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1 Section Friday, November 06, 2009
10:20 AM
The German Path to War
Adolf Hitler ‐‐the ideas that Germany belong to the so‐called ___________ race that was superior to all other races and nationalities
________________, to be a great power needed more land to support a larger population In the 1920's, Hitler had indicated that a Nazi regime wanted the land to the east‐‐_____________________
March 9, 1935‐‐Hitler announced the creation of a new air force
One week later‐‐began a military _______ that would increase Germany's army from 100,000 to ___________
(these steps were in direct violation of the __________ of ____________________)
Hitler was convinced that the Western states had no intention of using _________ to maintain the treaty
March 7, 1936‐‐Hitler sent troops into the ______________________
‐‐_______________________ did not support the use of force against Germany‐‐and viewed the occupation as a reasonable action by a dissatisfied power‐‐‐Great Britain began to practice a policy of_____________________
Hitler gained new allies‐‐____________________________ of Italy
October 1935, _____________________ forces invaded Ethiopia
In 1936, Germany and Italy sent forces to Spain to help General Francisco Franco in the Spanish Civil War
____________________ Axis‐‐a new alliance between Germany and Italy
November‐‐Germany and ______________ sign the Anti‐Comintern Pact‐‐promising a common front against ________________
Union with _______________
By 1937, Germany was once more a "________________" as Hitler proclaimed
By threatening Austria with invasion, Hitler forced the Austrian chancellor to put Austrian ____________ in charge of the government
Hitler's next objective was the destruction of_______________________
Sept. 15, 1938‐‐Hitler demanded that Germany be given _________________‐‐an area in northwestern ______________________ that was inhabited largely by Germans
In a conference in Munich, British, French, German, and Italian representatives did not object to Hitler's plans (_______________ Conference)
In March, 1939‐‐Hitler invaded and took control of _____________ and Moravia in western Czechoslovakia
Great Britain and France saw the danger of the Nazi aggression and turned to the Soviet Union and ______________________
Hitler feared that the West and the Soviet Union might make an alliance and that would mean a two‐front war‐‐to prevent this possibility, Hitler made his own agreement with ______________
August 23, 1939‐‐________________ Nonaggression Pact‐‐the two nations promised not to attack each other‐‐to get this‐‐Hitler offered Stalin control of eastern Poland and Chapter-26-Notes Page 1
the ______________ states
Germany invades Poland
September 1, Germany invaded western ____________, 2 days later‐‐Britain and France declared war on _______________
Japanese Path to War
September 18, 1931, Japanese soldiers disguised as Chinese, blew up a small section of the Manchurian Railway near the city of Mukden‐‐Japan owned this area and wanted to blame the "_____________ incident" on the Chinese‐‐the Japanese army used this incident to justify its taking all of Manchuria in a series of rapid military advances
After this conquest‐‐Japanese army became committed to an __________________ policy‐‐a policy of enlarging the Japanese Empire
Worldwide protests against the Japanese seizure of Manchuria led the League of ____________to send an investigation‐‐the investigation issued a report condemning the seizure‐‐Japan withdrew from the League of ______________‐‐The U.S. refused to recognize the Japanese takeover, but was unwilling to threaten __________
Over the next several years, Japan continued its expansion and established control over the eastern part of Inner Mongolia and area in north _________ around _________________
War with China
Chiang Kai‐shek tried to avoid a conflict with Japan so he could deal with a great threat from the __________________
Chinese and Japanese forces clashed south of ___________ and hostilities spread
In December of 1937 Japan seized the Chinese capital of ____________ ‐‐the Japanese Army destroyed the city and massacred about ____________ civilians and prisoners of war‐‐event was so brutal it became known as the "____________________"
Part of Japan's plan was to seize ________________ with its rich resources‐‐late 1930's, Japan began to cooperate with Nazi Germany‐‐Japan assumed that the two countries would ultimately launch a ___________attack on the Soviet Union and divide Soviet resources between them
Because of the pact that Hitler made with the ___________________‐‐Japan had to rethink its plan
Summer of 1940, Japan demanded the right to exploit economic resources in French _______________________
The U.S. objected and warned Japan it would apply economic ________________‐‐
restrictions intended to enforce international law‐‐unless Japan withdrew from the area and returned to its borders of 1931 Japan was caught in a dilemma‐‐guarantee access to raw materials in ________________________‐‐and losing raw materials from the ________________
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2 Section Thursday, November 19, 2009
8:26 AM
Hitler stunned Europe with the speed and efficiency of the German attack on Poland
Blitzkrieg‐‐"___________________"‐‐used armored columns called panzer divisions supported by airplanes
Each panzer division was a strike force of about _________tanks
Within 4 weeks‐‐__________ had surrendered
Sept. 28, 1939‐‐_____________ and the ____________________ divided Poland
After a winter of waiting‐‐Hitler resumed the attack on April 9, 1940‐‐against ______________ and ______________
May 10‐‐_____________ launched an attack on the Netherlands, Belgium, and France
Anticipating a German attack‐‐___________ built a defense system‐‐called the_________________ (Ma zhuh noh) Line along the border with Germany
Germany decided not to cross it‐‐instead attacked France from its border with Belgium
By doing this ‐‐the Germans split the ___________armies French troops and the entire British army were trapped on the beaches of _____________________ _______________________ and civilians evacuated ________________ Allied troops
The _______________signed an armistice on June 22, 1940
German armies occupied 3/5 of France
After _____________‐‐the British resolve heightened and Britain turned to the U.S.
