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Nonverbal Communication
What is Nonverbal Communication and Body
 “A natural, unconscious language that
broadcasts our true feelings and
intentions in any given moment and
clues us in to the feelings and intentions
of those around us.”
Types of Nonverbal Communication
Facial Expression
Showing emotions
by making faces;
universal across
Using our hands
to communicate;
can be different
across cultures.
The way a person sits,
walks, stands, or holds
his head affect our
views of him.
Tone; not
what you say
but how you
say it
Personal Bubble
Hand shake, pat
on the back, hug
Eye Contact
Maintains flow of
conversation and
shows interest,
Why Nonverbal Communication is Important
 Nonverbal communication makes up 93% of
• The way you listen, look,
move, and react tells the other
person if you care, if you’re
being truthful, and how well
you’re listening.
 Jack gets along with his colleagues at
work, but not with those who matter
most to him. If you were to ask them
why, they would say that Jack is “too
intense.” Rather than look at you, he
devours you with his eyes. And if he
takes your hand, he lunges to get it
and then squeezes so hard it hurts.
Jack is a caring guy but has a terrible
time being in sync with people. This
awkwardness limits his ability to
advance at work. He just isn’t seen as
being good with others.
 Arlene is attractive and has no
problem meeting eligible men.
Keeping them is the problem! Arlene
is funny and interesting, but even
though she constantly laughs and
smiles, she radiates tension. Arlene’s
shoulders and eyebrows are noticeably
raised, her voice is shrill, and her body
is stiff. Being around Arlene makes
many people feel uncomfortable.
Arlene has a lot going for her that is
undercut by the discomfort she evokes
in others.
 Ted thought he had found the perfect
match when he met Sharon, but Sharon
isn’t so sure. Ted is very eligible. He is
good looking, hardworking, and a smooth
talker. The trouble is that Ted seems to
talk more to himself than to Sharon.
When Sharon has something to say, Ted
is ready with a reply before she finishes
her thought. This makes Sharon feel
ignored, and she has started to date other
men. Ted loses out at work for the same
reason. His inability to listen to others
makes him unpopular with many of the
people he most admires.
Reading Nonverbal Communication
 Pay Attention to Inconsistencies
Reading Nonverbal Communication
 Look at nonverbal communication signals as a
Do not isolate nonverbal signals when trying to read them.
Taken as a whole, decide if the nonverbal cues are consistent
with what they say.
Reading Nonverbal Communication
 Trust your Instinct:
 Don’t dismiss your gut feeling.
 If you feel like someone is misleading you, don’t overlook it.