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Name _________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Period _____________________
Ancient Rome Web Quest
Directions: Launch Internet Explorer and go to: -Answer the questions by exploring the web site.
To return to the beginning screen, click on "Romans Index" just below the time line.
City of Rome:
1. In the Roman legend of how Rome began, who were the twin boys?____________________________
2. After being thrown into the river, who were they cared for at first? _____________________________
3. In 509 B.C. Romans overthrew their king and became a _____________________________________
4. What was Rome ruled by? ____________________________________________________________
5. Describe a Senator: __________________________________________________________________
6. Describe a Roman "citizen": ___________________________________________________________
Using the photos:
7. Explain why Julius Caesar was murdered; what did he try to do?_______________________________
8. What was the Forum? ________________________________________________________________
9. What two other buildings made the Forum an important place?________________________________
10. How were the Romans like the Greeks? _________________________________________________
11. Why did the Romans borrow gods from the cultures they conquered?__________________________
12. In what 2 ways did the Romans honor and worship their gods? _______________________________
13. What became the official religion of the Roman Empire in the 4th century AD? __________________
The Roman Army:
14. What were 3 requirements of men in the Roman army? _____________________________________
15. Large units of 4,000-6,000 men were known as a? _________________________________________
16. What did Roman soldiers wear and carry for protection? ____________________________________
17. What were some of their fighting weapons? ______________________________________________
18. What were 3 things Roman soldiers were expected to do in addition to excelling in battle?
19. What is an aqueduct, and why did the Romans build them?__________________________________
20. What 2 things were the Romans good (actually, great!) at building? ___________________________
21. Why didn’t the Romans invent many machines? __________________________________________
22. In what important way were the roofs of Roman buildings different from Greek buildings?
23. What three things did Roman audiences enjoy watching? ___________________________________
24. What are at least 3 things that attracted Romans to the Baths? ________________________________
Family and Children:
25. At about what age did girls marry, and what were their 3 main responsibilities? _________________
26. School was used to prepare rich boys for what jobs? _______________________________________
27. What are some Roman toys that are similar to ones you have played with? _____________________
28. define: scrolls _____________________________________________________________________
When finished go back and explore the “Fun Facts”, there are several different ones on each page.