Download 17th November 2016 Dear Parents In an effort to encourage the

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17th November 2016
Dear Parents
In an effort to encourage the children at Little Gems to eat healthy food, next week (20 – 24th November) will
be Healthy Eating Week. All week the teachers will be talking to the children about healthy eating habits and
getting them involved in related activities. Whilst most of the children already bring in a nutritious snack we
would like to emphasise healthy eating by asking you to provide them with at least 1 portion of fruit or
vegetables every day next week.
Here are some reasons why it’s so important to give your child a healthy snack:
Eating healthily in early life is likely to continue into adulthood
The number of obese children has more than doubled in the last 20 years
Overweight children are more likely to become overweight adults and may suffer physical and
psychological problems
Eating fruit and vegetables each day has many health benefits including reducing the risk of a stroke,
heart disease, high blood pressure and some forms of cancer
Studies show that most school lunchboxes contain too much fat, salt and sugar. A high sugar, high salt lunch
can leave your child feeling tired and unable to concentrate and may even affect their behaviour. The perfect
snack would include:
At least 1 portion of fruit or vegetables (to count towards the recommended 5 portions a day)
1 portion of starchy food for energy (e.g. bread, low sugar cereals or pasta)
1 portion protein (meat, fish or eggs)
1 portion dairy product (e.g. yoghurt, cheese or milk)
A drink (water, milk or very diluted juice)
Did you know: Fruit juice contains very high amounts of natural sugar!
e.g. 100% Apple Juice contains the natural sugar equivalent of the same volume of 1 can of cola
(12 oz / 1 can = 10 teaspoons sugar!!)
Variety is very important! Try to give your child something different every day and include several small portions of
different food as opposed to a larger portion of only 1 type of food. This will be much more appealing to them and
they are more likely to eat their whole snack. It is also healthier as you will be covering more food groups.
When your child brings his lunch to school he brings a little piece of home with him! If you have the time try
personalising your child’s snack, put a sticker on their sandwich bag, cut sandwiches into fun shapes with
cookie cutters or draw a smiley face on their banana for example. Another way to encourage your child to eat
a healthy lunch is to involve them. They will enjoy helping you choose items in the supermarket and helping
you prepare their lunchboxes, and you will get to know their likes and dislikes. Here are some suggestions for
some popular mini-snacks. Good luck!
Baby carrots
Pasta salad
Yoghurt drink
Cereal bar
Coucous salad
Mixed dried fruit
Fruit puree
Rice salad
Miniature cheeses
Small box of raisins
Fresh fruit salad
Pitted olives
Hard boiled egg
Tortilla wrap
Carrot cake
Crackers and cheese
Homemade pizza
Sticks of carrot and celery
Half a kiwi with a spoon
Pitta bread stuffed with turkey ham and salad
Hummus with cucumber sticks or rice cakes
Sandwich made with wholemeal bread
Cubes of cheese and pineapple
Baby corn on the cob
Tub of yoghurt or laban
Fruit bread