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1. In which of the following situations would the end-systolic volume (ESV) be the greatest?
A. when the force of myocardial contraction is increased
B. when stroke volume is increased
C. when sympathetic stimulation of the heart is increased
D. when the intracellular stores of calcium are increased
E. when parasympathetic stimulation of the heart is increased
2. The inner endothelial layer that lines the heart is the
A. endocardium.
B. epicardium.
C. pericardium.
D. myocardium.
3. What is occurring during ventricular ejection?
A. The AV valves are open and the semilunar valves are closed as ventricular pressure is.
B. The AV and semilunar valves are open as blood is leaving the ventricles.
C. The AV valves are open and the semilunar valves are closed as blood is leaving the
D. The AV valves are closed and the semilunar valves are open as blood is leaving the
E. The AV and semilunar valves are closed as ventricular pressure is increasing.
4. Which event happens at the start of a cardiac cycle?
A. Blood is ejected from the atrium.
B. Ventricular systole occurs.
C. Atrial systole occurs.
D. The SA node fires.
E. The P wave develops.
5. What is the most superficial layer of the pericardial sac?
A. visceral pericardium B. epicardium
C. fibrous pericardium D. parietal pericardium
6. In which situation would the stroke volume be the greatest?
A. when calcium channel blockers are present
B. when the force of contraction is decreased
C. when venous return is decreased
D. when venous return is increased
E. when the difference between the end-diastolic volume and the end-systolic volume is small
7. The volume of blood ejected from the ventricle with each contraction can be described by the
A. (pulse pressure) - (end-diastolic volume).
B. (stroke volume) - (end-diastolic volume).
C. (ejection fraction) × (end-diastolic volume).
D. (end-diastolic volume) - (end-systolic volume).
E. (end-systolic volume) - (stroke volume).
8. What chamber empties into the aorta?
A. right atrium
B. left ventricle
C. left atrium
D. right ventricle
E. AV bundle (bundle of His)
9. Abnormal heart rhythms are called ________.
A. Arrhythmias
B. Tachycardia
C. Bradycardia
D. Sinus rhythm
10. An excess of postitive ionotropic agents may result in
A. Hypercalcemia
B. Myocardial infarction
C. Coronary artery disease
D. Congestive heart failure
11. During ventricular systole,
A. blood is entering the ventricles.
B. the atria are contracting.
C. the AV valves are closed.
D. the ventricles are relaxed.
E. the pressure in the ventricles declines.
12. The flattening of the action potentials of myocardial contractile cells, called the plateau phase, is
due to a combination of ________ K+ permeability and ________ Ca2+ permeability.
