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Modal Verbs
Can you write ‘review-style’ sentences using the verbs below?
ought to
Here are some examples to get you started:
The audience couldn’t hear the lines spoken
by Hermia, which made the production a little
The production may not be suitable for very
young children.
Learning Objective: to understand the
function of modal verbs
Verb types
• Some verbs are known as auxiliary verbs
(helping verbs) – this means they work with
the main verb of the sentence.
• e.g. I cook  I can’t cook.
I dance  I used to dance.
Modal verbs
• Modal verbs are auxiliary verbs which express
possibility, uncertainty, likelihood and
• Examples are:
• can
• could
• have to
• may
• might
Can you write a sentence
for each one?
• shall
• should
• will
• would
Where should these modals go on the scale?
not definite
have to
Modal verbs in reviews
Read the review below, and swap the modal verbs used for
different ones. What is the impact of the modal verbs chosen?
While some audience members may have been disappointed by the
quality of dialogue in ‘Guardians of the Galaxy’, no viewer could
ignore the exceptional special effects. This should, however, go
without saying – Marvel adaptations are famed for their blockbuster
effects, and the space landscape was nothing less than awe-inspiring.
Fewer bad punch lines and more lingering views of abandoned
planets may have gained this film an extra star from me.
A film like ‘Guardians of the Galaxy’ could have been a total cheesefest – not good for you and ultimately leaving you feeling a bit queasy
if you have too much. But no – director James Gunn found that he
could take the dubious premise of talking racoons, trees, green girls
and a space thief and still make an entertaining film. Shall we have
more? So we might think, from the plot gaps still not filled.
Final thoughts...
• Overall, was this review a positive one or a
negative one?
• How did the modal verbs help make the
judgement about the film a bit more
• Write your 10 commandments for a perfect
• Think carefully about which modal you use.