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Transforming Science into Global Health Solutions
Annual Report
Today, millions of people around the world
are living with devastating infectious diseases.
IDRI is on a mission to change that.
1616 Eastlake Ave. East, Suite 400
Seattle, WA 98102, USA
206.381.0883 •
Who is IDRI
Founded in 1993 by Steven G. Reed, PhD,
IDRI (Infectious Disease Research Institute) is
a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated
to the eradication of infectious diseases. Our
mission is to develop comprehensive field friendly
solutions, including low-cost diagnostics, vaccines
and drugs in three key disease areas: tuberculosis,
leprosy and leishmaniasis.
What sets IDRI apart is our comprehensive approach to
address infectious diseases, combining the high-quality science
of a research organization with the product development
capabilities of a biotech company. And, IDRI is a world leader in the
development of adjuvants, a key component of vaccine development.
Headquartered in Seattle, IDRI collaborates with key partners around
the world, including in-country development and commercialization
partners, as we believe that the best place to develop new products are
in the countries where the diseases we tackle are endemic.
Over the past 20 years, IDRI has made remarkable success towards providing
low-cost solutions that significantly reduce the global burden of disease – and
IDRI’s pipeline of products is expected to save millions of lives.
In May 2013, IDRI moved into a new home in Seattle’s South Lake Union neighborhood, a
growing hub for global health/life sciences. Housing over 120 employees, 80 percent of whom
are scientists (including more than 50 PhDs/MDs), this space has substantial internal core laboratory and manufacturing competencies – including drug screening, protein expression, assay
development and testing, vivarium facilities, BSL2/3 facilities and others.
IDRI has the capacity and expertise to originate, coordinate and execute preclinical and clinical programs,
with the infrastructure required for financial compliance, scientific reporting, and other obligations
required for productive collaborations and the broad dissemination of results. Our capabilities include:
Drug Discovery
Antigen Discovery and Expression
Adjuvants and Formulations Development
Process Sciences
GMP Manufacturing
Quality Assurance/Quality Control
Human Immune Monitoring
Diagnostic Test Development
Comprehensive Project Management
Celebrating 20 Years
As IDRI celebrates its 20th anniversary this year, we are proud of what we’ve accomplished and look
forward to what the next decades bring as we continue our mission to develop products that will
improve health. We believe good health brings a world of possibilities: thriving families, flourishing
communities and stable economies.
A Letter From H. Stewart Parker
Chief Executive Officer
2013 is a banner year for IDRI, as we celebrate our 20th
anniversary along with a new home. As you read this report, you’ll
learn more about our achievements and plans for the future.
In 2011, I joined IDRI because I believe in this organization’s
unique, high-impact approach to global health. The result is
solutions – in the form of products – for millions burdened
by devastating infectious diseases.
As CEO, my goal is developing resources – financial, human
and physical – to support IDRI’s world-class research and the
outstanding scientists you’ll read about in this report.
Earlier this year, we took yet another step toward that goal as
we moved into new headquarters in Seattle’s South Lake Union
neighborhood, allowing us to strengthen our research, development
and translational science programs and accelerate our work. This
marks an important milestone in IDRI’s 20-year history.
IDRI’s success of the past two decades is due to many factors, and
one of those is you: our donors, funders, colleagues, partners and
advocates. Thank you for your support. Working together, we will
ensure IDRI’s continued success.
H. Stewart Parker
H. Stewart Parker, MBA
Chief Executive Officer
A Letter From David J. Maki
A Letter From Steven G. Reed
Chair, Board of Directors
Founder, President and Chief Scientific Officer
I’m privileged to be associated with IDRI, an organization that
takes a comprehensive approach to the treatment and prevention
of infectious diseases.
In 1993, I established IDRI in order to apply advances in immunology
to the development of novel diagnostics, vaccines, and therapeutic
products that could transform the lives of the millions of people at
risk for infectious diseases throughout the developing world. I haven’t
looked back since.
