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Chapter 7 Memory
 1st
step in remembering
 Putting information into memory
 Second
step in remembering information.
 Putting information into short term or long
term memory
 Locating
stored information and returning
it to conscious thought.
 3rd step in remembering
Types of Long Term Memory
 Episodic-memory
of your life
 Generic/Semantic-fact
 Implicit/Procedural (no effort to recall)
Classical conditioning effect
Flashbulb memory
 Events
so important it seems as though it
is a photograph in your mind.
 Example: Wedding day
 Type of episodic memory
Types of encoding
 Semantic:
Make something meaningful in order to
remember it.
Ex., you remember song lyrics that you like
more easily than your class notes
We remember things that are emotional for
us-funny, embarrassing, clever, intriguing, etc
 Acoustic-remember
by sound
 Visual-remember what we see
 amazing
 Spacing
effect- studying a little each night
leads to better encoding of information
 Primacy
effect-beginning of a list goes
into long-term memory better.
 Recency effect-end of list goes into shortterm memory better
Mnemonic Devices
(help enhance encoding)
 Narrative
chaining-tell a story linking items
 Acronyms-take first letter of each word to
be encoded and make them start new
words in an easy to remember phrase
 Ex.-My Very Eager Mother Just Served us
Nachos. (sorry Pluto)
 Chunking-grouping
items to remember
 Over learning-looking at something over
and over again until it is learned.
 Sensory
memory 1st stage of memory through our senses.
1. Iconic Memory- Mental pictures, they are
like snapshots
 We can remember everything we see for a
split second
2. Acoustic/Echoic Memory Remembering what you hear
 We can remember everything that we hear
for 3 seconds
Short Term Memory
 Memory
we keep only for a short period of
 Will forget information later that is in short
term memory unless we are able to
encode it into long-term memory
Long-Term Memory
 Memories
that are in your mind for good
 Your mind already holds more information
than an encyclopedia or computer hard
 Apparently there is no limit to how much
we can remember
Context-Dependent Memory
 Recalling
information in the place (context)
that you learned the information in.
Mood Congruent Memories
 Memories
that are retrieved because the
mood in which they were originally
encoded is re-created.
 Interference Trouble
recalling information because
other information gets in the way
 Ex. A boy calls his new girlfriend by his
old girlfriends name
 Repression
forget a painful event
 Misinformation effect- false information
can make us remember something that
never happened.
 Tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon
 Come so close to retrieving information
that it seems like the information is on the
 Retrograde
amnesia-can’t remember the
 Anterograde
amnesia-can’t form new