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Section A:
Total of 15 Marks: (each correct answer is worth half a mark)
MULTIPLE CHOICE: (only one correct answer, no minus marks)
1. Ribosomes are found _____.
A. within the cytosol
B. attached to endoplasmic reticulum
C. in the nucleus
D. in the Golgi apparatus
E. in chromosomes
F. both (A) and (B )
2. Ribosomes _____.
A. synthesize proteins
B. contain the DNA
C. synthesize lipids
D. store hydrolytic enzymes
E. synchronise the beating of cilia
F. both (A) and (B )
3. Which of the following is a function of the smooth endoplasmic reticulum?
A. steroid synthesis
B. solar energy absorption
C. enzyme synthesis
D. ATP synthesis
E. protein synthesis
F. All of the above
4. Proteins are modified, sorted and packaged by the _________.
A. plasma membrane
B. mitochondria
C. Golgi apparatus
D. Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum (SER)
E. Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum (RER)
F. lysosomes
5. Bacteria that are engulfed by a white blood cell will be destroyed by
hydrolytic enzymes inside ________________.
A. ribosomes
B. lysosomes
C. chloroplasts
D. mitochondria
E. centrioles
F. basal bodies
6. Sexual reproduction _____.
A. requires haploid gametes
B. results in a diploid zygote
C. creates offspring that are genetically different from the parents
D. involves replication of specialized reproductive cells
E. does not involve growth of somatic cells
F. all of the above
7. Homologous chromosomes are found in _____.
A. eggs
B. sperm
C. diploid body cells
D. both (A) and (B)
E. (A) and (B) and (C)
F. none of these
8. Homologous chromosomes _____.
A. occur in pairs in diploid body cells
B. have one member inherited from the male parent and the other from the
female parent
C. have the same centromere position
D. contain genes for the same traits
E. are the same length
F. all of the above
9. Gametes _____.
A. are diploid
B. contain only one chromosome of each kind
C. have the same number of chromosomes as the body cells
D. all of the above
E. fuse with gametes of the opposite sex to form haploid zygotes
F. are produced by diploid body cells after mitosis
10. Once duplicated, a chromosome is composed of two identical parts called
A. sister chromatids
B. centromeres
C. homologous chromosomes
D. chiasmata
E. bivalents
F. centrosomes
11. Molluscs have _____.
A. radial symmetry
B. no body cavity
C. a complete digestive system
D. a tissue level of organization
E. a nervous system which consists of several ganglia connected by nerve
F. (C) and (E)
12. The only remains of the coelom in the bivalves is the _____.
A. mantle
B. incurrent siphon
C. pericardial cavity
D. anterior adductor muscle
E. gill
F. exhalent siphon
13. The most numerous and diverse vertebrates are the _____.
A. cartilaginous fish
B. reptiles
C. primates
D. ray-finned fish
E. amphibians
F. snakes
14. Bony fish _____.
A. have a skeleton of cartilage
B. have a swim bladder
C. perform internal fertilization and development
D. all of the above
E. None of the above
F. A and B only
15. In which of the following phyla are deuterostomes classified?
A. mollusca
B. arthropoda
C. echinodermata
D. nematoda
E. annelida
F. platyhelminthes
16. The _____ undergo spiral cleavage during development.
A. chordates
B. annelids
C. echinoderms
D. molluscs
E. all of the above
F. (B) and (D)
17. Cnidarians have unique stinging cells called _____ with which they can
trap or paralyze their prey.
A. cnidocytes
B. spicules
C. collar cells
D. scolex
E. radula
F. trichocysts
18. Roundworms have a(n) _____.
A. partially lined body cavity (Pseudocoelom)
B. complete digestive tract, with unbranched gut from mouth to anus
C. organ level of organization
D. unsegmented cylindrical body with no cilia
E. Cuticle of protein
F. all of the above
19. Which of the following is incorrectly matched?
A. sponges - no tissues
B. cnidaria - gastrovascular cavity
C. Planaria or other free-living flatworm - hooks and suckers
D. polychaete worm – parapodia and many setae
E. colonial corals – reef formation
F. crustacean – exoskeleton made of chitin
20. Which of the following is an example of an echinoderm?
A. octopus
B. tunicate
C. shrimp
D. sea cucumber
E. worm
F. clam
21. Which of the following is considered a macromolecule?
A. nucleic acid
B. amino acid
C. fatty acid
D. sugar
F. none of the above
22. Carbohydrates include all of the following EXCEPT ______.
A. ribose
B. glucose
C. starch
D. cellulose
E. phospholipids
F. sucrose
23. The building blocks of protein are____
A. amino acids
B. monosaccharides
C. glycerol
D. nucleotides
E. fatty acids
F. nucleic acids
24. The first phase of glucose metabolism is _____.
A. the Krebs cycle
B. glycolysis
C. the electron transport system
D. the transition reaction
E. fermentation
F. Calvin- Benson cycle
25. About _____of the energy in glucose is transformed into ATP during
cellular respiration
26. When NADP+ accepts electrons it becomes _____.
A. CO2
B. (CH2O)
C. H2O
27. Blood type in humans is controlled by _____ allele(s).
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
E. 5
F. None of the above
28. Nucleic acids contain _____ type(s) of nucleotide(s).
A. one
B. two
C. three
D. four
E. five
F. six
29. Biomes change _____.
A. with altitude
B. with longitude
C. with latitude
D. gradually from one type to another
E. with temperature
F. all of the above
30. The maximum number of individuals of a given species that can be
supported by a given area on a sustained basis is known as _____.
A. Competition
B. biotic potential
C. carrying capacity
D. exponential growth
E. sigmoid growth
F. environmental resistance
Section B:
(each total question is worth 10 marks)
Question 1.
Describe the structure and function of five of the following:
the eukaryote nucleus
endoplasmic reticulum
eukaryote flagella and cilia
Total 10 marks : 2 marks for each part.
Question 2
a. Compare and contrast prokaryotic (bacterial) cells with eukaryotic cells (in
detail, for all aspects of structure and biology). (2marks)
b. Describe how bacteria may be identified and classified. (3marks)
c. Write notes on beneficial and detrimental effects of bacteria (environmental,
industrial and medical) (3 marks)
d. How may substances be preserved by retarding bacterial growth (2 marks)
Total of 10 marks:
Question 3.
Describe, compare and contrast the taxonomy, morphology, reproduction and
economic importance of named species in two classes of Fungi.
Total 10 marks: 5 marks for each class of Fungi
Question 4.
Describe the adaptations for a parasitic mode of life, relating to features such
as morphology, locomotion and reproduction, of two named species in two
classes of parasitic Protozoa and note the economic and social impact the
species have exerted throughout the world.
Total 10 marks: 5 marks for each class of Protozoa
Question 5
Write notes on two of the following Phyla, with examples of the species
contained within these groupings:
Cnidaria (Coelenterata)
Question 6
a) Distinguish between food chains and food webs
b) Define and give an example of a grazing food web and a storage food
Total 10 marks 5 marks each part
Question 7
Distinguish between starch, cellulose and glycogen under the following
chemical composition
Total 10 marks
Question 8
a) What is meant by the term biogeochemical cycle?
b) Outline any biogeochemical cycle with which you are familiar
Total 10 marks 3 marks for part a and 7 marks for part b