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Properties and Location of the Solar
3rd Grading Period, Week 8 - 6th Grade
We will learn about …
• the Sun
• the planets
• Galilean moons
• Meteors
• Asteroids
• Comets
The Sun is a yellow medium-sized star. It is the center of our solar system.
The Sun is a burning ball of gases, mostly hydrogen and helium. The
diameter of the sun is 100 times that of the earth. The surface of the Sun
is the photosphere and the atmosphere of the Sun is called the corona. The
photosphere contains cooler areas called sunspots and has burst of energy
called solar flares.
Inner Planets
The inner planets are the four planets nearest the Sun - Mercury, Venus,
Earth, and Mars. These planets have solid, rocky surfaces and have cores
made of iron. Mercury is the smallest planet and closest to the Sun.
Venus, second closest to the Sun, is surrounded by thick clouds. Earth,
our planet, is the third planet from the Sun and supports life. Mars is
fourth from the Sun and often called the red planet.
Outer Planets
The outer planets are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. These
planets are larger than the inner planets and are huge balls of gas with
solid cores. They are called the gas giants. Jupiter is the largest
planet and 5th planet from the Sun. Saturn is the 6th planet from the
Sun and has broad rings made of ice and rock. Uranus is the next planet
and is bluish green. Neptune is the furthest planet from the Sun.
color change
has occurred
GalileanA Moons,
Asteriods, and Comets
The Galilean Moons are the four largest moons of Jupiter discovered by Galileo Galilei. Meteros are
sometimes called “shooting stars” because they are a streak of light formed by a space rock burning
up as is plunges through Earth’s atmosphere. Meteors can be as small as a grain of sand or many
meters in diameter. Asteriods exist in all parts of the solar system, but most are concentrated in a
belt that lies between Mars and Jupiter. Some of these large rocks are large enough to be called
“minor planets”. A comet is a mixture of frozen gases and tiny particles of dust. A comet has a head
and a tail of gases and dust given off by the moving comet. The comet has an orbit round the Sun.