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World War II
Rise of Dictatorships
Beginning of WWII
Home Front Preparations
Atlantic Front & Pacific Front
Peace Talks
Main Idea
• Rise of Dictators- A failed
treaty, changing Europe, and a
global Depression led to the
reemergence of nationalism and
• Reemergence of
European Nationalism
Key words to know
• Communism- is a socioeconomic structure that
promotes the establishment of a classless, stateless
society based on common ownership of the means
of production.
• Fascism- is an authoritarian political ideology
(generally tied to a mass movement) that considers
individual and social interests secondary to the
interests of the state or party
• Nazism- German brand of fascism
• Totalitarianism- state regulation of nearly every
aspect of public and private behavior.
Characteristics of a Totalitarian
Extreme Nationalist
Government Control
Single Party- lacks democracy
Rule by terror- secret police
• Control of Media- propaganda
Failures of WWI Treaty
• Caused anger and resentment (Germany and
– Germany blamed for the war
– Colonies were stripped
• New democracies struggled
– Many new countries lack democratic tradition.
With lack of tradition people were not willing
to let things get worse before they got better!!!
Post WWI map of new territories
Joseph Stalin Transforms USSR
• The Model Communist State
– National Agriculture and Industry became the primary
– Stalin abolished privately owned farms and turned them
into collectives
– Stalin created five-year plans that directed industrial
growth (1937 2nd largest)
– Through fear and terror (Great Purge) Stalin created a
Totalitarian state. (1939)
Joseph Stalin “Man of Steel”
USSR symbol represents ideas
Rise of Fascism in Italy
• Benito Mussolini and his Black Shirts
– Economic Crisis and Fear of Communism
opened the door for Fascism
– 1921 fascist party created, by 1922 Mussolini
marched on Rome with thousands of “black
– Declared himself the Il Duce “the leader”
– Totalitarian state in joint rule with the King
Benito Mussolini
Symbol of the Fascist
The Nazis Take Over Germany
• Adolf Hitler’s rise to power!
– 1919 Hitler joins Nazi party
– Hitler tries to over through the government
(Munich Beer Hall Revolution) and gets thrown
in jail were he writes Mein Kempf. (Lays the
ground work for Nazi Germany)
– Great Depression- war debts, fear of
communism, lack of American loans, run away
inflation, etc.
The Nazis take over Germany
• Hitler’s rise to power
– Many agitated un-employed Germans joined
Hitler’s “brown shirts”
– By 1932 Nazis had become the strongest party
in the Reichstag
– 1933 Hitler appointed Chancellor and destroyed
the Weimer Republic and created the Third
Hitler hoisting a Nazi Flag
Main Idea
• Holocaust- systematic murder of
11 million people across Europe,
more than half of whom were
• Why Jews?
–Scapegoats for causes and
failures of the German
economy and defeat of WWI
• Under the Nuremburg Laws, Jews were subjected
to economic, social, and legal restrictions which
made it virtually impossible to do anything.
Government employees were let go
Lost German citizenship
Forced to wear Star of David
• Kristallnacht- “Night of Broken Glass”
– Nazi storm troopers (SS) attacked Jewish
homes businesses, and synagogues. Nov. 9-10
– 30,000 Jews were arrested and many others
were moved into ghettos
– Jews tried to flee to other countries, but nobody
wanted them.
• “Final Solution”- policy of genocide
– Wished to create a master race of Aryans
– Political opponents, gypsies, Jehovah’s
Witnesses, homosexuals, physically handy
capped, mentally ill, etc.
– From ghettos to concentration camps
– Concentration camps- labor camps or death
• Mass Extermination
– Most death camps were in Poland
– Prisoners went through countless inspections
– Strong worked, weak were gassed, shot,
burned, drowned, etc.