President ___________________________denounced the aggression but the U.S. followed a strict policy of _________________‐‐a series of neutrality acts, passed in the 1930s
Battle of Britain
Hitler planned to invade _____________, but before he could succeed, he had to gain air control
Beginning of August 1940‐‐the German air force ‐‐_______________‐‐launched a major offensive bombing air and naval bases, harbors, communication centers, etc..
British fought back‐‐supported by an effective ____________system‐‐
They still suffered critical losses
Germany‐‐in retaliation for bombing Berlin‐‐went after the British cities
By doing this the British were able to rebuild their air strength quicker
Hitler had to _____________ his invasion
Attack on Soviet Union
Hitler became convinced that Britain was remaining in the war only because it expected _______________ support
Hitler convinced himself that the Soviet Union had a ____________ army
Hitler's invasion of the Soviet Union was scheduled for the spring of _______, but was delayed because of the ___________________
Hitler gained political cooperation of Hungary, Bulgaria, and Romania
To secure his ____________ flank‐‐Hitler seized Greece and Yugoslavia in April
Hitler invaded the __________________ on June 22, 1941
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Attacked on a front that stretched 1,800 miles long
German troops advanced rapidly capturing ___ million Russian soldiers
Troops approached within 25 miles of ________________
An early winter and ______________ resistance halted the German advance
Germans had no ___________ _______________
For the 1st time‐‐German armies had been stopped
Japan at War
Dec. 7, 1941 Japanese aircraft attacked the U.S. naval base at __________________
Attack damaged or destroyed over ______ aircraft
Damaged or sunk ____ ships
Killed or wounded 3,500 ________________
Same day, the Japanese attacked the _______________ and advanced on the British colony of Malaya
_____________________‐‐60 mile forced march that the Japanese led captured American and ________________ soldiers to a prison camp
By 1942‐‐most of Southeast Asia and much of the western Pacific had fallen to the Japanese
Global War
The American people, in the eyes of the Japanese leaders, were _________
‐‐once divided over participating in the war, America people now took up arms
The U.S. joined _______________ nations and Nationalist China in a combined effort to defeat Japan
‐‐believing that the U.S. involvement in the ___________ would make them ineffective‐‐Hitler _____________ war on the U.S. ‐‐4 days after Pearl Harbor
_____________________‐‐Great Britain, United States, and the Soviet Union
Agreed to stress military operations and ignore political differences
1943‐‐agreed to fight until the _________ Powers‐‐Germany, Italy, and Japan surrendered unconditionally
_________________, British forces had stopped Rommel's troops at El Alamein in the summer of 1942
November 1942‐‐British and American forces invaded French _________________‐‐
forced German and Italian troops to surrender in May,1943
Perhaps the most terrible battle of the war, between Nov. 1942 and February 2, 1943‐‐
the Soviets launched a counter‐attack ‐‐German troops were stopped , then encircled, and supply lines were cut off‐‐all in frigid winter conditions
German surrendered at _____________‐‐the entire German ______________‐‐
considered Germany's best‐‐was lost
May 7 & 8, 1942‐‐Battle of the ________ ___________
American naval forces stopped the Japanese advance and saved Australia from being invaded
June 4‐‐Battle of _______ Island‐‐U.S. planes destroyed 4 attacking Japanese aircraft carriers
Established naval superiority in the ___________
Axis forces in Tunisia surrendered on May 13, 1943
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The allies then crossed the Mediterranean and carried the war to Italy‐‐the area _______________________ called the "________ ____________" of Europe
After taking ______‐‐the Allies began an invasion of mainland Italy in September
After Italy fell‐‐King Victor Emmanuel III of Italy arrested _______________, ___________________ was rescued from prison in the daring Gran Sasso raid by German special forces
‐‐he was made the head of a German______ state in Northern Italy
1943‐‐Allies planned an invasion of France from Great Britain across the English Channel
June 6, 1944 (______)‐‐was delayed one day because of bad weather‐‐led by U.S. General ____________________‐landed on Normandy beaches in history's greatest naval invasion
