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Characterizing the
Cool KOIs"
John A. Johnson"
Caltech à Harvard CfA"
Problem: Itʼs difficult to characterize M Dwarfs"
This is important because the size of the planet !
depends on the size of the star, because Kepler !
measures the fractional decrease in light!
? Single/Binary?"
Mass = ?
Radius = ?
Luminosity = ?
Distance = ?
Temperature = ?
Age = ?"
The Palomar 200 inch"
TripleSpec (R~3000 JHK)!
TripleSpec followup of KOIs
"initiated by: Jamie Lloyd (Cornell)"
Phil Muirhead (Caltech à BU) Julie5e Becker (Caltech Junior) Barbara Rojas-­‐Ayala (AMNH) Na and Ca EW trace Metallicity DeformaPon from H2O traces TEff (H2O-­‐K index) Kevin Covey (Lowell) Johnson & Apps 2009 Phil Muirhead (Caltech à BU) Muirhead et al. 2012a Figure courtesy Jamie Lloyd Phil Muirhead (Caltech à BU) Characterizing the Cool KOIs Muirhead+ (2012a,b 2013 in prep) Rojas Ayala+ (2010, 2012) KOI-­‐952/Kepler 32 5 transit system (Swi^+ 2013) KOI 961 The star is only 70% larger than Jupiter! Muirhead, Johnson, Apps et al. 2012"
From false positive to ApJ"
Phil Muirhead Avi Shporer Andrew Vanderburg Julie5e Becker Muirhead, Vanderburg, Shporer et al. 2013 submi5ed Julie5e Becker (Caltech Junior Class of 2014) Palomar-200/TripleSpec Radial Velocities"
" (days)"
White dwarf"
Transit model by Agol 2003 KOI-952 = Kepler-32"
A tiny solar system"
The Kepler-32 planetary system"
Swi^, Johnson et al. 2013 Jon Swi^ Radii (RE)" 0.8" 1.5" 2.2" 2.0"
Mass (ME)" ?"
?" 3.4" 3.8"
The Story of Compact Planetary System Formation"
Swi^, Johnson et al. 2013 •  We have strong evidence that the Kepler-32 planets formed in
< 10 Myr and migrated inward through gaseous disk"
–  Inner planet too close to form there"
–  Middle planetsʼ 3:2:1 commensurability demands a gentle
migration mechanism"
•  The Kepler-32 planets are representative of all of Keplerʼs M
dwarf planets, and therefore M dwarfs throughout the Galaxy "
•  These are powerful constraints on the timescale and nature of
the mechanisms that form some of the most numerous
planetary systems in the Galaxy!"
•  The Solar System is rare.!
–  Most stars are M dwarfs"
–  Most planets formed around M dwarfs"
Jon Swi^ Characterizing the Cool KOIs Muirhead+ (2012a,b 2013 in prep) Rojas Ayala+ (2010, 2012) What is the completeness of the
Kepler survey for planets with RP?"
R* KP RP P b You must consider the sizes of the stars in the survey R*’ KP’ RP P b RP P b’ R*’ KP’ InclinaPons (impact parameters) ma5er RP P’ b’ R*’ KP’ Very important to consider the distribuPon of periods when assessing the occurrence within Pmax Goal: Create a period-normalized
non-parametric radius function"
Tim Morton Jon Swi^ Morton & Swi^ 2013 The SNR Ramp"
Fressin et al. 2013 Morton & Swi^ 2013 Morton & Swi^ 2013 The Occurrence Rate of Small Planets
Around Small Stars"
Dressing & Charbonneau (2013)"
•  The occurrence rate of Earth-size planets in
the habitable zone is 0.15 planets per small
•  With 95% confidence, there is a transiting
Earth-size planet in the habitable zone of a
small star within 21 pc.!
AAS Long Beach"
Courtney Dressing"
Summary and Conclusions •  We have characterized all of the Cool KOI host stars, and
weʼre gearing up to do more"
–  Stellar astrophysics is the key to understanding Keplerʼs planet
•  We have validated and characterized some of the smallest
planets in the Kepler sample by focusing on the M dwarfs"
–  Even the false positives have turned out to be interesting!"
•  We have uncovered clues about the dominant mode of planet
formation throughout the Galaxy"
–  The Solar System is starting to look weird from a Galactic
•  We have measured the radius distribution of planets around M
–  The distribution peaks between 1.0 and 1.5 Rearth and declines
sharply toward smaller radii"
Thank you!
and thanks to:"
Caltech ExoLab:
Phil Muirhead
Jon Swift
Tim Morton
Ben Montet
Juliette Becker
Andrew Vanderburg
Leslie Rogers
Becky Jensen-Clem
Marta Bryan
Kristina Hogstrom Sebastian Pineda
Michael Bottom
Melodie Kao
Sasha Hinkley
Jean-Michel Desert
Jason Wright"
"Avi Shporer"
"Rebekah Dawson"
"Dan Fabrycky"
"Peter Plavchan"
"Barbara Rojas-Ayala"
"Andrew Howard"
"Josh Winn"
"Josh Carter"
"Geoff Marcy"
"Debra Fischer"
"Christoph Barnec"
"Nick Law"
"Reed Riddle
Heather Knutson
Christoph Barnec
Nick Law
Tim Morton Robo-­‐AO Kepler Follow-­‐up PI Baranec et al. 2011!