– Experiments done on Jews
– Six million Jews died during the holocaust
Entrance to Auschwitz
Woman about to be executed
Jews rescued by Canadian Forces
Children of the Holocaust
Survivor idea number
Jews rounded up for the Ghetto or
Picture of Star of David on coats
Bags of hair
Beginning of WWII
Expansion of the German Empire
Invasion of Poland
Invasion of France
Battle for Britain
Operation Barbarossa
Main Idea
• Beginning of HostilityDictators’ imperialistic pursuits
and appeasement by world
powers set World War II in
Beginning of War
Clouds of War
Write three key points in your notes!!!!
Aggression in the World
• Militarist gain control of Japan
– Hideki Tojo- Japanese nationalist
– Manchurian Crisis 1931(imperialistic pursuit of
raw materials)
• Italy becomes imperialistic
– 1935 Ethiopian crisis
• Civil War in Spain 1936
– Francisco Franco (Fascist) receives support
from Hitler and Mussolini to establish a
totalitarian state in Spain
Japanese Empire 1932
Italian Invasion of Ethiopia
Map of Europe prior to WWI
Hitler moves to build his Empire
• Hitler pushes for more “Lebensraum”
– Lebensraum- mean living space for Germans
– In 1935 Hitler begins to rebuild the military
– Rhineland- Hitler moves troops into a
demilitarized zone 1936
– Austria (March 12, 1938)
– Sudetenland in Czechoslovakia and the Munich
Pact (September 30, 1938)
– Appeasement- giving up principles to pacify an
Hitler's Empire
• Hitler’s expansion into Poland and the start of
– Great deal of German speaking people living in
– Nonaggression Pact (August 23, 1939)
– Germany attacks Poland and by Sept. 3 BR &
FR declare war on Germany
– War Comes to Europe
– Write three key points!!!
Main Idea
• German Blitz: Germany’s use of
technology and superb strategy
allowed them to dominate the early
years of the war.
World War II Begins: German
• For the next several months German and the
Allied troops stared at each other at the Maginot
Line (Phony War)
• Meanwhile… Stalin annexed former Russian
possessions and took control of Poland.
• Hitler invaded Denmark and Norway through
military deception then turned against the
Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxemburg.
• Fall of France in June of 1940
Battle for Britain
• Operation Sea Lion
– All out invasion of Britain
– British controlled the sea, so Hitler
would try to control the air
– Round the clock bombing of Britain
– Radar, Ultra, and RAF saved Britain
from annihilation.
Hitler’ s big mistake
Operation Barbarossa
Hitler's Big Mistake
• June 22, 1941 Operation Barbarossa
– Hitler’s invasion of the East (Russia)
– Hitler invades with 3 million troops
to Russia’s 2.9 million troops.
– Russian’s 2:1 advantage in tanks and
Hitler’s Mistake
• Attack in the East
– By October Russian weather begins
to set in. (Rain, then Snow)
– Scorched Earth Policy
– Battle for Stalingrad (Aug. 21, 1942
to Feb. 2, 1943)
• Oil and control of the Volga
War in the East
Hitler’s Failure
Underestimated Red Army
Did not take weather into account
Supply lines too far away from the front
Battle of Stalingrad was the turning point in
the Eastern Front.
WWII the American Experience
Isolationism and Neutrality
Moving Towards War
Preparation for war
Fighting the War in Europe
Fighting the War in the Pacific
Peace Treaty Process
Main Idea
• Moving Towards War- Although
isolationist feeling was strong and neutrality
legislation supported such sentiments, by
1939 Roosevelt had slowly turned America
toward internationalist approach. After
Japan’s attack on Pearl Harbor, the US
finally entered World War II.
Isolationism and Neutrality
• Response to the growing conflict in Europe
– Isolationism- opposition to political
entanglements with other countries
– WWI blamed on Bankers and “Merchants of
– Neutrality Acts (1935-1937)- First three acts
outlawed the sale of arms to warring nations or
nations involved in Civil War
Moving Towards War
• Neutrality Act of 1939- established the policy of “cash
and carry”
• By 1940 the Tripartite Pact was signed to try and keep the
US out of war. (Germany, Italy, Japan)
• After the Tripartite Pact the US increases defense
spending. FDR's speech regarding the Axis threat.
