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Geography of
Vietnam(Socialist Republic of Vietnam)
easternmost country on the Indochina
Peninsula in Southeast Asia
At latitude 8-23 degrees north
At longitude 102-109 degrees east
Located at the south of China
and west of Hainan Island
Neighboring countries : China ,
Thailand , Cambodia
• Tropical monsoon climate
• Average humidity = 84%
throughout the year
• vary considerably from place to
• differences in latitude
• marked variety in topographical
• seasonal temperatures vary only
a few degrees (7 cC) on some
Northern Region
eg. Hanoi
Humid subtropical climate
May to September - wet summer
November to March - dry winter
temperature varies from 5°C to 37°C
humidity of 1800mm/year
monsoon wind usually blows from
the northeast along the
Chinese coast and the Gulf of Tonkin,
picking up moisture
Southern Region
eg. Ho Chi Minh City
Tropical savanna climate
seasonal division is not clear
high humidity of 2000mm/year
high annual temperature
of between 21 and 28 °C
Relief and Characteristic of Regions
Terracing 梯田
Mountainous Region
Eg.Northwest Central Highland
• Sparse population
• Poor economy
Red River Delta (紅河三角洲)
• Capital Ho Nai(河內)
• Famous tourist attraction :
Ha Long Bay(下龍灣)
• Major economy sector: Tourism
Relief and Characteristic of Regions
• Gentle relief
• Largest City: Ho Chi Minh City
• Richest city in the country
• Commercial
Ho Chi Minh City
Mekong River Delta(湄公河三角洲)
• Gentle relief
• Near the coast
• Extensive Farmland
• Prosperous Fishery
Floating market
Natural Hazard in Vietnam
has a tropical monsoon
Annual rainfall ranges
from 1,200 to 3,000 mm
Typhoon and Flooding
two main seasons :
-the rainy season
-the dry season
• Flood waters inundate farm land
• Food shortages
• Economic loss
Natural landscape of Vietnam
Vietnam is a country of tropical lowlands,
hills, and densely forested highlands, with
level land covering no more than 20% of the
Rainforests cover 75% of its area.
The country is divided into the highlands and
the Red River Delta in the north; and the
Central mountains(安南山脈), the coastal
lowlands, and the Mekong Delta in the south.
The region of Vietnam can be divided into:
Red River Delta
Central highlands
Coastal lowlands
Mekong Delta
Northeast Vietnam
Including 11 provinces in the north of the Red River Delta
Ha long Bay is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and a
popular travel destination, located in Quảng Ninh
The bay consists of a dense cluster of some 1,600
limestone monolithic islands, each topped with thick
jungle vegetation, rising spectacularly from the ocean.
Karst geomorphology:the result of mildly acidic water
acting on weakly soluble bedrock such as limestone
or dolostone.
Dong Thien Cung,
Ha Long Bay
Red River Delta(紅河三角洲 )
The Red River Delta is the flat plain formed by the Red River
and its distributaries joining in the Thái Binh River(太平江)
in northern Vietnam.
The Red River is the second largest river in Vietnam and
one of the five largest rivers on the of East Asia coast.
Hanoi:the capital of Vietnam and the country's second
largest city. It is located on the right bank of the Red River.
Hoàn Kiếm Lake還劍湖
Vietnam Military History Museum
Coastal lowlands
• The narrow, flat coastal lowlands extend from south
of the Red River Delta to the Mekong River basin. Including
6 provinces in the north, 5 provinces in the south, 7 provinces
in the southeast and the Ho Chi Minh City.
• Ho Chi Minh City(Saigon), the largest city and economic centre of
Vietnam. The average elevation is 19 metres (62 ft) above sea
The highlands and mountain plateaus in the north and northwest
are inhabited mainly by tribal minority groups.
The Annamite Range originates in the Tibetan and Yunnan
of southwest China and forms Vietnam's border with Laos.
It terminates in the Mekong River Delta north of Hồ Chí Minh
City (formerly Saigon).
Within the southern portion of Vietnam is a plateau known as the
Central Highlands (Tây Nguyên), approximately 51,800 square
kilometers of rugged mountain peaks, extensive forests, and
rich soil.
Mekong Delta
The Mekong Delta, covering about 40,000 square
kilometers, is a low-level plain not more than three
meters above sea level at any point and criss-crossed
by a maze of canals and rivers.
Mekong Delta
Area:39,000 km².
One of the most important rice planting areas on Earth.
Sustainable Developments
Chan Cheuk Hei 4D (1)
Chan Siu Yip 4A (1)
Chan Yiu Tung 4E (2)
Chu Lam Sang 4C (5)
Ng Ka Yin 4A (28)
Wong Sum Yi 4C (30)
 Transportation
 not enough highways, domestic flights,
railways, piers, bridges…
Public facilities
 not enough public (free) toilets, sitting
out areas, recreational facilities…
Environmental Waste
 1970s: reform and opening up policy
many tourists come
people throw the rubbish on street
 increase the difficulty on cleaning the
garbage on the streets.
Environmental Conservation
Noise & Air pollution
 many motorbikes & cars
an increasing number of noise & air
pollutant of Vietnam
e.g. Hanoi(河內)
Ho Chi Minh City(胡志明市)
affect humans’ health eg. Asthma & lung cancers
causes acid rain and low visibility
Low educational
Vietnamese levelLivelihood
3 main reasons
1. high school fee most citizens cannot afford
2. no public school in Vietnam
3. parents: going to school is useless
 prefer their children to work (e.g. farming)
  cause low income + no public housing estate
 difficult to buy flat
 Build more infrastructure for trading
 pier – trade with other regions
 bridge/highway – lower the time for
 Build more infrastructure for tourism
 domestic flight – lower the travelling time
between attractions (e.g. Hanoi & Ha Long Bay)
 railway – between main cities - Hanoi & Ho
Chi Minh City
Environmental waste
 Put more rubbish bins
 less rubbish will be thrown on the streets
 improve public health & international image
 Increase the rate of streets cleaning everyday
 provide job opportunities to Vietnamese
 reduce the amount of rubbish on the streets
Environmental Conservation
 encourage people to take public transports
 reduce the amount of air pollutants released
by the motorcycles
 reduce noise & air pollution
 improve Vietnamese’ health
 prevent environmental problems
eg. Acid rain, global warming,
destruction of ecosystem
Environmental Conservation
 Standardize the gas emission(氣體排放) for all
engines of vehicles on the road
 Increase the charge on gas emission of the factories
reduce the air particles released
Low educational level
Vietnamese Livelihood
 Build more public schools
 popularize education
 Provide allowance to schools
reduce the school fee
ease the financial burdens of the students
 Provide lowly-priced refresher courses
 improve their working skills
Low educational level
Vietnamese Livelihood
 Introduce scholarship
 provide awards of financial aid for students
to further their studies
 help poor students with high school fees
 encourage students to study
Our experiences
4A Chau Tsz Ting
4D Leung Hong
4E Tse Chun Ho
4F Chan Ching Hei
Leung Washing
Yao Yun Xian
1.Charged lavatories
 Environment maybe polluted
2. Lack of Trashcan
 People may littering
3. Health Care Policies
 Poor health of people
1.Not enough Highways
 Inconvenient for travellers to reach their destination
2.Facilities in Airport are not consummate
 Image will be affected
3.Transportation is bustling and disorder
 Traffic are jamed
Tourism Promotion
1.Facilities for tourism are not enough
 Quality of hotels are poor (eg: Halong Bay & Hanoi)
 Lack of tourist attraction
Management of tourist attraction are confused 2.Cultural differences
 Only a few people know foreign language
3.Expensive VISA fee
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