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Rise and Fall of the Roman Republic Study Guide
The Birth of the Republic
1. Which Roman book by Virgil gives the account of Aeneas and his flight from Troy?
2. Which two brothers founded Rome?
3. What was founded by Romulus that was patterned after the Athenian Areopagus?
4. What religious institution was established by Numa?
5. Who were the predecessors of the Romans who expanded in to north-central Italy in 650 B.C.?
6. What city did they help build?
7. What culture mixed in with that of the Romans?
8. What language did Western Rome speak?
9. What language did Eastern Rome speak?
10. Who was the 7th king of Rome?
11. What was his son’s name?
12. What event led to the overthrow of the Roman Kings?
List the four men who swore and oath to avenge Lucratia and to overthrow the Roman monarchy:
17. Which two men became the first two Consuls in the Roman Republic?
18. Who was the “Father of the Roman Republic”?
19. Who did he promise to overthrow?
20. What form of government was established by the Romans after the overthrow of the monarchy?
21. In what year was the Roman Republic established?
22. How long did this form of government last?
23. What does “res publica” mean?
24. Which co-founder of the Roman Republic was known as “Poplicola”?
25. What does this name mean?
26. Who used the pen name Publius in their 18th century writings?
27. Which Roman hero defended Rome at the bridge against the Etruscans in 505 B.C.?
28. Which 5th-century Roman was given dictatorial power and later relinquished that power after a national crisis?
The Republic Matures
29. Which Roman class consisted of landowners who were allowed to hold public office?
30. Which Roman class consisted of merchants, farmers, and craftsmen who were not allowed to hold office?
31. What office came to represent the Plebeians?
32. What position was granted in times of crisis that gave one dictatorial power for six months?
33. Which Athenian statesman created the first written constitution for Athens?
34. What was this called?
35. What was the name given to a group of ten men called on to codify Roman law?
36. What were Rome’s first written laws called?
37. What two leaders shared power to run the government and the military and were elected annually?
38. What title was given to judges over civil law?
39. What legislative body was made up of 300 Patricians that served for life?
40. What laws are considered natural and universal?
41. Who led the Decemvirs in their refusal to relinquish their oligarchic power?
42. Who did he lust after?
43. Who killed her so that her chastity would be preserved?
44. Which group was overthrown after this event?
45. What do the two stories of Lucretia and Virginius represent about Rome?
46. Who was given the title “Second Founder of Rome”?
47. What did he epitomize?
48. How many times did he triumph?
49. Who sacked Rome in 390 B.C.?
The Imperial Republic
50. What name was given to a series of wars against Carthage from 264 to 146 B.C.?
51. Which Mediterranean power was defeated and destroyed by Rome during the Punic Wars?
52. Which Carthaginian general wreaked havoc on Rome in the Second Punic War?
53. What were two of his major victories over the Romans?
54. Which Roman general used delaying tactics against Hannibal in the Italian peninsula?
55. Which Greek mathematician, physicist, engineer, and inventor lived in Syracuse?
56. Which Roman general was sent to reclaim much of the territory conquered by Hannibal?
57. What was the last and final battle of the Second Punic War?
58. Which war resulted in the control of Greece by the Romans?
59. What cult was introduced in Rome in 186 B.C. that sought to corrupt Roman morals and values?
60. What war resulted in the complete destruction of the Carthaginian Empire?
Rise of the Welfare-Warfare State
61. Which two brothers sought to redistribute land equally throughout the empire?
62. What were some of the problems Rome was facing internally?
63. Which Roman general promised his troops land if they were loyal to him?
Civil War and Despotism
64. Who marched on Rome to conquer the Marians?
65. Who marched on Rome and killed their political enemies?
66. Who seized Rome for a second time in 82 B.C.?
67. What did he do to his political enemies?
68. Which gladiator led a slave revolt in 73 B.C.?
69. Which two members of the first Triumvirate put down this rebellion?
70. How many of his followers were crucified along the Appian Way?
71. What challenges did Rome face in the 1st century B.C.?
Cicero, Catiline, and Conspiracy
72. Who sought to replace the Roman Republic with a monarchy?
73. What did he established in order to gain followers to help him with his conspiracy?
74. What led to the bankruptcy of Rome’s economy?
75. Who was a statesman, philosopher, and constitutionalist and sought to preserve the Roman Republic?
