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When a problem occurs, Java attempts to transfer control to a method that can deal with
the problem. Such methods are called exception handlers. An exception handler can
either correct the problem (fault handlers), gracefully terminate the program (trap
handlers), or simply ignore the problem.
Java recognizes two types of problems: errors and exceptions. Exceptions can be further
divided into I/O exceptions and runtime exceptions:
Errors are system errors, such as memory exhaustion. Programmers should not attempt to
handle these. Runtime exceptions are programming errors, such as a bad cast, an out-ofbounds array access, or a null pointer access. I/O exceptions occur when bad things
happen to an otherwise good program, such as trying to open a file that doesn't exist.
As in C++, the syntax for throwing an exception is:
where exp is an instance of the Java Exception class (or some class derived from it):
exp = new Exception(gripe);
and gripe is a string describing the nature of the problem:
String gripe = "Bad Input!";
Throwing an exception causes control to return immediately to the calling procedure,
which either handles the exception or implicitly throws the exception to its calling
If a method explicitly or implicitly throws an exception, it must explicitly declare so in its
String farenToCent(String s) throws Exception {...}
To handle an exception explicitly or implicitly thrown by a method, the method must be
called inside a try block. The handler code is placed in an immediately following catch
farenToCent("42"); // might throw an exception
// etc.
catch(Exception exp)
{ // the exception handler
System.out.println("Error: " + exp);
The following program computes and displays sqrt3(x) for x = 16 and x = -16. In the
second case, the attempt to compute sqrt(-16) throws a custom "negative number"
exception, which is handled by the caller of the caller. We begin by declaring an
exception class. This step isn't necessary if you're happy with existing exception classes:
class NegativeNumberException extends IOException
public NegativeNumberException(double irritant)
super("non-negative number expected, not " + irritant);
public NegativeNumberException()
super("non-negative number expected");
class ExceptionDemo
public static double squareRoot(double x) throws
System.out.println("Entering squareRoot()");
if (x < 0)
NegativeNumberException exp
= new NegativeNumberException(x);
System.out.println("Exiting squareRoot()");
return Math.sqrt(x);
public static double cubeOfSquareRoot(double x) throws
System.out.println("Entering cubeOfSquareRoot()");
double temp = squareRoot(x); // may implicitly throw exception
System.out.println("Exiting cubeOfSquareRoot()");
return temp * temp * temp;
public static void displayCubeOfSquareRoot(double x)
double result = 0;
System.out.println("Entering displayCubeOfSquareRoot()");
result = cubeOfSquareRoot(x);
catch(NegativeNumberException e)
System.err.println("Error: " + e);
// more steps here?
System.out.println("result = " + result);
System.out.println("Exiting displayCubeOfSquareRoot()");
public static void main(String[] args)
System.out.println("Entering main()");
System.out.println("calling displayCubeOfSquareRoot(16)");
System.out.println("calling displayCubeOfSquareRoot(-16)");
displayCubeOfSquareRoot(-16); // trouble
System.out.println("Exiting main()");
} // ExceptionDemo
Program Output
Entering main()
calling displayCubeOfSquareRoot(16)
Entering displayCubeOfSquareRoot()
Entering cubeOfSquareRoot()
Entering squareRoot()
Exiting squareRoot()
Exiting cubeOfSquareRoot()
result = 64.0
Exiting displayCubeOfSquareRoot()
calling displayCubeOfSquareRoot(-16)
Entering displayCubeOfSquareRoot()
Entering cubeOfSquareRoot()
Entering squareRoot()
Error: NegativeNumberException: non-negative number expected, not 16.0
result = 0.0
Exiting displayCubeOfSquareRoot()
Exiting main()