Code name‐‐"______________________________"
The Allies divided up the coastline into 5 beaches
Code name _____ and _______‐‐U.S. forces
_____ and ______‐‐British forces
________‐‐Canadian forces
The Allies worked hard to make Germans think the invasion would take place farther up the coastline near Calais
Within 3 months that Allies landed _____________ men and 500,000 vehicles
By March 1945‐‐Allied forces crossed the Rhine River and advanced into Germany
Battle of _______‐‐July 5‐12‐‐the greatest tank battle of WWII‐‐Soviets defeated the German forces
By January 1945, Adolf Hitler had moved into a _______ 55 feet under the city of Berlin
April 30, Hitler committed suicide‐‐2 days after Italian ___________ or resistance fighters ‐‐shot Mussolini‐death.htm
May ___, ______‐‐Germany surrendered‐‐the war in Europe was finally over
Asian Theater
The islands of __________ and ______________were of great strategic importance‐‐
Iwo Jima was essential to the air war on Japan
Capturing both would provide them with bases near mainland Japan
The Allies were victorious in both battles, but the victories came at a great cost
Casualties were high on both sides
This left President __________ _______________with a difficult decision‐‐invading Japan with the high probability of great casualties
Truman decided to use the bombs
August 6th, the 1st bomb was dropped on the city of _________________
3 days later dropped a bomb on _______________
Both cities were leveled
Emperor _____________ accepted the Allied forces' demands for unconditional surrender on Aug. 14th, 1945
WWII was finally over
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___ million had died in battle
___ million civilians had perished
‐‐some place the total losses at ___million
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3 Section Wednesday, November 25, 2009
8:32 AM
The New Order and the Holocaust
2 out of every 3 European Jews died in the _____________
By 1942‐‐the Nazi regime stretched from the_________________ in the west to the outskirts of ______________ in the east
___________________‐‐leader of the SS‐‐in charge of German resettlement plans in the east
Task was to move Slavic people out and replace them with Germans
Slavic people included Czech, Polish, Serbo‐Croatian, Slovene, and Ukraine
By 1942‐‐2 million ethnic Germans had been settled in ______________
By summer of 1944‐‐7 million European workers labored in Germany‐‐another 7 million workers were forced to labor for the Nazis as farmers
The SS was given responsibility for what the Nazis called their ________ _____________ to the Jewish problem
The Final Solution was___________ (physical extermination) of the Jewish people
_____________________‐‐head of the SS security service had the task of administering the Final Solution
Created special strike forces called ________________to carry out the Nazi plans
June 1941‐‐were given the new job of acting as mobile killing units
These SS death squads followed the regular army's advance in the Soviet Union and rounded up Jews in their villages, execute them, and bury them in mass graves
These squads killed more than _______________ Jews
1942‐‐Jews from countries occupied by Germany were rounded up‐‐packed like cattle in freight trains and shipped to Poland
Six __________________ centers were built in Poland
__________________ was the largest
They were worked or starved to death, some were sent to the gas chambers, and some were subjected to cruel and painful "_____________" experiments
By the spring of 1942‐‐the death camps were in full operation
The Germans killed approx.______________Jews, over ___________ in death camps
Virtually ____ of the Jewish population of Poland, the Baltic countries, and Germany were killed
The Nazis were also responsible for the deliberate death by shooting, starvation, or overwork of at least another 9‐10 million non‐Jewish people
The Nazis considered the _____ (sometimes known as Gypsies) like the Jews to be an alien race‐‐about 40% of the 1 million Roma were killed in death camps
The mass slaughter of European Jews is known as the Holocaust‐‐Hebrew Shoah ‐‐
meaning "_________________________"
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Children in the War
Jewish children and along with their mothers were the ones selected for the gas chambers
______________________Jewish children died in the Holocaust
1945‐‐perhaps _________________ orphaned children in Europe
Japanese Colonial Policies
