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Culminating Task
Task: You will write an expository essay explaining the development of
feudalism, its effects on European towns, the role of the church in the lives
of the European’s and the reasons for feudalisms ultimate decline. Make
sure to follow the writing process.
History Standards 7.6 Students analyze the geographic, political, economic,
religious, and social structures of the civilizations of Medieval Europe.
Study the geography of the Europe and the Eurasian land mass, including its location, topography, waterways,
vegetation, and climate and their relationship to ways of life in Medieval Europe.
Describe the spread of Christianity north of the Alps and the roles played by the early church and by
monasteries in its diffusion after the fall of the western half of the Roman Empire.
Understand the development of feudalism, its role in the medieval European economy, the way in which it was
influenced by physical geography (the role of the manor and the growth of towns), and how feudal relationships
provided the foundation of political order.
Demonstrate an understanding of the conflict and cooperation between the Papacy and European monarchs
(e.g., Charlemagne, Gregory VII, Emperor Henry IV).
Know the significance of developments in medieval English legal and constitutional practices and their
importance in the rise of modern democratic thought and representative institutions (e.g., Magna Carta,
parliament, development of habeas corpus, an independent judiciary in England).
Discuss the causes and course of the religious Crusades and their effects on the Christian, Muslim, and Jewish
populations in Europe, with emphasis on the increasing contact by Europeans with cultures of the Eastern
Mediterranean world.
Map the spread of the bubonic plague from Central Asia to China, the Middle East, and Europe and describe its
impact on global population. Understand the importance of the Catholic church as a political, intellectual, and aesthetic
institution (e.g., founding of universities, political and spiritual roles of the clergy, creation of monastic and mendicant
religious orders, preservation of the Latin language and religious texts, St. Thomas Aquinas's synthesis of classical
philosophy with Christian theology, and the concept of "natural law").
Literacy Standards
2.3 Write research reports:
a. Pose relevant and tightly drawn questions about the topic.
b. Convey clear and accurate perspectives on the subject.
c. Include evidence compiled through the formal research process (e.g., use of a card catalog, Reader's Guide to Periodical Literature,
a computer catalog, magazines, newspapers, dictionaries).
d. Document reference sources by means of footnotes and a bibliography.
Organization and Focus
1.1 Create an organizational structure that balances all aspects of the composition and uses effective transitions between sentences to
unify important ideas.
1.2 Support all statements and claims with anecdotes, descriptions, facts and statistics, and specific examples.
1.3 Use strategies of note taking, outlining, and summarizing to impose structure on composition drafts.
Research and Technology
1.4 Identify topics; ask and evaluate questions; and develop ideas leading to inquiry, investigation, and research.
1.5 Give credit for both quoted and paraphrased information in a bibliography by using a consistent and sanctioned format
and methodology for citations.
Evaluation and Revision
1.7 Revise writing to improve organization and word choice after checking the logic of the ideas and the
precision of the vocabulary.
Pick 2 of the following questions to discuss the development of Feudalism.
Why and how did feudalism develop in Western Europe? What two challenges did people face
after the collapse of the Roman Empire?
How did Clovis and Charlemagne help spread Christianity?
How did feudalism work?
What social classes existed within the feudal system? What were the defining characteristics of
each class?
How did monarchs justify and maintain their power?
Describe the differences in the daily lives and responsibilities of lords and ladies, knights and
Pick 2 to discuss the Role of the Church in Medieval Europe.
1. How did Christianity begin? How did it develop and spread during the time of the Roman
Empire? After the fall of the Roman Empire how did monasteries help to continue the spread of
2. Describe how the Roman Catholic Church was organized. What factors contributed to the
increasing power of the Roman Catholic Church? How did the conflict between Pope Gregory VII
and Emperor Henry IV reflect the church’s increasing authority?
3. How did religious beliefs such as salvation, sacraments and pilgrimages affect daily life in medieval
4.What were the Crusades? What led Christians to participate in the Crusades?
5. Describe the ways in which the Roman Catholic Church influenced art and architecture, education
and philosophy.
6. How did medieval Christians celebrate important holidays such as Christmas and Easter?
7. Describe the daily lives and work of monks, nuns, and mendicants.
8. Who was Thomas Aquinas? What did he believe about reason and faith? Describe his concept of
natural law.
Pick 2 to discuss life in Medieval Towns.
Where did medieval towns develop? What did these towns look like?
What factors led to the growth of towns during the High Middle Ages? What role did geography
of Europe play in the development of and ways of life in these towns?
Describe the role of guilds in the trade and production of goods. How did trade and commerce
grow during the Middle Ages?
Did everyone prosper during the Middle Ages? Explain.
