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1. Memory which are in the form of nerve impulses in the sense organs
and their respective pathways to the brain is referred to as
A) working memory
C) perceptual memory
E) limited memory
B) sensory memory
D) eidetic memory
2. An image blinks briefly on a screen and a person is then asked to
recall the top line of letters; if he or she is able to recall them with
relative ease, he or she has utilized
A) iconic memory
C) long term memory
E) priming
B) the hindsight bias
D) the availability heuristic
3. Sensory memory that is responsible for storing auditory information
is referred to as which of the following?
A) Iconic
C) Declarative
E) Elaborative
B) Echoic
D) Auditory
4. According to the information processing model, which of the
following determines what sensory messages are encoded in
short-term memory?
A) Recall
C) Recency effect
E) Selective attention
B) State dependent memory
D) Recognition
5. "April showers brings May flowers" is a catchy rhyming aphorism
which increases our understanding of an apparent truth, rather than a
statement like "April rain brings flowers in May." This reflects the
value of which of which of the following?
A) Acoustic encoding
C) Imagery
E) Automatic processing
B) Serial position effect
D) Semantic storage
6. Encoding is best defined as which of the following?
A) The retention of information over time
B) The action of retrieving information from memory storage
C) The process of committing information into a specific
memory system
D) Active repetition of information
E) The immediate, elementary recording of sensory information
into a specific memory system
7. According to the levels of processing theory, which of the following
produces deep processing when presented with a list of words to
Location of the words
Rhythm of the words
Meaning of the words
Acoustic value of the words
Visualization of the words
8. According to the levels of processing theory,
A) the more time we spend on reading a book, the better we will
remember details from that book
B) objects that have greater personal importance will be recalled
more effectively then those with little personal relevance
C) thinking about the relationships and meanings of a given set
of concepts will promote better learning
D) rote memorization provides the most effective tool for effective
long term memory storage
E) people have the tendency to forget past events and experiences
that are not compatible with the schema they currently hold
about themselves
9. Which of the following is an example of effortful processing?
A) The route one drives to work each day
B) Memorizing word pairs and writing down as many as you
remember the following day
C) Noticing you've seen a particular classmate for the third time in
a day
D) Recalling where on a textbook page a particular definition is
E) Retracing your steps to figure out where you left your backpack
10. Multiple choice questions test one's ability to
A) recall
C) relearn
E) recognize
B) encode
D) imagine
11. Which of the following could be considered a flashbulb memory?
The memory of going shopping for clothes last week
The memory of learning to ride a bike
Recall of a phone number
Recalling the capital of New York on a geography quiz
Where you were when you learned your grandmother
passed away
12. The method of loci is most useful in
solving a mathematical equation
rote memorization
recalling a speech or a long list
drawing a diagram
learning dance moves
13. The phrase "My Very Eager Mother Just Served Us Nine Pizzas" to
help remember the order of the planets is an example of which of
the following?
A) Prompting cue
C) Chunking
E) Memory trace
B) Imagery
D) Mnemonics
14. While Frank is taking his social studies test, he recalls the
information. To help him recall this information, he visualizes
when he was studying - his room, with the music off, and his mom's
cooking in the air. Which of the following is Frank utilizing?
A) Imagery
C) Chunking
E) Iconic memory
B) Method of loci
D) Visual encoding
15. Lisa has a very important psychology final at the end of the week
on Friday. According to the spacing effect, which of the following
study strategies would be most effective?
Study on Monday and don't study for the rest of the week
Spend a portion of each night studying for the exam
Stay up all night Thursday
Study in the hours immediately previous to the exam
Do not study at all; meditate about the exam each night
16. Dan's wife asks him to go to the grocery store to pick up some items
for dinner. She tells him to get hamburgers, ketchup, mustard,
cheese, pickles, hot dogs, soda and chips.
According to the serial position effect, which items is Dan most
likely going to remember?
hamburgers and ketchup
soda and chips
pickles and hot dogs
hamburgers and chips
cheese, hamburgers, pickles
17. Which of the following phenomenon explains why a giggling
person will think lighthearted thoughts, and a depressed person will
retain melancholy thoughts?
Encoding specificity principle
Mood congruent memory
Method of loci
Self consistency bias
18. After being asked to memorize a list of words, Becky is able to
recall the words in the beginning best out of the list. Which of the
following is Becky experiencing?
A) Next-in-line effect
C) Novelty preference
E) Learning curve
B) Phi phenomenon
D) Primacy effect
19. Which of the following has been demonstrated to affect the
reliability of eyewitness testimony?
Wording of the questions asked
Time of day
Race of the witness
Sex of the witness
Place of initial questioning
20. A memory which is outside of the awareness of the conscious mind
is referred to as a
A) Border memory
C) Freudian memory
E) Amnesic memory
B) Repressed memory
D) Suppressed idea
21. According to psychologist and researcher Elizabeth Loftus, which
of the following is true of repressed memories?
A) Feelings of inadequacy, depression and anxiety may be caused
by repressed memories of child sexual abuse
B) Buried memories of traumatic events can cause both mental
AND physical complications for an individual
C) Repressed memories may be nothing more than false
D) There is no doubt about the accuracy and validity of repressed
E) Repression is inherently the body's best defense mechanism
22. Which of the following is TRUE concerning eyewitness testimony?
A) People's recollections are not influenced by leading questions
B) People's memory of a given event stays the same over time
C) Reconstruction of a recalled memory does not affect the
chance of error
D) Younger children are less suspectable to influence then adults
E) Confidence in memory does not mean the memory is more
23. Which of the following provides the neural basis for learning and
Papez circuit
HPA axis
Mirror neurons
Long term potentiation
ventromedial hypothalamus