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World War 2
Study Guide
Identify in detail:
Maginot Line
Battle of Britain
Battle of the Bulge
Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact
Answer the following questions:
1. List the Allied Powers.
2. List the Axis Powers.
3. What area of Czechoslovakia did Hitler demand? Did he get it?
4. What was the agreement between Hitler and Mussolini?
5. What event spurred France and Great Britain to declare war on Germany?
6. What country did Hitler bomb from June 1940 to October 1940?
7. What country was the first taken by the Nazi war machine?
8. Hitler’s blitzkrieg, or “lightning war” was ____________________.
9. What happened at Dunkirk?
10. What 2 Balkan countries did Hitler have to control before he could invade the Soviet Union?
11. Why was the Battle of Stalingrad such a terrible defeat for Germany?
12. What stopped the German Army in November 1941?
13. What was the Rhineland?
14. What kind of society did Hitler promise the German people?
15. Who administered the Nazi’s Final Solution?
16. What did the Nazis do when the Einsatzgruppen proved to be too slow?
17. What was considered the best battleship during WWII?
18. What was history’s greatest naval invasion? Where did it occur?
19. What was the US’ reaction when Japan invaded China?
20. December 7, 1941…What happened?
21. What was the turning point of the war in the Pacific?
22. What new weapon did the US introduce against Japan in August 1945?
23. What country allowed women to serve in the army?
24. Who were the “Big Three” at the Tehran Conference? What was agreed upon at this
25. Who met at the Yalta Conference? What did they agree to do?
26. What demands did Truman make at the Potsdam Conference?
Choose one question and answer it to the best of your ability.
A: Explain the German path to World War II. (All the steps)
B: Explain key events and battles in Europe (Italy and Germany vs. United States, Great Britain,
and The Soviet Union)
C: Describe the American Offensive in the Pacific?
D: Explain the postwar period in Europe and the United States.