• March 1941 congress passes the Lend-Lease Act. His goal
was to make America an “Arsenal for Democracy” Aid
was sent to Britain and Russia
Moving Towards War
• German Wolf Packgroups of German subs
that preyed upon British
shipping lines.
• 350,000 tons a month
• Sept. 1941, FDR allows
Navy to sink subs in selfdefense
• Later that year America
started to arm merchant
Moving Towards War
• Atlantic Charter
– Meeting between FDR and
Churchill that hoped to
rally support for the war.
– Collective security,
disarmament, selfdetermination, economic
cooperation, and freedom of
the seas
– Charter would later become
the blueprint of the United
Nations after the war
Moving Towards War
• Japan Attacks the United States
– By 1941 Japan and the US were the only two powers in
the Pacific.
– Due to Japan’s imperialistic pursuits, the US created a
trade embargo on Japan.
– Japan decided that war could not be averted and
attacked the US at Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941.
Roosevelt's Pearl Harbor Speech
– Pearl Harbor Map
– Dec. 8, 1941 the US declared war on Japan
America Goes to War and the
Adjustment at Home
World War II achieved all the things that
the New Deal could not. Factories were
employing again to make war goods and
the economy recovered at a rapid pass.
However, American culture and society
would never be the same.
America Goes to War
• America built an army with the Selective
– Young Americans crammed recruiting
offices after Pearl Harbor
– 5 mil. Volunteers, 10 mil. Drafted
– Women’s Auxiliary Army Corps
– Minorities suit up in the military
(Africans, Chinese, Japanese, Indians)
America Goes to War
• Adjustment at Home
– Industrial Response (converted from peace time
production to war time production) ex. Car
– War Production Board (rationed resource
material vital to the production of war goods)
– Office of Price Administration (fought
inflation, rationed foods)
– National War Labor Board (stabilized the work
– Smith-Connally Anti-Strike Act (limited right
to strike)
America Goes to War
• Paying for the war
– 1941-1945 $321 Billion
– Office of War Information
– Revenue Act of 1942 (raised taxes)
– Department of Treasury (issued war
America Goes to War
– Office of Scientific Research and Development
(radar, sonar, DDT, penicillin, Manhattan
– Labor takes shape
• Women (6 million)
• Minorities 2 million(A. Philip Randolph)
Courage and Sacrifice
Atlantic Front
Four Stages of War
War for the Atlantic
Operation Torch
Soft Underbelly of Europe
Allied Forces in the West
• December 1941 the big two met and decided to
focus Allied resources on winning the Atlantic.
• Why the Atlantic versus the Pacific?
– US was in poor condition to fight the Japanese in the
pacific (Active Defense)
– FDR considered Hitler the biggest threat
– Soviet Union desperate for help
– After German defeat Britain and Russia could aid in the
Allied Forces in the West
• At the December meeting the big two
outlined the battle plan for the Atlantic
• Four Stage War
– Control the Atlantic
– Liberation of North Africa
– Soft Underbelly of Europe
– All out invasion of France (D-Day)
Allied Forces in the West
• Control the Atlantic
– Prior to 1943 German Wolf Packs were sinking
ships on the east coast and in the Atlantic.
(Hundreds of ships, tons of supplies numbering
in the millions)
– To combat the U-boats advanced radar, sonar,
convoy systems, and airplanes were used
– Battle of the Convoys
– BBC - History - The Battle of the Atlantic
Turing Points in the Atlantic
• Battle for Stalingrad (January 31, 1943)
• 2nd Battle at El Alamein ( November, 5 1942)
– Why?
