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Lesson 15.1: The Circulatory System
(Unlock) Essential Question:
-What are the structures and functions of the circulatory system?
Learning Target(s):
-Identify structures and explain functions of the circulatory system.
I. Cardiovascular system
1. Structures: blood, ________________ and blood vessels
2. Function: moves materials throughout the body
-into and out of cells by: __________
***Copy and complete the following chart by defining the terms.
Active Transport:
Passive Transport:
***Copy the following; DO NOT COMPLETE… we will complete in class. Skip 3 lines between each scenario.
Scenario 1: The cell needs oxygen. There is a higher concentration outside the cell.
Diffusion or Osmosis? Active or Passive?
Scenario 2: The cell needs to expel of carbon dioxide. There is a higher concentration inside the cell.
Diffusion or Osmosis? Active or Passive?
Scenario 3: The cell needs nutrients. There is a higher concentration outside the cell.
Diffusion or Osmosis? Active or Passive?
Scenario 4: The cell needs to expel of water. There is a higher concentration inside the cell.
Diffusion or Osmosis? Active or Passive?
Scenario 5: The cell needs water. There is a higher concentration outside the cell.
Diffusion or Osmosis? Active or Passive?
***Copy the following chart; DO NOT COMPLETE. We will complete the chart in class.
Active Transport
3 Circulation systems: flow of blood
1. Coronary- heart
2. Pulmonary- heart and __________
3. Systemic- heart and __________
II. The Heart has __________ chambers - controls blood flow
***Copy the following; DO NOT COMPLETE. We will complete the diagram in class.
III. Blood Vessels: tubes that carry blood to every part of the body
1. Artery: __________
2. Vein: __________
3. Capillary: __________
IV. Blood Pressure: force of blood on blood vessel walls
1. highest in __________ and lowest in veins
a. Systolic: ventricles contract = blood pushed out of heart
b. Diastolic: __________ relax and fill with blood
V. Cardiovascular Disease: Leading cause of death in US
1. Atherosclerosis: __________
a. can lead to heart __________
2. Hypertension: __________
a. can be caused by atherosclerosis
b. heart must work harder
3. What actions prevent against heart disease?
***Copy AND COMPLETE the following chart.
Blood Vessels
Lesson 15.2: Blood
(Unlock) Essential Question:
-What does blood contain?
Learning Target(s):
-Identify the parts and explain the functions of blood.
I. Function = transportation:
1 __________ and carbon dioxide
2. waste products from cells (respiration) to kidneys
3. nutri________
4. fight __________ and help heal wounds
II. Parts of Blood
***Copy and complete the following chart by describing the structure and function of each term.
Red Blood Cells
White Blood Cells
III. Blood Types
A. people can inherit 1 of 4 blood types and an Rh factor
-The RBC is like a jelly donut with sprinkles.
-Sprinkles are like blood markers (A, B, AB).
1. Antigens: chemical identification tags or "Party Hats"
2. Antibodies: "Haters" make sure blood types can not be mixed.
**** Copy the following section in your notebook but do not complete.
Bes sure to use a whole notebook page to complete the 4-house illustration.
3. Rh Factor- __________
-Rh+ blood has the Rh marker
-Rh- no Rh marker
Rh+ can receive from __________
Rh- can receive from __________
IV. Diseases of Blood
1. Anemia:
2. Leukemia:
3. Hemophilia:
Lesson 15.3: The Lymphatic System
(Unlock) Essential Question:
-What are the structures and functions of the lymphatic system?
Learning Target(s):
-Identify structures and explain functions of the lymphatic system.