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Class Notes
Name: _______________________________________
Date: _______________________________________
Intro to Ecology &
Energy Flow
What is Ecology?
It is the study of interactions between organisms and their surrounding
What is the biosphere?
 the portion of the planet in which all of life exists including land, air, &
 These interactions within the biosphere create a web of relationships
between organisms & the environment
 This causes the biosphere to always be changing
Into what levels is the
 Species – a group of similar organisms that can breed and produce
biosphere organized?
fertile offspring
 Populations – groups of organisms that belong to the same species &
live in the same area
 Communities – groups of different populations that live in the same
 Ecosystems – groups of communities living together interacting with
the physical environment
 Biomes – group of ecosystems that have the same climate & similar
dominant communities
What are the methods used  The scientific method is the approach for ecological inquiry.
to study ecology?
 Observing
 Experimenting (testing hypotheses)
 Modeling
What are autotrophs?
 Some organisms are capable of harnessing that energy from the sun
which is the only source of energy.
 Only plants, some algae, and some bacteria can convert sunlight or
chemicals into food. These are autotrophs or producers.
 These producers are essential to the flow of energy through the
Photosynthesis vs
•Sunlight is source of
•Oxygen is a product
• Carbon dioxide &
water are reactants
•Produce energy-rich
•Chemical bonds
from inorganic
compounds is source
of energy.
•Sulfur compounds
are a product
What are heterotrophs?
How does the energy flow
through an ecosystem?
What are food webs?
What are trophic levels?
What is an energy
What is a biomass
Heterotrophs or Consumers are organisms that rely on other
organisms for their energy and food supply.
They are classified by what they eat:
 Herbivores – Only eat plant material. This means leaves,
flowers, fruits or even wood.
 Carnivores - Eat meat, other animals.
 Omnivores – Eat both plants and meat.
 Detritivores – Are animals that consume decomposing organic
material, and in doing so contribute to decomposition and the
recycling of nutrients.
 Decomposers - Are organisms that consume dead plants and
animals, and, in doing so, carry out the natural process of
It flows in one direction.
Energy stored by producers is passed along a food chain.
Sun/inorganic compounds → autotrophs → various heterotrophs
Ex: Sun → algae → mosquito larvae→ dragonfly larvae→ frog
 In ecosystems, feeding relationships are more complex than what can
be shown in a food chain.
 When the feeding relationships among various organisms in an
ecosystem form a network of interactions, this is called a food web.
 Each step in a food chain or food web is a trophic level.
 Producers make the first trophic level.
 Consumers make up the second, third, or higher trophic levels.
 A primary consumer eats the 1st trophic level.
 A secondary consumer eats the 2nd trophic level.
 A tertiary consumer eats the 3rd trophic level.
 A quaternary consumer eats the 4th trophic level.
 It is a pyramid that represents the relative amount of energy available
within each trophic level of a food chain.
 Only part of the energy stored in an organism is transferred to the next
trophic level.
 Only about 10% of energy available within a trophic level is
transferred to organisms at the next level.
 The more levels that exist between producers and top-level consumers
in an ecosystem, the less energy that remains from the original amount.
Ex: 6000 Kcal →
600 Kcal → 60 Kcal
6 Kcal
producer → 1st consumer →2nd consumer → 3rd consumer
 Represents the total amount of living tissue available within each
trophic level of a food chain.
 It is the potential food available for each trophic level.
 Typically, the greatest biomass is at the bottom of the pyramid,
expressed in grams of organic matter per unit area.