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Unit 6: Plate Tectonics
Students will get a better understanding of the
processes, evidence and results of plate tectonics.
TEKS 6.10 C
Identify the major tectonic plates, including
Eurasian, African, Indo-Australian, Pacific,
North American, and South American
Big Ideas:
The Earth is a dynamic system
Plate tectonics is the unifying theory that explains the past and current movements of the rocks at the
earth’s surface and provides a coherent account of its geological history.
TEKS 6.10 D
Describe how plate tectonics cause major
geological events such as ocean basins,
earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and
mountain building.
TEKS 8.9 B
Relate plate tectonics to the formation of
crustal features
TEKS 8.9 A
Describe the historical development of
evidence that supports plate tectonics theory
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I Can
 I can name the major tectonic plates on a map of the Earth including: Eurasian, African, Indo-Australian, Pacific, North American, and South American
 I can explain how convection currents allow for the movement of tectonic plates
 I can explain the movement of tectonic plates at convergent, divergent and transform boundaries , and the type of crustal features that form at each
boundary (mountains, ocean basin, trench, rift zone, island arc, and fault)
 I can explain how and why subduction of the tectonic plates occurs and the crustal features that form.
 I can describe how plate tectonics cause earthquakes and volcanos.
 I can list historical and current evidence of plate tectonics.
 I can list the evidence (Pangaea, land features, fossils, and climate) that supports Wegner’s theory of continental drift.
 I can explain Wegner’s theory of continental drift and how it contributed to the theory of plate tectonics.
 I can explain how seafloor spreading supports the theory of plate tectonics.
Unit Vocabulary
Tectonic plates
Convergent boundary
Divergent boundary
Transform boundary
Oceanic crust
Continental crust
Ocean basins
Volcanic eruptions
Island arc
Mountain building
Ocean ridge
Rift valley
Eurasian Plate
African Plate
Indo-Australian Plate
South American Plate
North American Plate
Antarctic Plate
Plate boundary
Convection currents
Seafloor spreading
Magnetic reversals
Continental drift
Alfred Wegener
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