Describe the daily lives of medieval Europeans, including their homes, occupations, education and
leisure activities.
What problems did medieval towns face? How did medieval Europeans attempt to deal with those
problems? How did an independent judiciary and common law in England help to protect
individual rights?
Pick 2 to discuss the Decline of Feudalism
What political developments during the 12th and 13th centuries helped to weaken feudalism? How
did they weaken feudalism?
How did the bubonic plague spread to Europe? Be able to use a map to support your answer.
What symptoms were associated with the bubonic plague? How did this disease affect population,
trade and commerce and power?
Why did France and England fight the Hundred Years’ War? How did the outcome of this
conflict help contribute to the decline of feudalism?
a. Topic sentence (Write your question here in a complete sentence)
b. Details___________________________________________________________
c. Details___________________________________________________________
d. Details___________________________________________________________
e. Concluding Sentence______________________________________________
f. Topic sentence (Write your question 2 here in a complete sentence)
g. Details___________________________________________________________
h. Details___________________________________________________________
i. Details___________________________________________________________
j. Concluding Sentence_______________________________________________
k. Topic sentence (Write your question here in a complete sentence)
l. Details___________________________________________________________
m. Details___________________________________________________________
n. Details___________________________________________________________
o. Concluding Sentence______________________________________________
p. Topic sentence (Write your question 2 here in a complete sentence)
q. Details___________________________________________________________
r. Details___________________________________________________________
s. Details___________________________________________________________
t. Concluding Sentence_______________________________________________
u. Topic sentence (Write your question here in a complete sentence)
v. Details___________________________________________________________
w. Details___________________________________________________________
x. Details___________________________________________________________
y. Concluding Sentence______________________________________________
z. Topic sentence (Write your question 2 here in a complete sentence)
aa. Details___________________________________________________________
bb. Details___________________________________________________________
cc. Details___________________________________________________________
dd. Concluding Sentence_______________________________________________
Decline of Feudalism
ee. Topic sentence (Write your question here in a complete sentence)
ff. Details___________________________________________________________
gg. Details___________________________________________________________
hh. Details___________________________________________________________
ii. Concluding Sentence______________________________________________
jj. Topic sentence (Write your question 2 here in a complete sentence)
kk. Details___________________________________________________________
ll. Details___________________________________________________________
nn. Concluding Sentence_______________________________________________
Check List
1. Questions that we are going to explain have been circled.
2. We have distributed the questions among our members.
3. We are working on our answers, we are almost done.
4. We are done with our questions.
5. We have put our questions together to make sense.
6. Our first draft is complete.
7. We have peer- edited our paper once.
8. We have checked the rubric and fixed our first draft.
9. We have our second draft done.
10. We have peer edited for a second time.
11. Our final draft is complete.
12. We gathered our notes and paper and have began to organize them for submittal they should
look like this.
a. Brainstorm- all of our individual notes put together.
b. First draft on top of brainstorm
c. Peer edit sheet on top of first draft
d. Second draft on top of peer edit sheet
e. Final draft on top of peer edit sheet
f. Title page on top of final draft
Castle Construction
1. Layout- a drawing of what our castle will look like.
2. Make a list of materials you need for construction.
3. Decide when you will meet and where.
a. Meeting day’s are____________________________________________________
4. Exchange phone numbers
Phone Numbers____________________________________________
Phone Numbers____________________________________________
Phone Numbers____________________________________________
Phone Numbers____________________________________________
Please remember to do your best!
Medieval Europe Rubric
Quality of
Answers to questions
include several
supporting details
and/or examples.
Answers to questions
were provided with 1-2
supporting details
and/or examples.
Answers to questions
have very few details
and/or examples are
Answers are
All paragraphs include
introductory sentence,
explanations or details,
and concluding
Most paragraphs
include introductory
sentence, explanations
or details, and
concluding sentence.
Paragraphs included
related information but
were typically not
constructed well.
Paragraphing structure
was not clear and
sentences were not
typically related within
the paragraphs.
No grammatical,
Almost no
spelling or punctuation grammatical, spelling
or punctuation errors
A few grammatical
Many grammatical,
spelling, or punctuation spelling, or punctuation
All sources
(information and
graphics) are
documented in the
desired format.
All sources
(information and
graphics) are
documented, but a few
are not in the desired
All sources
Some sources are not
(information and
graphics) are
documented, but many
are not in the desired
Notes are recorded
and organized in an
extremely neat and
orderly fashion.
Notes are recorded
legibly and are
somewhat organized.
Notes are recorded.
Point’s Total (Multiplied by 5)_________/100
Notes are recorded
only with peer/teacher
assistance and