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As a specialist in facilitated stretching,
I am often asked by personal trainers to explain the
differences and similarities between facilitated stretching
and other kinds of stretching techniques.
Athletes use a variety of stretching techniques, some
of which are variations developed for specific sports or
activities. Stretching can be broadly categorised as passive,
active, or a blend of the two. These categories can be further
subdivided into two types of stretching: ballistic and static.
Ballistic stretching
Ballistic stretching uses rapid, bouncing movements to
force the muscle to stretch. This type of stretching is
generally out of favour because it may elicit a strong reflex
shortening, leaving the muscle shorter than its pre-stretch
length. Compared with a static stretch, a ballistic stretch
may create more than twice the tension in the target muscle
(Beaulieu, 1981). This increases the likelihood of tearing the
muscle because the external force stretching the muscle
opposes the shortening force produced by the stretch
reflex, resulting in excessive tension in the muscle and
In static stretching, the muscle to be stretched is lengthened slowly
and held in a comfortable range for 15 to 30 seconds.
Static stretching
Static stretching, popularised by Bob Anderson in his
book Stretching is probably the technique most familiar to
athletes. In static stretching, the muscle to be stretched is
lengthened slowly (to inhibit firing of the stretch reflex) and
held in a comfortable range for 15 to 30 seconds
(see photo 1). As the position is held, the feeling of stretch
diminishes, and the stretcher moves gently into a deeper
stretch and holds again (see photo 2). Static stretching
can be done actively or passively.
Passive stretching
In passive stretching, the stretcher relaxes and the partner
moves the limb being stretched to gain new range of
motion (ROM). This is the stretching technique most often
used by personal trainers with their clients, either as a
static or ballistic technique. Passive stretching is also
14 • personal trainer Network
As the feeling of stretch diminishes, the stretcher moves gently into a
deeper stretch and holds again.
used to increase flexibility at the extremes of ROM, as in
gymnastics, where maximum flexibility can be crucial for
optimal performance.
Passive stretching requires good communication between
the client and the trainer. If passive stretching is done
carelessly or with poor form, the risk of injury to the client
increases, because the trainer assisting the stretching
cannot feel the sensations of the stretcher and may
overstretch the muscle.
Active stretching
Active stretching means that the stretcher, rather than
the trainer, does the work. Active forms of stretching are
generally considered safer than the passive variety because
the chance of overstretching and causing injury is greatly
reduced when the stretcher controls the force and duration
of the stretch.
Active-assisted stretching
Active-assisted stretching combines active movement by
the stretcher with help from a trainer, either to add some
passive stretch at the end, or to provide resistance to
motion, thus blending active and passive stretching types.
Simplified, the three steps involved in facilitated
stretching are:
1. The stretcher actively lengthens the target muscle to its
pain-free end-range.
2. The stretcher isometrically contracts the target muscle
for 6 seconds. This isometric contraction prepares the
muscle to lengthen more easily in the next step.
3. The stretcher actively lengthens the target muscle to a
new range of motion.
Facilitated stretch for the hamstrings
This is an effective general stretch for the hamstrings group.
Lengthening short, tight hamstrings will help increase the
athlete’s hip flexion (see Diagrams 1 and 2).
Active isolated stretching
Active isolated stretching (AIS) was developed by Aaron
Mattes and is detailed in his book by the same name
(Mattes 1995). AIS relies on active movement and reciprocal
inhibition, but not isometric work, to achieve greater
flexibility. AIS can also be performed with a partner as an
active-assisted technique. Mattes recommends isolating
the muscle to be stretched, then actively lengthening it to a
point of ‘light irritation’. Hold this position for no more than
two seconds, then return the limb to the starting position.
This sequence is usually repeated eight to ten times. This
stretching protocol is thought to prevent the stretch reflex,
while activating reciprocal inhibition, thereby allowing the
target muscle to lengthen more easily.
For many years, athletes, coaches, and health and fitness
professionals have been using the stretching protocols
of PNF to effectively improve flexibility, with an eye to
enhancing overall sports performance. Athletes using
facilitated stretching techniques often achieve dramatic
gains in flexibility in a short period of time. As with any
flexibility training, however, long-term gains are only
possible with consistent practice.
Facilitated stretching sequence: simplified version
In this method, the stretcher performs all the work, and the
personal trainer acts primarily as the facilitator, guiding the
stretcher through the appropriate steps.
Diagram 1. Muscles of the posterior hip and thigh, including the
hamstrings group.
© Human Kinetics
Facilitated stretching is active-assisted stretching, and
uses active motion and isometric work to improve flexibility
and enhance motor learning. This method is based on
the principles of PNF (proprioceptive neuromuscular
facilitation), a physiotherapy technique developed to
help rehabilitate patients with brain injuries and other
neurological disorders.
© Human Kinetics
Facilitated stretching
Diagram 2. The normal range of hip flexion is 90 degrees.
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you’re trying to put your heel on the floor’). Be sure the
athlete breathes normally during this isometric phase.
1. From the supine position, the stretcher begins by actively
lifting their leg into hip flexion as far as is comfortable,
keeping their knee extended, to stretch the hamstrings to
their pain-free end-range. The trainer’s role is to remind the
stretcher to keep their knee straight as they lift.
4. After the isometric push, the stretcher relaxes and inhales
deeply. During this time, the trainer supports the leg in the
starting position.
2. The trainer assumes a biomechanically correct position to
offer resistance to the isometric contraction of the hamstrings
(see photos 3 and 4). The stretcher must keep their hips
flat on the mat during the entire sequence. The trainer may
need to work with the athlete on body awareness until they
are able to stabilise their hips properly prior to performing
this stretch. The stretcher may bend their opposite knee
and rest their foot flat on the mat instead of having the leg
outstretched, if this is a more comfortable position.
3. The trainer directs the stretcher to begin slowly pushing
the heel toward the floor, isometrically contracting the
hamstrings for 6 seconds (cue; ‘Push against me as if
5. As they exhale, the stretcher contracts their hip flexors
(quads and psoas) to lift the leg higher, keeping their knee
straight. This actively stretches the hamstrings to a new
range of motion. As the stretcher lifts their leg higher, the
trainer again reminds them to keep their knee straight, but
does not push on the leg to passively deepen the stretch.
6. As the stretcher lengthens the hamstrings, the trainer
simply follows along to provide resistance at the start of a
new round of isometric contraction.
7. Repeat the sequence two to three times. 
Use the front of your thigh to easily provide resistance to the isometric
contraction of the hamstrings.
Anderson, B. 2000. Stretching: 20th anniversary edition.
Bolinas, CA: Shelter
Beaulieu, J.E. 1981. Developing a stretching program.
Physician and Sports Medicine 9 (11): 59-69
Mattes, A. 2000. Active isolated stretching: the Mattes
method Sarasota
Images and excerpts reprinted, with permission, from R E McAtee and J
Charland, 2007, Facilitated Stretching: PNF stretching and strengthening
made easy, 3rd ed. (Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics), [pages 5-7, 13, 38-40]
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If the client’s leg is too long to rest against your thigh, use an alternate
Robert E McAtee, NCTMB, CSCS,
Bob is a sports therapist with over 27 years
experience and the author of Facilitated Stretching,
published by Human Kinetics. He is certified in
therapeutic massage and bodywork, and is a
certified strength and conditioning specialist and
certified personal trainer. Bob regularly presents
workshops on facilitated stretching, soft-tissue
injury care and prevention, and sports massage
throughout the USA and internationally. For more
information, visit