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Master Gardener Review : Botany
Chapter 1: Botany
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1. _______________ produce one seed leaf. Floral parts are usually in threes or
multiples of threes, and leaves are often parallel-veined.
________________ produce two seed leaves. Floral parts are usually in multiples of
fours or fives and leaves are generally net-veined.
2. ________________ is the unique ability of plant cells to retain all of the genetic
information (encoded in DNA) necessary to develop into a complete plant. That
characteristic is the main reason vegetative (or asexual) reproduction works.
3. ________________ tissues are the site of rapid and continuous cell division at a
plant’s growing points.
4. _________________ is the symbiotic relationship of the plant root with certain fungi
which improves the plant’s ability to absorb water and nutrients.
5. The plant’s vascular system consists of:
________________: the tubes that conduct water and dissolved minerals
________________: the tubes that carry food such as sugars
________________: layers of meristematic tissue that separates the xylem and
! phloem and continually produces new xylem and phloem cells.
6. A lack of light can cause increased internode length and spindly stems. This is called
_____________ .
7. Fleshy or semi-woody elongated horizontal stems that often lie along the soil surface
! are called ____________. (e.g. strawberry runners)
8. The node where a petiole meets the stem is called a leaf _________.
9. Stems have _________; roots do not.
10. Stoma (pl. stomata) is a microscopic pore on the surface (epidermis) of plants. It is
surrounded by a pair of specialized epidermal cells called _________ ________,
which acts as a turgor-driven valve that opens and closes the pore in response to
given environmental conditions.
11. Net-veined leaves occur on dicotyledonous plants. Veins branch from the main rib or
ribs and subdivide into finer veinlets. Net- veined leaves can be either:
! ______________: veins extend laterally from the midrib to the edge, or
______________: principal veins extend outward like the ribs of a fan, from the base
! of the leaf blade.
Master Gardener Review : Botany
12. The system of plant nomenclature which we use today was developed by Carl Von
! Linnaeus and is based on what part of the plant? _________________________
13. If a flower has a stamen, pistil, petals and sepals, it is called a ___________ flower.
14. ___________ plants have separate female and male flowers on the same
! plant. (e.g. corn & pecans)
____________ plants have separate male and female plants. (e.g. holly, ginkos,
! pistachios)
15. Seed coat dormancy does not allow water to penetrate. A process called
___________ is used to break or soften the seed coat. (e.g. forest fire, digestion by
bird or animal)
Embryo dormancy is common in ornamental plants. They must go through a chilling
! period before germinating. ____________ breaks this kind of dormancy.
16. Photosynthesis
To produce food, a plant requires energy from the sun, carbon dioxide from the air,
! and water from the soil. During photosynthesis it splits carbon dioxide into carbon
! and oxygen, adds water and forms ___________ (starches and sugars).
17. The chemical process by which sugar and starches are converted to energy is
! called oxidation. Controlled oxidation in a living cell is called __________.
18. When a leaf’s guard cells shrink, its stomata open and water vapour is lost. More
water is pulled from its roots. This process is called ___________.
19. Some plants produce compounds in their leaves, roots, or both that might inhibit or
! benefit the growth of other plants. This process is called _____________.