• USSR began to mount an offensive and secured oil
• Middle East was safe from Nazi control
– Battle for the Suez Canal Battle at El Alamein
Allied Forces in the West
• Operation Torch (Invasion of North Africa)
– Goals:
• Relieve pressure from the Suez Canal
• Create a jumping point into Europe (Italy)
– Nov. 1942 107,000 Landed in North Africa (Morocco
and Algeria)
– After a month of heavy fighting Germany’s Africa
Corp surrenders in May of 1943
– BBC - History - Animated Map: The North African
• Casablanca Conference (January 14 to 24, 1943)
– The Big Two (Roosevelt and Churchill)
– Unconditional Surrender (proves that allies will go the
Allied Forces in the West
• Soft Underbelly of Europe (Italy)
– Goals:
• Force Italy to surrender
• Eliminate Mussolini
• Gain a southern front towards Germany
– July 10, 1943 250,000 American and British
troops landed in Sicily. Marked the first time
the Allies had set foot in Europe since 1940.
Allied Forces in the West
• Soft Underbelly is really a tough old gut
• Battle of Monte Cassino (Jan.-May of 1944)
Terrain made it difficult
– Gustov Line- heavy German fortifications
across the center of Italy (Monte Cassino)
– Battle of Anzio (Battle to cut off the Gustov
Line Jan-May of 1944) 54,000 died
• BBC - History - Animated Map: The Italian Campaign
D-Day: Invasion of France
Allied Forces in the West
• Operation Overlord (D Day)
– Dwight D. Eisenhower (Supreme Commander)
– Deception at Calais
– Bombing of transportation lines to cutoff
reinforcements (Control the Air)
– Dropping of thousands of paratroopers, were
used to disrupt enemy lines and transportation.
(June 6, shortly after midnight)
– June 6th 1944 at 6:30 A.M. 176,000 troops
landed on the beaches of Normandy
Deception at Calais
101st and 82nd Airborne land first in order to
secure bridges and roads for the incoming
Landing at Omaha
Moving Supplies after the Gaining
Control of the Beachheads
Allied Forces in the West
– Five Beaches: Juno, Gold, Sword, Utah, and
Omaha. Page 781.
– Hitler failed to send reinforcements to Rommel
– Battle lasted from June 6 to July 24
– By the end there was over 1 mil. Troops in
France BBC - History - Animated Map: The DDay Landings
Allied forces in the West
• Road to Germany
– August 25, 1944 Paris was liberated
– Within 6 weeks France was cleared of all
German troops
– Animated Map: Liberation of France
– Sept. of 1944 Belgium and Luxembourg were
also liberated from German rule
Allied Forces in the West
• Battle of the Bulge
– October of 1944 Allies captured their first
German Town
– Hitler responds with a desperate
– Dec. 16, 1944 with 250,000 troops
hundreds of tanks and planes
Allied Forces in the West
• Battle of the Bulge
– Hitler prepares for the attack in
– Goal: Push deep into Belgium and
swing towards Antwerp (Major
shipping outpost) hoping to disrupt
supply lines and lower morale of the
Allied Forces in the West
• Battle of the Bulge
– Battered Bastards of Bastogne (101st
– Patton’s 3rd army drives the Germans
out of the Bulge
– Cost for Germans: 120,000 men,
600 tanks, and 1600 planes
Allied Forces in the West
• Battle of the Bulge (last German offensive
of the war)
• Yalta Conference: February 12, 1945
– Feb. 1945, Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin meet at
a resort in Yalta
– Goal: 1. Preserve alliance with Stalin 2. Contain
the Spread of Communism 3. Gain Soviet support
for a new world peace keeping organization
Allied Forces move towards
• Remainder of the War in Europe
– Allies began to liberate concentration camps
– March 7,1945 the 1st Army crosses the Rhine
– Eisenhower is pressured to beat the Russians to
– Roosevelt dies on April 12, 1945(Busted Blood
Vessel in Head)
V-E Day
• Remainder of the War
– April 29, 1945 Hitler commits suicide
– May 8, 1945 German
unconditionally Surrender (V-E Day)
– Cost of War: close to 60 millions
people from 1939 to 1945
War in the Pacific
War in the Pacific
• Japanese Offensive
– Japanese began to build an empire that included
much of the Pacific islands.
