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Chapter 4 Review Questions
The Iliad and Odyssey were written by who? ~ Homer
Who was the Greek hero from the Iliad? ~ Achilles
Name of the Athenian who ran from Marathon to Athens? ~ Pheidippides
Who fought in the Great Peloponnesian War? ~ Athens and Spartans
The process for temporarily banning ambitious politicians from the city by popular vote?
~ Ostracism
In the process of Ostracism how many votes did it take to ban a politician from the city?
~ 6,000
The method of teaching used by the Greek philosopher Socrates. ~ Socratic Method
According to Greek religion the chief gods lived on Mount? ~ Olympus
What is the name of the first Greek City-State? ~ Mycenae
Greek rulers who seized power by force from the artistocrats were called? ~ Tyrants
The word Spartan means? ~ Highly self disciplined.
Another term for city-state, and became the central focus of Greek life. ~ Polis
The period when Pericles dominated Athenian politics and Athens reached the height of
its power. ~ Age of Pericles
The chief god and father of the gods according to Greek religion? ~ Zeus
The Greek religious center of a Greek city-state was often in a fortified area called?
~ Acropolis
Who was Alexander the Greats father? ~ Phillip II
Archimedes found the Mathematical constant of what? ~ Pi
This group of Greek warriors were especially brave at the pass of Thermopylae even
though they were greatly outnumbered. ~ Spartans
Phillip the 2nd ruled what area? ~ Macedonia
The government of Sparta was an oligarchy, which means what?
Government ruled by few people
What happened at Thermopylae?
A Greek force of 7,000 held off the Persian army of 180,000 for 2 days
To “imitate Greeks” was know as what Era?
Hellenistic – period in which Greek language and ideas were carried to the nonGreek world.
Who was Alexander the Greats mother? ~ Olympia
How old was Alexander the Great when he became king of Macedonia? ~ 20
Which of the 4 kingdoms emerged following Alexander’s Death?
~ Macedonia, Syria, Pergamum, and Egypt
What led to the Great Peloppnesion War? ~ Greece was divided between the Athenian
Empire and Sparta. These were very different societies and neither tolerated the other’s system. A
series of disputes led to the Great Peloponnesian War in 431 B.C.
How did the Peloponnesian War End? ~ The Spartans surround Athens, 25 year standoff.
Plague weakens Athens. Athens navy is destroyed and a year later Athens falls to the Spartans at
Explain why Spartan women had greater freedom and power than was common
elsewhere in Greece? ~ Because Spartan husbands lived in military barracks, Spartan women
were in charge of the household. They were expected to remain fit to bear and raise healthy