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If a structure is double stranded
and contains Thymine, what
molecule are you observing?
What does DNA stand for?
(Deoxyribonucleic acid)
What does RNA stand for?
(Ribonucleic acid)
Hershey and Chase discovered
that ____ carries genetic
information and is passed from a
virus to a bacteria.
( DNA )
DNA is an example of which
biological macromolecule?
A nucleotide consists of which
three parts?
( Nucleic Acid )
(A five-carbon sugar, a phosphate, and a nitrogenous
What are the four nitrogen bases
found in DNA?
What are the four nitrogen bases
found in RNA?
(Adenine, Thymine, Guanine, Cytosine
(Adenine, Cytosine, Guanine, and Uracil)
Which of the following are single
ring bases: Pyrimidines or
Which of the following are
double ring bases: Pyrimidines
or Purines?
Which nitrogen bases belong to
the Pyrimidine group?
Which nitrogen bases belong to
the Purine group?
( Thymine and Cytosine. ** Uracil in RNA )
(Adenine and Guanine)
Who discovered that the
percentages of guanine were
equal to the percentages of
cytosine? (**Same for A and T**)
What is Chargaff’s rule?
(Cytosine = Guanine ; Adenine = Thymine)
(Erwin Chargaff)
Rosalind Franklin’s famous
Photo 51 was used to determine
which important DNA feature?
Who built the first accurate
model of the double helix?
(James Watson and Francis Crick)
(The double helix, aka spiral, shape of DNA)
What do the outside strands (or
“rails”) of DNA consist of?
What are the nitrogen bases
attached to in a molecule of
(alternating sugars and phosphates)
(Deoxyribose sugars)
How do the nitrogen bases pair
together in a DNA molecule?
What forms the steps or “rungs”
of the twisted ladder?
(Adenine pairs with Thymine, Cytosine pairs with
(Pairs of nitrogen bases held together by hydrogen
What are the four major differences
between DNA and RNA?
(DNA – Deoxyribose Sugar, RNA – Ribose Sugar)
(RNA has Uracil instead of Thymine)
(RNA is single stranded)
(RNAcan leave the nucleus)
Where are DNA molecules
located in the cell?
What are ribosomes made up of?
What is a gene?
(A section of DNA which codes for the making of a
particular protein)
What are the three types of
(Messenger RNA (mRNA), Ribosomal RNA (rRNA), and
Transfer RNA (tRNA))
Which strand of DNA replicates
at one location and in one
direction only?
(Ribosomal RNA (rRNA) and proteins)
(The leading strand)
Which strand of DNA replicates
in many locations at the same
time, therefore producing
Okazaki fragments?
If a DNA sequence is ATC GAC,
what is the complementary DNA
sequence produced in
(The lagging strand)
What are the building blocks of
(Amino acids)
What is a codon?
(A 3 base sequence that codes for a specific amino acid)
How many codons are needed
to specify four amino acids?
(4. One codon codes for one amino acid.)
What ensures that the
appropriate amino acid, signaled
by the mRNA codon, is added to
the growing polypeptide chain?
(the transfer RNA (tRNA) molecule carrying the amino
acid has the complementary anticodon)
How many nitrogen bases are
needed to code for a protein with
five amino acids?
Arrange in order from smallest
to largest: nucleotide,
chromosome, cell, DNA, nucleus
(15. One codon codes for one amino acid and a codon
has 3 nitrogen bases )
(nucleotide, DNA, chromosome, nucleus, cell)
If a DNA sequence is ATC GAC,
what is the complementary
mRNA sequence produced in
On which molecule will you find
an anticodon?
(Transfer RNA (tRNA))
A DNA molecule being used to
make more DNA summarizes
which process?
A DNA molecule being used to
make a molecule of messenger
RNA summarizes which
A messenger RNA molecule
being read at the ribosome and
signaling amino acids
summarizes which process?
What is the monomer (building
block) of a nucleic acid polymer