracture of:
(a) Crista galli
(b) Cribriform plate
(c) Inferior turbinate
(d) Foramen caecum
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42. Brachial plexus is formed by:
(a)C5 - T1
(b)C5 - C8
(c)C5 - C7 (C8)
(d)C5 - C (T1)
(a) Pontine artery
(b) Anterior cerebral artery
(c) Middle cerebral artery
47. Ophthalmic artery is a branch of:
(a) Pontine artery
(a) Condylar joint
(b) Anterior cerebral artery
(b) Ellipsoid joint
(c) Middle cerebral artery
(c) Hinge joint
(d) Saddle joint
44. Which among the following does not open into
coronary sinus?
(a) Great cardiac vein
(b) Middle cardiac vein
(c) Small cardiac vein
(d) Anterior cardiac vein
45. In mid prone which one is the main flexor of
48. Artery lying in lateral sulcus of brain is:
(a) Pontine artery
(b) Anterior cerebral artery
(c) Middle cerebral artery
49. Artery arching over corpus callosum of brain is:
(a) Pontine artery
(b) Anterior cerebral artery
(c) Middle cerebral artery
50. Which muscle is not developed from first arch?
(a) Muscle of mastication
(b) Anterior Belly of digastric
43. Elbow joint is a:
46. Branch of basilar artery is:
(c) Posterior Belly of digastricus
Ramsay Hunt syndrome effects:
(b) Ottic ganglion
Winging of Scapula seen in:
(a) Serratus injury
(d) Ciliary ganglion
(b) Latissimus injury
Peripheral Heart is:
(c) Pectoralis injury
(d) Trapezius injury
Corneal surface of eye is supplied by:
(a)5th cranial nerve
(d) Tibialis anterior
(b)7th cranial nerve
Olfactory pathways end at:
(a) Caudate Nucleus
(b) Pyriform area
(c)9th cranial nerve
(d)3rd cranial nerve
10. Most prominent vertebra is:
(c) Brocas area
(a) Axis vertebra
(d) Calcarine sulcus
(b) Atlas vertebra
Pseudo Stratified Epithelium is found in:
(a) Fallopian tube
Lymphatic drainage of the umbilicus is:
(a) Above into axillary nodes
(b) Below into inguinal nodes
Inferior rectal artery is a branch of:
(c) C4 vertebra
(d) C7 vertebra
11. Motor supply of diaphragm is by following nerve:
(a) Phrenic nerve
(b) Redial nerve
(c) Circumflex nerve
(d) Spinal accessory nerve
12. Which of the following is known as ‘the police
man of the abdomen’?
(a) Appendices epiploicae
(b) Greater omentum
(a) Pudendal artery
(c) Lesser sac
(b) Aorta artery
(d) Peritoneal cavity
(c) Internal iliac artery
(d) External iliac artery
Left anterior descending artery in heart is a branch
(a) Left main coronary artery
(b) Right coronary artery
13. Knee jerk mediated through:
(a)L3 vertebra
(b)L2 vertebra
(c)L4 vertebra
(d)L1 vertebra
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14. Cricothyroid muscle is supplied by:
21. Middle meningeal artery passes through:
(a) External laryngeal nerve
(a) Foramen spinosum
(b) Internal laryngeal nerve
(b) Foramen ovale
(c) Recurrent laryngeal nerve
(c) Foramen rotunda
(d) Foramen magendae
15. Bell’s Palsy Effects:
22. Nervous Spinosus passes through:
(a) Foramen spinosum
(b) Glossopharyngeal nerve
(b) Foramen ovale
(c) Vagus nerve
(c) Foramen rotunda
(d) Trigeminal nerve
(d) Foramen magendae
16. All are true about Horner syndrome, except:
23. Anatomic landmark of mastoid antrum is:
(a) Suprameatal triangle
(b) Digastrics triangle
17. Fascia coli is:
(c) Carotid triangle
24. Knee jerk mediated through:
(a) Clavipectrol fascia
(a) L3 vertebra
(b) Postvertebral fascia
(b) L2 vertebra
(c) Pre tracheal fascia
(c) L4 vertebra
(d) Deep cervical fascia of neck
(d) L1 vertebra
18. Trabeculae Carneae is found in:
25. A part of Pituitary develops from:
(a) Right ventricle
(a) Rathke pouch
(b) Left atrium
(b) Pharyngeal arch II
(c) Right atrium
(c) Ultimobranchial body
(d) coronary sinus
(d) Pharyngeal Pouch
19. Parietal pleura crosses mid axillary line in:
26. Two Bellies are seen with:
(a)10th rib
(b)8th rib
(c)9th rib
(d)12th rib
20. Which does not passes through Jugular foramen?
(a) Facial nerve
27. Foot drop is due to damage of:
(a)8th cranial nerve
(a) Deep peroneal nerve
(b)9th cranial nerve
(b) Superficial peroneal nerve
(c)10th cranial nerve
(c) Posterior interosseous nerve
(d)11th cranial nerve
(d) Sciatic nerve
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28. In most cases Cystic artery is a branch of:
(a) Right hepatic artery
(a) Hinge joint
(b) Left hepatic artery
(b) Pivot joint
(c) Gastroduodenal artery
(c) Ellipsoid joint
(d) Left epiploic artery
29. Nerve supply of tensor tympani muscle:
(a) Recurrent laryngeal nerve
(b) Mandibular nerve
(c) Facial nerve
30. Superficial peroneal nerve supplies:
(d) Saddle joint
36. Atavistic epiphysis is:
(a) Coronoid process of scapula
(b) Head of femur
(c) Mastoid process
37. Suprarenal gland is supplied by all of the given,
(a) Peroneus brevis
(b) Extensor hallucis longus
(b) Inferior phrenic artery
(c) Extensor hallucis brevis
(c) Renal artery
(d) Extensor digitorum longus
(d) Lumbar artery
31. Which nerve is called criminal nerve of Grassi?
(a) Posterior Vagus
(b) Anterior Vagus
38. Lateral medullar syndrome is due to involvement
(a) Posterior cerebellar artery
(b) Anterior cerebellar artery
(c) Trigeminal nerve
(c) Anterior inferior cerebellar artery
(d) Posterior inferior cerebellar artery
32. Which vein is directly drain into superior Vena
39. All the muscles of the tongue are supplied by XII
cranial nerve, except:
(a) Azygous vein
(b) Hemi azygous vein
(c) Inferior jugular vein
(d) Left lumber vein
33. Foreign body most commonly impacted in:
40. Sub-mucosal glands are present in which one of
the following organs?
(a) Right main bronchus
(b) Left main bronchus
(c) Right upper bronchus
(c) Anal canal
(d) Right lower bronchus
34. Lesser omentum does not contain:
35. Atlantoaxial joint is a type of:
(b) Hepatic vein
(c) Left gastric artery
(d) Right gastric artery
41. Which of the following structures pass through
the aortic hiatus of the diaphragm?
