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U.S. History Study Guide
Chapters 16/17 – World War II
1. Democracies of WWI, through the 1920’s, saw a rise of __________________ by the start of WWII.
2. Government that exerts total authority over society and all aspects of public/private life.
3. Head of Soviet Communist government?
4. System that stresses nationalism and puts state interests above individual interest.
5. Extreme nationalism, racism, and military expansion are the three aspects of ________________.
6. Also known as ‘Il Duce” he was the leader of Italy?
7. The name of Hitler’s government.
8. This outlawed arm sales or loans to nations at war or in a civil war?
9. What was the first county Hitler took over?
10. The meeting that adopted the policy of appeasement in Hitler’s quest to take over Czechoslavkia?
11. Stalin and Hitler sign this and agree not to attack each other.
12. What happened on September 1st, 1939?
13. What is the official date that WWII started?
14. Germany’s military strategy?
15. A system of underground fortifications along France’s eastern border.
16 What happened on April 9th, 1940?
17. The name given to the air war between Great Britain and Germany?
18. What was Germany’s goal in the London Blitz?
19. The systematic murder of 11 million people across Europe, more than half of whom were Jews?
20. Name three other groups targeted by Hitler besides the Jews.
21. The deliberate and systemic killing of an entire population?
22. Segregated Jewish areas in certain Poland cities are called?
23. Forced labor camps that housed Jews where many were killed in gas chambers, mass killings and starvation.
24. The largest concentration camp in Poland was called?
25. What was “CASH and CARRY?”
26. The three countries that make up the Axis Powers?
27. This allowed the U.S. to lend arms to countries vital to U.S. defense?
28. What two leaders were a part of the Atlantic Charter which was a joint declaration of war aims?
29. Name the four main Allied powers after 1940?
30. Head of the Japanese Army.
31. When FDR said “this day will live in infamy,” what day was he talking about and what happened on that day?
32. Great Britain’s invention of ____________, helped them to be successful in the Battle of Britain.
33. One of Hitler’s biggest blunders was Operation Barbarossa which was Germany’s invasion of what three
Russian cities?
34. This battle, often considered a turning point in the European Theater, saw over 1 million Russian soldiers killed
and at the end had Germany in retreat mode.
35. The Battle of the Atlantic was a constant fight between allied ships and subs against German ______.
36. List the three strategic things that had turned the tide for the Allies in the Battle of the Atlantic.
37. The Allied Invasion of North Africa was called Operation __________.
37 b. Was it successful?
37 c. Who was the German military commander and what was his nickname?
38. Allied invasion of Nazi-occupied France and the date?
38 b. Name the 5 beaches of Normandy?
39. The Allied Supreme Commander?
40. On July 25th, 1944, General ________ ___________, unleashed a massive air and land attack that opened a gap
in the German line of defense through which General ________ _ _______ and his Third Army advanced toward
41. On what day was Paris liberated?
42. The name of the battle given to the last German offensive in December 1944.
43. How did Hitler die?
44. On what day did the War in Europe end and what was it called?
45. The prosecution of Nazi leaders on trial for crimes against humanity was called….
46. Who was the commander of the Japanese forces?
47. Who was the commander of the Allied forces in the Pacific?
48. The bombing of Tokyo by the United States in April of 1942 were called what?
49. The turning point in the Pacific War was at the Battle of ________________.
a. How was it accomplished?
b. What happened to the Japanese fleet?
50. Suicide plane attacks are called ________________________.
51. The U.S. attack and capture of Japanese controlled islands across the Pacific became known as __ __.
52. The secret U.S. research in creating the atomic bomb was called?
53. What product did the U.S. refuse to send to Japan after its invasion of Indochina?
54. Which President made the choice to drop the atomic bomb?
55. What to Japanese cities were the bombed? And the date for each?
56. What were the code names on the bombs?
57. At which battle did the Japanese use over 1900 kamikaze?
58. An essential landing strip was located on the island of ___________ ___________.
59. Why was the choice made to use the atomic bomb instead of doing a land invasion?
60. Japan surrendered on what day and what was it called?
61. What three leaders were at the Yalta Conference?
62. Name the four country zones Germany was divided into after the war?
63. Why did FDR ‘appease’ Stalin at the Yalta Conference?
64. After the U.S. dropped the bomb, who was sent by the U.S. to help Japan rebuild?
65. Japan could never break the U.S. secret code which was what?
66. Germany’s secret code that was eventually broken by the British was called ______________.
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