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Oral Communication
Review # 2
1. What are the advantages of oral communication?
2. What are the disadvantages of oral communication?
Types and Levels of Oral communication
1. Verbal Communication
Verbal communication is the sharing of information,
ideas and opinions between individuals using
2. Nonverbal Communication
Behaviour and elements of speech aside from the
words themselves that transmit meaning.
- Research suggests that only 5 % effect is produced by the
spoken word, 45 %by the tone and other elements of
voice, and 50 % by body language, movements, eye
contact, etc.
-Types of nonverbal communication:
1. Facial expressions.
2. Gestures: such as waving, pointing, and using fingers.
3. Paralinguistics: such as tone of voice, loudness, and
4. Body language and Posture
5. Eye contact
6. Appearance
- Certain forms of nonverbal communication may also
have different meanings in different culture.
3. Intrapersonal Communication
-Intrapersonal communication is also known as selftalk or thinking, and refers to the ways we
communicate with ourselves.
- The way we communicate with ourselves greatly
affects our self-esteem.
4. Interpersonal Communication
-Interpersonal communication is the communication we
have with other people.
-This type of communication varies from highly impersonal
to extremely personal.
-The degree to which we communicate, or fail to
communicate, with others influences how our
relationships with them develop, continue or come to an
5. Public Communication
-Public communication refers to public speeches that we
deliver in front of audiences.
- Public communication serves several purposes: to
entertain, to persuade and, or to inform ..etc.
- It is different from other forms of interaction in that (1) it
requires greater levels of planning and preparation on
the part of the speaker and (2) involves less direct
6. Mass Communication
-Mass communication refers to any type of media that
is used to communicate with mass audiences.
- Examples of mass media include books, television,
radios, films, computer technologies, magazines and
Speaking Activity # 4
Watching and Analyzing a video
Students are required to watch this video then analyze
what the see and hear.