– They eventually conquered the Philippines and
captured thousands of American soldiers who
would eventually become part of the Bataan
Death March.
– 6 months after Pearl Harbor, Japan was setting
in a good position.
War in the Pacific
• Active Defense- after Pearl Harbor the U.S. was
in no condition to launch a full scale war in the
Pacific. We relied on our Carriers to provide this
active defense.
• Battle of the Coral Sea (May 1942)- first
meeting of both fleets. Fighting done completely
in the air. Victory for U.S. because the advance
on Australia was stopped.
War in the Pacific
• Battle of Midway (June 1942)
– Adm. Nimitz receives and decodes message
stating that the Japanese fleet is coming to
Midway in route to Hawaii.
– Nimitz sets up a surprise attack and destroys 4
of the Japanese carriers, therefore crippling the
Japanese fleet.
– Battle of Midway was the turning point for the
United States.
War in the Pacific
• Battle for Guadalcanal (August 1942)
– First land engagement of the war
– Guadalcanal was important because it could
serve as a stepping stone to the Philippines.
– Was a hand to hand fought battle that showed
the pride and toughness of the Japanese
– U.S. won the battle and established an airfield
to bomb the Philippines .
War in the Pacific
• Island Hopping (1943-1945)
– U.S. military strategy that involves the hopping
from island to island liberating each one so they
can build an airfield to catapult bombers to the
next island with the goal of moving towards
– Island Hopping was not easy, and America
suffered many casualties while fighting many
of the land battles. Some of the worst were Iwo
Jima and the Marines Islands.
War in the Pacific
• The B-29 is like no other weapon of War
Range: 1500 miles
Speed: 400mph
Payload: 2000 lbs.
The B-29 allowed the US to bypass islands and
strategically hop from island to island.
– The Japanese could not match the effectiveness
of this plane
War in the Pacific
• Battle of the Philippines and the
Kamikaze Pilots
– Philippines was the largest naval battle in the
history of man kind
– Battle of Leyte Gulf would be the first place
that Kamikaze pilots were used.
– Kamikaze pilots were suicide pilots that sought
to crash their planes into carriers.
– After the Battle of the Philippines the American
Fleet could move throughout the Pacific freely
War in the Pacific
• Battle of Iwo Jima (Sulfur Island)- Critical
target, because US could use airfield to reach
Japan. 20, 000 Japanese. Only 200 survived.
6,000 American Lives.
• Battle of Okinawa- Japanese unleashed heavy
kamikaze attacks killing many Americans. Worse
than Iwo Jima. 110,000 Japanese lives and 7,600
American lives lost. Americans began to wonder
what it would be like trying to invade Japan after
War in the Pacific
• Atomic Bomb (Manhattan Project)
– The atomic bomb cost $2 billion to build.
– Bomb was built by the OSRD and European
Scientist who had fled Europe during
Germany’s reign.
– No one really knew how much damage the
bomb would create not even its creator J.
Robert Oppenheimer.
War in the Pacific
• Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
(August 6th and August 14th 1945)
– Fearing an invasion of Japanese mainland
Truman decided to drop the bomb.
– Hundreds of thousands of people would die or
suffer from long term effects of the atomic
– August 14th 1945 Japanese Emperor
surrendered ending WWII.
Peace Process of WWII
• Do we drop it or not. Page 791
• End of the War
– Yalta conference page 791
– Nuremberg War Trials 792
– Occupation of Japan 793
• Detail the order of events that forced
America’s involvement in WWII. Now that
America is officially at war, what problems
did they face? How did American
Government approach those problems? In
what ways did America adjust and did the
people adjust to meet the heavy demands of