A. increasing, decreasing B. decreasing, increasing
C. increasing, increasing D. decreasing, decreasing
13. If the EDV is 140 mL, which other values are most likely to occur in a healthy, normal person?
A. The ESV could be 90 mL and the SV could be 50 mL.
B. Diastolic pressure would be equal to EDV.
C. The ESV could be 70 mL and the SV could be 90 mL.
D. The ESV could be 50 mL and the SV could be 90 mL.
E. The cardiac output could be 90 mL.
14. Which vessel is guarded by a semilunar valve at its base?
A. pulmonary trunk
B. pulmonary vein C. superior vena cava
15. What do pacemaker cell action potentials lack?
A. threshold
B. depolarization
C. repolarization
16. Which heart structure receives deoxygenated blood from veins?
A. right atrium
B. left ventricle
C. left atrium
D. right ventricle
E. AV bundle (bundle of His)
D. coronary sinus
D. plateau phase
17. At an intercalated disc,
A. the cell membranes of two cardiac muscle fibers are completely separated by a synapse.
B. two cardiac muscle cells are connected by gap junctions.
C. the myofibrils are loosely attached to the membrane of the disc.
D. t-tubules unite the membranes of the adjoining cells.
E. All of the answers are correct.
18. Conduction through which of the following is slow to allow atria to contract before the ventricles?
A. Purkinje fibers
B. AV bundle (bundle of His)
C. atria
D. SA node
E. AV node
19. David suffers from a prolapsed mitral valve. This condition would cause
A. increased effort by the right ventricle and regurgitation.
B. increased effort by the right ventricle.
C. regurgitation.
D. increased effort by the left ventricle.
E. increased effort by the left ventricle and regurgitation.
20. The cardiac output is equal to
A. the difference between the stroke volume at rest and the stroke volume during exercise.
B. the difference between the end-diastolic volume and the end-systolic volume.
C. the stroke volume less the end-systolic volume.
D. the product of heart rate and blood pressure.
E. the product of heart rate and stroke volume.
21. Which of the following is the correct conduction pathway through the heart?
A. Bundle of His, bundle branches, Purkinje fibers, SA node, AV node
B. AV node, SA node, bundle branches, bundle of His, Purkinje fibers
C. SA node, AV node, bundle of His, bundle branches, Purkinje fibers
D. Purkinje fibers, bundle of His, bundle branches, SA node, AV node
E. SA node, Purkinje fibers, AV node, bundle of His, bundle branches
22. Which of the following would NOT result from an increase in ventricular contractility?
A. increased proportion of end-diastolic volume that is ejected
B. increased stroke volume
C. increased ejection fraction
D. decreased end-diastolic volume
E. decreased end-systolic volume
23. The cardioacceleratory center activates sympathetic neurons and the cardioinhibitory center
controls parasympathetic neurons.
A. The first part of the statement is true but the second part is false.
B. The first part of the statement is false but the second part is true.
C. Both parts of the statement are true.
D. Both parts of the statement are false.
E. Both parts of the statement are true and relate to brainstem control of heart rate.
24. The function of the pericardial fluid is to
A. reduce friction between the heart and the pericardium.
B. store calcium for the heart.
C. provide fuel to the heart.
D. provide oxygen to the heart.
E. remove waste products from the heart.
25. The volume of blood ejected from each ventricle during a contraction is called the
A. end-systolic volume.
B. end-diastolic volume.
C. cardiac reserve.
D. cardiac output.
E. stroke volume.
26. The rapid depolarization phase of the action potentials of myocardial contractile cells is due to
which ion(s)?
A. K+ only
B. Na+ only
C. Ca2+ only
D. both Ca2+ and K+
E. both Na+ and K+
27. Atrial contraction
A. begins during the first part of the P wave.
B. begins just after the Q wave.
C. begins during the latter part of the P wave.
D. begins just after the T wave.
E. None of the answers are correct.
28. The depolarization of the pacemaker action potential spreads to adjacent cells through
A. desmosomes.
B. tight junctions. C. gap junctions.
D. chemical synapses.
29. Which of the following is TRUE of the ventricular filling phase of the cardiac cycle?
A. Ventricular pressure is less than aortic pressure.
B. All valves in the heart are open.
C. Ventricular pressure is decreasing.
D. Ventricular filling occurs during systole.
E. Ventricular pressure is greater than atrial pressure.
30. Which of the following structures is poorly innervated by the parasympathetic nervous system
and, therefore, an increase in parasympathetic activity has little effect on this structure?
A. sinoatrial node
B. Purkinje fibers
C. atrioventricular node
D. ventricles
E. conduction pathway
31. Which of the following vessels carries oxygenated blood?
A. superior vena cava
B. pulmonary artery C. pulmonary trunk D. pulmonary vein
32. Which valves have chordae tendineae?
A. semilunar valves
B. bicuspid (mitral) and tricuspid valves
C. coronary valves
D. valves in veins
E. aortic and pulmonary valves
33. Under resting conditions, heart rate is primarily under the control of what control system?
A. the parasympathetic nervous system
B. intrinsic mechanisms
C. the sympathetic nervous system
D. epinephrine
E. the somatic nervous system
34. Place these structures in the order that blood returning to the heart from the body would pass
through them.