The Japanese had conquered Southeast Asia under the slogan "Asia for ________" Chapter-26-Notes Page 8
4 Section Monday, November 30, 2009
7:33 PM
The Mobilization of Four Nations
Economic _____________ (the act of assembling and preparing for war) was more extensive; so to the mobilization of women
The Soviet Union
As German army made rapid advancement into Soviet territory, Soviet workers dismantled and shipped the factories in the western part of the Soviet Union to the interior‐‐to the Urals, western Siberia, and the Volga regions
Stalin called the widespread military and industrial mobilization of the nation a "_________________________"‐‐the Soviets won producing ________tanks and 98,000 artillery pieces
Soviet women played a major role in the war effort
The ___________were the only country in World War II to use women in battle
The United States
The height of war production came in November 1943, ‐‐at one point, the country was building ___ ships a day and __________ planes per year
The mobilization of the American economy and workforce resulted in some social turmoil
The presence of ____________ Americans in area where they had not lived before led to racial tensions and sometimes even riots
____________________ African Americans joined the military, where they served in segregated units
On the West Coast,___________Americans ‐‐65% of whom had been born in the US, were moved to camps surrounded by barbed wire and required to take loyalty oaths
Hitler, in 1942, ordered a massive increase in armaments production and in the size of the army
Hitler's architect, _______________, was made minister for armaments and munitions in 1942 and was able to triple the production between 1942 and 1943 in spite of Allied air raids
A total mobilization of the economy was put into effect in July 1944‐‐which was too late
The Nazis had kept women out of the job force but as the war progressed, the women were called up for military service
Wartime Japan was a highly mobilized society‐‐the government created a ________________ board to control prices, wages, labor, and resources
The calls for sacrifice reached a high point in the final years of the war‐‐young Japanese were encouraged to volunteer to serve as pilots in suicide missions against US fighting ships at sea‐‐pilots were called ______________ or "divine wind" General Hideki ______‐‐prime minister from 1941 to 1944 opposed female employment The Bombing of Cities
Britain‐‐September 1940‐‐Londoners took the heavy blows‐‐for months ‐‐the German Chapter-26-Notes Page 9
air force bombed London nightly
The _____‐‐as the British called the German air raids, soon became a national experience
The Londoners were able to maintain their morale
Germany‐‐Churchill believed destroying German communities would break civilian morale and bring victory‐‐______________ became the 1st German city to be attacked by 1,000 bombers
The ferocious bombing of Dresden from February 13 to 15, 1945 (using incendiary bombs) created a firestorm that may have killed as many as ___________inhabitants and refugees
Japan‐‐Japan cities were bombed towards the end of the war‐‐US B‐29 ________________________ ‐the biggest bombers of the war‐‐began bombing November 24, 1944
By the summer of 1945 many of Japan's industries had been destroyed‐‐along with 1/4 of its dwellings
Atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945
Peace and a New War
The ____________ Conference‐‐the Big Three (the Soviet Union, the United State, and Great Britain) of the Grand Alliance‐‐met in November 1943 to decide the future course of the war
The __________Conference‐‐The Big Three met in Yalta, Russia‐‐February 1945
Established pro‐Soviet governments along the Soviet Union's borders
Created the __________________ and the set 1st meeting for San Francisco in April 1945
Agreed to divide Germany into 4 zones‐_________compromised and agreed to free elections in Poland
The ____________ Conference‐‐July 1945‐‐Harry Truman demanded free elections in Eastern Europe‐‐Stalin stated that it was anti‐Soviet to allow this
The Allies did agree that trials should be held of leaders who had committed crimes against humanity
Nazi leaders were tried and condemned at trials in _______________, Germany
Trials were also held in Japan and Italy
The Soviets viewed Western and especially American, policy as nothing less than ____________________ expansion
Months after the world's most devastating conflict had ended, the world seemed to be bitterly ____________ once again
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