76. What plan sought to overthrow the Roman Republic and established a monarchy in 62 B.C.?
77. Who exposed this conspiracy?
78. Which Roman politician defended the Catilinarians?
79. Which Roman statesman debated against the conspirators?
80. What battle to place between the Roman Republic and Catiline?
The Rise of Caesarism
81. Who was responsible for the downfall of the Roman Republic?
82. Who destroyed the Cilician pirates in 67 B.C.?
List the three men who made up the First Triumvirate:
86. What wars took place in Gaul from 58-51 B.C.?
87. What was the last battle of the Gallic Wars?
88. What was one of Rome’s greatest defeats?
89. Which member of the 1st Triumvirate was killed in this battle?
90. What did Julius Caesar declare as he crossed the Rubicon River?
91. What was the name of the party that opposed Caesar and sought to preserve the Roman Republic?
92. List two of their leaders?
93. What was the name of the party that supported Caesar?
94. Who was called on by the Roman Senate to protect the Roman Republic against Julius Caesar?
95. Who murdered Pompey?
96. Who did Julius Caesar fall in love with in Egypt?
97. What does the Latin phrase “veni, vidi, vici” mean?
98. Which statesman was known for his character and fell on his sword after being defeated by Julius Caesar?
99. Who became a Roman dictator in 45 B.C.?
100. What group of senators sought to restore the Roman Republic?
101. What happened to Julius Caesar on the Ides of March 44 B.C.?
102. Who took the lead role in the assassination of Caesar in order to save the Roman Republic?
103. Which Senator was the brother-in-law to Marcus Brutus and was a major leader in the assassination plot?
List three results of the assassination of Julius Caesar:
From Republic to Empire
107. Who presented the funeral oration commemorating Julius Caesar to rally the people against the Senators?
108. Who was Caesar’s adopted son?
List the three men who made up the Second Triumvirate:
112. Who led the Last Republican Army?
113. What battle took place between the Liberatores and the Triumvirs?
114. What were the results of this battle?
115. Which battle decided the contest between Octavian and Mark Antony?
116. Which two lovers committed suicide after being defeated by Octavian?
117. What title was bestowed upon Octavian in 27 B.C.?
118. What lasted for 200 years?
Rome’s Dark Night of Tyranny
119. Which Roman history wrote History of Rome?
120. What term refers to the distraction of the common people as they lose their liberty?
121. What games did Romans watch for entertainment that included death and carnage?
122. Which Germanic leader defeated the Romans in the Battle of Teutoburg Forest?
123. What was his nickname?
124. How many legions were destroyed?
125. Who said, “Varus, give me back my legions!”?
126. Who established Christianity?
127. In what year was he born?
128. Who was the greatest Christian missionary?
129. What book recorded his teachings?
130. What volcano erupted in 79 A.D.?
131. What Roman city was destroyed with this volcanic eruption?
List three effects of Roman persecution on Christianity:
List “Five Good Emperors”:
140. What did Hadrian build to defend Britannia against the Scots?
141. Who was the last of the “Five Good Emperors”?
142. What followed upon his death?
143. In which century did military anarchy take place and saw the reign of 22 emperors in 49 years?
144. Which emperor divided the Roman Empire in half?
145. What battle took place between Constantine and Maxentius?
146. What did Constantine see on the eve of battle?
147. Who became Rome’s first Christian emperor?
148. What edict declared toleration of the Christian religion throughout the Roman Empire?
149. What council was held in 325 A.D. to unify doctrine and theology?
150. What was the name of the new capitol of Rome by Constantine ?
151. Which Germanic tribe sought to enter the Roman Empire?
152. What major battle was the turning point for the Fall of Rome?
153. When did this battle take place?
154. Who led the Goths in the battle?
155. Which Roman Emperor was killed in this battle?
156. Which Roman Emperor made Christianity the official religion of Rome and briefly unified the empire?
157. Who sacked Rome in 410 A.D.?
158. Who led this attack?
159. Who was the last Roman Emperor?
160. Who became the first barbarian king of Rome in 476 A.D.?
161. Which part of the Roman Empire flourished from 395-1453?
List four causes of the fall of empires:
Lessons of Rome
166. What was the primary reason for the fall of Rome?
List the three things that Rome abandoned in the 1st century:
170. What mystery cult was introduced in the 2nd century A.D. that was based on emperor worship?
List four results of Rome’s Endless wars:
175. In what year did the Roman Empire fall?
List five reasons that caused Rome decline and fall:
List four examples of how Rome lives in our society today:
185. How is America superior to Rome?