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Introduction to waves and Study Guide­
NAME________________________ Transverse Waves: ​
When most people think of waves, they
think of ​
waves. But ​
and sound also travel as
waves. A light wave, like a water wave, is an example of a
transverse wave​
, which causes the molecules in the medium
to move perpendicular to the direction of the wave
is what the wave is traveling through. Examples
of mediums could be water for ocean waves, air for sound waves or even the ground/earth’s crust for
seismic waves that cause earthquakes. In the diagram above, you can also see how transverse waves form
crests and troughs.
The distance between any two crests (see picture above) is the ​
, while the height of a crest (or the depth of a trough) is the ​
. ​
refers to the number of crests or troughs that pass a certain point each second, basically frequency is how much a wave vibrates. The frequency of a light wave for example is what determines its color. Higher frequencies producing colors on the blue and violet end of the spectrum and lower frequencies producing colors on the red end of the spectrum. Longitudinal Waves​
­Sound waves do not travel as transverse waves. They are a different type of wave called ​
longitudinal waves​
. Longitudinal waves move like a slinky. They stretch and these stretches are called rarefactions​
. Then the molecules smash together and these are called compressions. Take a woodwind instrument, such as a clarinet. When you blow into a clarinet, a thin reed begins to vibrate. The vibrating reed first pushes against air molecules (the medium), then pulls away. This results in an area where all of the air molecules are pressed together and, right beside it, an area where air molecules are spread far apart. As these compressions and rarefactions move from one point to another, they form a longitudinal wave, where the molecules of the medium move parallel to the direction that the waves is moving. If you study the diagram of the wave, you'll see that longitudinal waves have the same basic characteristics as transverse waves. They have wavelength (the distance between two compressions), amplitude (the amount the medium is compressed) and frequency (the number of compressions that pass a fixed point per second). Using music as an example, the amplitude of a sound wave determines its ​
intensity or volume​
, or how loud something is. The frequency of a sound wave determines its pitch, with higher frequencies producing higher pitched notes. For example, the open sixth string of a ​
vibrates at a frequency of 82.407 hertz (cycles per second) and produces a lower or deeper pitched sound! The open first string vibrates at a frequency of 329.63 hertz and produces a higher pitched sound! STUDY GUIDE QUESTIONS: Part 1: Define the following vocabulary words using the context clues and descriptions in the reading passage­ a.Wavelength­ b. Frequency­ c. Amplitude­ d. Medium­ Part 2. Compare and Contrast the two types of waves. Include differences in directions of molecule movements and also the basic shape. 3. What is an example of something that travels as a longitudinal wave? ___________________________ 4. What is an example of something that travels as a transverse wave? ___________________________ 5. Make Connections: What does the frequency of a sound wave determine musically? __________________________________________________________________________
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