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3.11 C: Meiosis Quiz
Which diagram best illustrates the processes of DNA replication, meiosis, and separation of
sister chromatids?
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3.11 C: Meiosis Quiz
Which diagram best shows the steps and the correct sequence of changes in ploidy that
chromosomes undergo while being transmitted from parent to offspring when a zygote is
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3.11 C: Meiosis Quiz
The diagram below shows the meiotic divisions involved in the formation of an egg cell
(oogenesis). The polar bodies produced during oogenesis eventually degenerate.
Which is the best explanation of the role of polar bodies during the formation of an egg?
(A) The first polar body is produced by removal of the Y chromosome to ensure that an egg
contains only an X chromosome. In meiosis II, the extra set of chromosomes is placed into
the second polar body so that the egg has the proper number of chromosomes.
(B) The first polar body is generated in meiosis I, when all of the chromosomes are passed on
to the egg, allowing for cell division without a reduction in chromosomes. In meiosis II, the
sister chromatids are separated into two cells and result in a second polar body containing
the extra chromatid set.
(C) The first polar body is generated in meiosis I, when the extra set of chromosomes is
removed to ensure that the secondary oocyte has the diploid number. In the second
meiotic division, the second polar body is created to produce an egg with the haploid
number of chromosomes.
(D) The first polar body is produced in meiosis I, when the pairs of homologous chromosomes
are separated into two cells. In meiosis II, the second polar body is generated when sister
chromatids are separated into two cells to obtain the haploid number of chromosomes in
the egg.
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3.11 C: Meiosis Quiz
A genetic marker is a gene (DNA sequence) with a known location and a somewhat predictable
inheritance pattern. The inheritance of a genetic condition located on the Y sex chromosome is
indicated by “Y” on the pedigree below. Because the condition results from a unique sequence
of nucleotides that is extremely rare in the human population, it is often used in paternity cases
to determine if offspring are related to the potential parents.
Which statement best explains how using a genetic marker on the Y chromosome is more
helpful than using markers on other chromosomes in determining paternity over many
(A) Markers on other chromosomes in the body would be less useful for determining paternity,
because the chromosomes exist in homologous pairs after fertilization, and many
recessive genes will not be expressed in the offspring.
(B) Markers on other chromosomes in the body would be less useful for determining paternity,
because the chromosomes exist as tetrads before meiosis, and it is very difficult to find a
genetic marker among four chromatids.
(C) Markers on other chromosomes in the body would be less useful for determining paternity,
because autosomal genetic markers are very difficult to identify compared to those that are
sex-linked, since there are so many more autosomal chromosomes than sex
(D) Markers on other chromosomes in the body would be less useful for determining paternity,
because during meiosis there is only a 50% chance that they will be passed on to a child,
but the Y chromosome will be passed on to all male offspring.
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