Reed Riddle (Caltech)"
Shriharsh Tendulkar
Tim Morton, Law, Barenec et al. (in prep) In collaboration with the Robo-AO team (PI: C. Baranec)"
See presentations: 305.01, 305.03, 334.06"
Keck Observatory
NIRC2 + AO Prof. JusPn Crepp (Notre Dame) The California
Survey (CPS)
at Keck Observatory!
400 Massive, Evolved Stars
900 Sun-like dwarfs
150 Low-mass M dwarfs
! -­‐ Each with 20+ HIRES spectra -­‐ R ~ 55,000 -­‐S/N ~ 200 KOI-961 = Kepler 42"
The three smallest known exoplanets (for now…)"
AnimaPon Credit: Dan Fabrycky and The Kepler Team Wha?!
Palomar 200-inch TripleSpec"
Barnard’s Star KOI-­‐961 Muirhead, Johnson, Apps et al. 2012"
Transferring Stellar Properties"
KOI 961 and Barnard’s stars are twins! Phil Muirhead Mass à
Radius à
Luminosity à
Temperature à
Age à"
Barnardʼs Star"
Star became much smaller, as did the planets KOI 961"
A Mars-­‐sized planet around a 16th magnitude star But the transit depth is 1 mmag! New record-holder: Kepler-37b "
Barclay et al. (2013), Nature this week"
KOI-952 = Kepler 32"
The story of compact planetary system formation
throughout the Milky Way "
Jon Swi^ M ~ R2.06"
Kepler M dwarf planets •  66 stellar systems •  100 planets* •  1 giant •  48 singles •  7 doubles •  7 triples •  3 quadruples •  1 quintuple *mostly candidates, but vetted! Fabrycky+ (2012a) Lithwick & Wu (2012) M = R2.06"
•  66 stellar systems •  100 planets* •  1 giant •  48 singles •  7 doubles •  7 triples •  3 quadruples •  1 quintuple *mostly candidates, but vetted! need large amount of mass < 0.1 AU gas+solids > 3 MJup (Chiang & Laughlin 2012) factor of 5 (e.g. Andrews+ 2009) to form Kepler 32 in situ factor of 10 (e.g. Andrews+ 2009) > factor of 1000 Kepler-32e"
disk lifetime < 10Myr ~ 1:2:3 period commensurability 32b: 3.4 Msun, 2.2 Rsun,  = 1.7 g/cm3 32c: 3.8 Msun, 2.0 Rsun,  = 2.6 g/cm3 in presence of gas 1 -­‐ 4 g/cc; need volatiles. 5-­‐15% Need within very dust large sublimation Σ in inner d
radius isk Number of Planets Radius distribution of M dwarf planets 2-­‐3 REarth Howard+ 2012 Fressin+ 2013 Dressing+ 2013 log(Planet Radius)!
149.07. Optimizing Doppler Surveys for Planet Yield: "
Michael Bottom; Philip Muirhead; John A. Johnson; Cullen Blake"
149.08. Improving Radial Velocity Precision for Faint Star Extra-Solar Planet
Andrew Vanderburg; John A. Johnson; Philip Muirhead"
149.10. Ultra-Precise Radial Velocimetry with Lock-In Amplified Externally
Dispersed Interferometry:"
Rebecca M. Jensen-Clem; Philip Muirhead; Gautam Vasisht; James K.
Wallace; John A. Johnson"
158.09. Measuring the Distribution of Active M Dwarfs in the Galaxy:"
J. Sebastian Pineda; Andrew A. West; John J. Bochanski; Adam J. Burgasser"
252.12. A Serendipitous Doppler Survey of B-type Stars at Keck with HIRES:"
Juliette Becker; John A. Johnson; Tim Morton"
343.18. Retired A Stars and Their Companions: The Latest Discoveries:"
Marta Bryan; John A. Johnson; Andrew Howard"
343.23. Model-Independent Stellar and Planetary Masses From MultiTransiting Exoplanetary Systems:"
Benjamin Montet; John A. Johnson"
For a list of talks/posters:
Science outreach in collaboraFon with Jorge Cham of PhD Comics Thank you!
and thanks to:"
Caltech ExoLab:
Phil Muirhead
Jon Swift
Tim Morton
Ben Montet
Juliette Becker
Andrew Vanderburg
Leslie Rogers
Becky Jensen-Clem
Marta Bryan
Kristina Hogstrom Sebastian Pineda
Michael Bottom
Melodie Kao
Sasha Hinkley
Jean-Michel Desert
Jason Wright"
"Avi Shporer"
"Rebekah Dawson"
"Dan Fabrycky"
"Peter Plavchan"
"Barbara Rojas-Ayala"
"Andrew Howard"
"Josh Winn"
"Josh Carter"
"Geoff Marcy"
"Debra Fischer"
"Christoph Barnec"
"Nick Law"
"Reed Riddle
Heather Knutson