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Imperial Exam
Chinese Poster
The purpose of the assignment is to condense information related to the history of
Medieval China on to a scroll that shows the knowledge needed to pass the
Imperial Exam in order to become a member of the scholar-official class. The
student scholar will capture, analyze, compile and communicate information related
to the “geographic, political, economic, religious and social structure of the
civilizations of China in the Middle Ages”.
The Emperor’s highest court officials have announced the Imperial Exam. Entrance
to the examination is limited to those who have diligently studied Chinese history
and can produce a poster as proof of their sincerity and scholarship. The poster
may be used during a portion of the exam. Passing the Imperial Exam at a high
level secures a prestigious position of high social status for the scholar and family.
• Students will choose 1 of the dynasties below to research
• From each dynasty students will need to:
o explore 2 inventions from that dynasty and their impact on society
o Name a poet, writer, or painter and give an example of artist’s work
§ For example, a poem, part of a writing, a copy of a picture, etc.
§ Give background information on chosen person
• Students will need to research each of the religions (specifics are down below):
o Buddhism
o Confucianism
o Daoism
. I Tang Dynasty
* State the beginning and ending dates of the dynasty.
* Describe two achievements of the dynasty.
* Explain one reason for the collapse of the dynasty.
* Discuss the Great Wall and its defensive importance.
* Discuss the Grand Canal and its commercial importance.
. I Sung Dynasty
State the beginning and ending dates of the dynasty.
Describe two achievements of the dynasty.
Explain one reason for the collapse of the dynasty.
Discuss the importance of Champa rice to the agriculture of China.
. III Yuan Dynasty
State the beginning and ending dates of the dynasty.
Describe two achievements of the dynasty.
Explain one reason for the collapse of the dynasty.
Discuss Kublai Khan and the influence of the Mongols.
. IV Ming Dynasty
* State the beginning and ending dates of the dynasty.
* Describe two achievements of the dynasty.
* Explain one reason for the collapse of the dynasty.
* Explain one reason for the Ming emperor closing China to foreign
. V Ching (Qing) Dynasty
* State the beginning and ending dates of the dynasty.
* Describe two achievements of the dynasty.
* Explain one reason for the collapse of the dynasty
VI Buddhism
* Give some background information on the founder.
* State the essential beliefs of the religion.
* Describe the role of Buddhism in Chinese society.
VII Confucianism
* Give some background information on the founder.
* State the essential beliefs of the religion.
* Discuss the role of Confucianism in Chinese society.
VIII Daoism
* Give some background information on the founder.
* State the essential beliefs of the religion.
* Discuss the role of Daoism in Chinese society.