1. right ventricle
2. left atrium
3. right atrium
4. pulmonary artery
5. left ventricle
6. pulmonary vein
A. 3, 2, 4, 6, 1, 5
B. 4, 2, 5, 6, 3, 1
C. 1, 3, 6, 4, 5, 2
D. 3, 1, 4, 6, 2, 5
E. 2, 5, 6, 4, 3, 1
35. The coronary sinus does NOT receive blood from the:
A. small cardiac vein.
B. great cardiac vein.
C. middle cardiac vein. D. inferior vena cava
36. A heart rate of 125 beats per minute could be correctly termed
A. a normal resting heart rate.
B. bradycardia.
C. an arrhythmia.
D. tachycardia.
E. fibrillation.
37. If the connection between the vagus nerve and the heart is cut, which of these changes will
A. heart will beat slower
B. nodal fibers will depolarize more slowly
C. cardiac output will decrease
D. stroke volume will decrease
E. none of the above
38. The end of the plateau phase is due to the ________ of Ca2+ channels and ________ of K+
A. closing, opening B. opening, opening C. closing, closing D. opening, closing
39. Blood in the right atrium should travel next past the:
A. pulmonary trunk to the pulmonary capillaries.
B. mitral valve and into the left ventricle.
C. pulmonary valve and into the pulmonary trunk.
D. tricuspid valve and into the right ventricle.
40. The visceral pericardium is the same as the:
A. epicardium.
B. myocardium.
C. endocardium. D. fibrous pericardium.
41. Which of these will increase the heart rate?
A. only the application of acetylcholine to the SA node
B. only sympathetic stimulation to the SA node
C. both sympathetic stimulation and application of acetylcholine to the SA node
D. both sympathetic stimulation and application of epinephrine to the SA node
E. only the application of epinephrine to the SA node
42. What best describes the Frank-Starling law?
A. The Frank-Starling law states that the more the ventricular muscle cells are stretched, the
more forcefully they contract.
B. The Frank-Starling law states that the greater the stroke volume, the greater the heart rate.
C. The Frank-Starling law states that the greater the volume of blood discharged from the
heart, the greater the pressure required to discharge the blood.
D. The Frank-Starling law states that the slower the heart rate, the greater the cardiac output.
43. Which opening in the interatrial septum of the fetal heart connects the right and left atrium?
A. ligamentum arteriosum
B. foramen ovale
C. ductus arteriosus
D. fossa ovalis
44. Which artery/arteries branch(es) is/are most proximal to the beginning of the aorta at the heart?
A. renal
B. carotid
C. hepatic D. pulmonary E. coronary
45. Put these phases of the cardiac cycle in the correct order.
1. opening of the semilunar valves
2. isovolumic contraction
3. beginning of atrial systole
4. closure of the AV valves
5. completion of ventricular filling
6. beginning of ventricular systole
7. ventricular relaxation
8. ventricular ejection
A. 3, 5, 6, 4, 2, 1, 8, 7
B. 4, 5, 1, 2, 7, 8, 3, 6
C. 3, 2, 6, 4, 5, 8, 7, 1
D. 3, 2, 6, 1, 4, 5, 8, 7
E. 3, 5, 6, 1, 8, 4, 2, 7
46. The pulmonary circuit involves blood flow from the heart to and from the:
A. brain.
B. body.
C. liver.
D. lungs.
47. Which heart structure receives blood from the pulmonary veins?
A. right atrium
B. left ventricle
C. left atrium
D. right ventricle
E. AV bundle (bundle of His)
48. The purpose of having valves in the cardiovascular system is to
A. provide the force for circulation.
B. prevent blood from flowing too quickly.
C. regulate blood pressure.
D. ensure that blood flows in one direction.
E. provide sounds so that heart health can be monitored.
49. Which cranial nerves have decrease heart rate?
A. glossopharyngeal nerves (CN IX) B. hypoglossal nerves (CN XII)
C. vagus nerves (CN X) D. trochlear nerves (CN IV)
50. The opening and closure of the atrioventricular and semilunar valves is driven by
A. contraction of the valve.
B. contraction of muscles attached to the valves.
C. contraction and relaxation of the valve.
D. differences in pressure across the valve.
E. contraction of the ventricle and atria that pull the valves into place.