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Howell High School
* Flexibility is described as having full range of motion at a joint
*Warming up involves stretching as well as aerobic activity and is
important for all ages
* Cooling down should be done after an activity and will help to minimize
muscle soreness and will slowly bring down your heart rate
* Specificity refers to performing stretching exercises that are “specific”
to certain areas of the body
* Frequency refers to how often you exercise
* Ligaments connect bone to bone
* Tendons connect muscle to bone
*A joint is where two bones come together
* Joint mobility lessens due to inactivity, age and because of hereditary
*Static stretching is when you hold your stretches
* Static stretches should be held for 8-10 seconds and are the safest type
of stretch
* The butterfly (groin) stretch is a good example of a safe flexibility
* Ballistic stretching is bouncing when you stretch and is very dangerous
due to possible muscle tearing
* ROM stands for “Range of Motion.”
* To reduce muscle soreness you should always start any fitness program
gradually and be sure to always warm up and cool down
* “Anterior” refers to the front of your body. “Posterior” refers to the
back of your body