(a) Inferior vena cava
(c) Vagus nerve
(d) Azygous vein
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42. The portal vein is formed:
(a) By the superior mesenteric vein
(b) By the splenic vein
(c) At the level of 2nd lumbar vertebra
(d) All of the above
43. The supporting cells of the testes are:
(b) Leydig cells of testes
(c) Cells of Statoil
44. Tibialis posterior is inserted in all the tarsal bones,
(b) Intermediate cuneiform
45. Foramen of Winslow is:
(a) Between greater and lesser sac
(b) At hilum of liver
(c) Transverse cervical ligament of uterus
(d) Pouch of douglas
46. Pectinate line is an important landmark because:
(a) Marks a divide in nerve supply
(c) Represents a lymphatic and venous divide
(d) All of the above
47. Temporomandibular joint is a:
(a) Plant joint
(b) Condyloid joint
(c) Ball and socket joint
(d) Saddle shaped joint
48. Ridge of Passavant’s is found in:
(a) Tensor palati
(b) Marks the location of change in type of epithelium
(b) Levator palati
(c) Superior constrictor
(d) Inferior constrictor
49. Root value of phrenic nerve is:
50. Extensor of Arm is:
Porters tip deformity is:
(a) Erb’s paralysis
(b) Klumpke’s paralysis
(a) Anterior axillary
(c) Radial nerve paralysis
(d) Ulnar nerve paralysis
In walking, gravity tends to tilt pelvis and trunk
to the unsupported side, major factor in preventing
this unwanted movement is:
(a) Adductor muscles
(c) Gluteus Maximus
(d) Gluteus medius and minimus
The main action of muscle “Gamellus” is:
(a) Medial rotation of thigh
(b) Lateral rotation of thigh
(c) Flexion of thigh
(d) Extension of thigh
Structure passing through foramen rotundum:
(a) Maxillary artery
(b) Maxillary nerve
(c) Middle meningeal artery
(d) Spinal accessory nerve
Foramen spinosum transmits the following:
(a) Meningeal branch of the mandibular nerve
(b) Ophthalmic nerve
Sympathetic supply to the hearts is from which of
the following:
(a)T1 to T5
A lady has carcinoma is upper and outer quadrant
of the breast. It usually metastasizes to all of the
following lymph nodes, except:
(b)T2 to T6
(c)T3 to T7
(d)T4 to T8
All of the following pass through lesser sciatic
foramen, except:
(a) Pudendal nerve
(b) Internal pudendal vessels
(c) Nerve to obturator internus
(d) Inferior gluteal vessels
The highest point of an iliac crest is at the level:
10. Lymphatic drainage of testis is to:
(a) Internal Iliac
(b) Para aortic
(c) Sup-Inguinal
(d) Deep Inguinal L.N
11. Facial nerve is the nerve of:
(a) First arch
(b) Second arch
(c) Third arch
(d) Fourth arch
12. Taste sensations from the posterior 1/3 of tongue
are carried by nerve:
(c) Chorda tympani
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13. Nerve supply to Platysma is:
20. All pass through lesser sciatic foramen, except:
(a) Facial nerve
(a) Inferior gluteal vessels
(b) Vestibular nerve
(b) Internal pudendal vessels
(c) Hypoglossal nerve
(c) Pudendal nerve
(d) Mandibular nerve
(d) Nerve to obturator internus
14. The epiphysis at the tip of coracoid process is:
21. Which of these does not undergo further division?
(b) Primary spermatocyte
(c) Secondary spermatocyte
(d) A or C
15. Ear Lobule is made up of:
22. The first bone to ossify in body is:
(a) Elastic cartilage
(a) Lower end of femur
(b) Hyaline cartilage
(c) Upper end of humerus
(d) All of the above
(d) Upper end of tibia
16. Superior mesenteric artery supplies:
23. The posterior relation of epiploic foramen is:
(a) Colon
(a) Hepatic artery
(b) Inferior vena cava
(c) Common bile duct
(d) Descending colon
(d) Portal vein
17. Portal vein is formed by union of:
(a) SMV and SV
(b) SMV and IMV
(c) IMV and SV
(d) IMV + Hepatic vein
18. Not a content of broad ligament:
(a) Ovarian artery
24. Superior radioulnar joint is:
(a) Hinge joint
(b) Ball and socket joint
(c) Pivot joint
(d) Saddle joint
25. Which structure is related to lateral wall of
(a) Inferior vertical artery
(c) Ligament of ovary
(c) Middle rectal artery
(d) Hypogastric nerve
(d) None of the above
19. Umbilical vein becomes:
26. Which is true regarding umbilical cord?
(a) Ligamentum teres
(a) Two arteries
(b) Ligamentum venosum
(b) Umbilical cord pulsation rate corresponds to
maternal pulsation rate
(c) Medial umbilical ligament
(d) Ligamentum arteriosum
(c) Covered by amnion and chorion
(d) Two veins