Developing products that solve intractable global health challenges is
IDRI’s reason for being, and we work passionately to provide solutions
that positively impact the world’s most underserved populations. After
20 years, IDRI has concrete progress to celebrate: diagnostics on the
market, vaccines in clinical trials and drugs in development.
I’m confident that our success in this mission will continue, in large
part due to the trusted long-term relationships IDRI has forged in the
academic world, with biotech and large pharma, throughout the
non-profit ecosystem and with the world’s medical research agencies.
These meaningful alliances provide us with unprecedented access to
cutting-edge technology and financial support that will extend our
efforts for our second 20 years and beyond.
This is what IDRI can do. This is what IDRI is doing. And this is what
IDRI will continue to do.
David J. Maki, JD
Chair, Board of Directors
David J. Maki
Since IDRI’s founding, we have attracted a dedicated team of scientists
who have keen minds, compassionate hearts and entrepreneurial spirits.
Together, we have created a unique institution that has the flexibility
to collaborate with a diverse group of partners, bringing resources
together to solve difficult global health challenges.
IDRI was founded to develop products that save lives, and I’m proud
of what we have done to achieve that goal over the past 20 years.
Now, I look forward to what the future holds: the next generation
of vaccines, made more powerful by adjuvants; diagnostics enabled
by the latest technology; and drugs that can battle the rise of
drug-resistant pathogens.
Steven G. Reed
Steven G. Reed, PhD
Founder, President and
Chief Scientific Officer
From basic research to real world global health solutions
Phase 1
Phase 2
Phase 3
Leishmaniasis (Human)
Leishmaniasis (Canine)
Prism Chagas/Architect Chagas*
Chagas Detect/Chagas Detect ELISA**, Bioelisa Chagas***
Kalazar Detect™**, DiaMed –IT LEISH®****
Leishmaniasis, 2nd gen
Leishmaniasis, test of cure
*Licensed by Abbott Laboratories, **Licensed by InBios International, Inc.,
***Licensed by Biokit, ****Licensed by Bio-Rad, *****Licensed by OrangeLife
Areas of Focus
Tuberculosis: a bacterial disease that kills nearly 2 million people
per year and infects one-third of the world’s population, attacking the
lungs, kidneys, spine and brain. Cases of extreme drug resistant (XDR)
and multidrug-resistant (MDR) TB are increasing rapidly, and some cases
of totally drug-resistant TB have been reported in several countries.
Leishmaniasis: a parasitic disease caused by the bite of a sand fly;
threatens 350 million people in 88 countries. Most deadly form is visceral,
which affects vital organs and bone marrow and destroys blood cells.
Available drugs are toxic, expensive and require long-term daily injections.
Leprosy: a chronic infectious disease that remains
endemic in 24 countries. Thought to be transmitted
by a respiratory route, leprosy causes progressive
skin sores, nerve damage, loss of muscle control
and blindness. There has been no reliable diagnostic
available that can detect the disease before the onset
of advanced disease symptoms, and no vaccine exists
to prevent the spread of the disease.
Chagas: a parasitic disease, commonly transmitted
through insects, blood transfusions or from mother to
baby during pregnancy. If left untreated, the disease
usually impairs the heart and digestive system. It is
estimated that as many as 8 to 11 million people in
Mexico, Central America and South America are
infected with Chagas.
Adjuvants: Overlaid on these disease targets is
a focus on the development of adjuvants, which have
broad applicability and are key to the development
of successful, low-cost vaccines. Through worldwide
collaborations, IDRI makes its adjuvants widely available
for use in multiple disease programs, including HIV,
malaria, schistosomiasis and others.
Passion – one of the distinctive traits of a scientist. Tanya Parish, PhD, has it in spades.
Parish, Vice President of Drug Discovery for IDRI, speaks with great passion on a number
of topics: soccer (she is an avid Arsenal fan turned Seattle Sounders supporter); cricket
(she readily describes the intricate rules of the game); opera (La Bohème is a favorite).
Her biggest passion? Finding new drugs to combat an age-old disease – tuberculosis.
“The huge resurgence of TB in the developed
world, along with TB’s toll on developing
countries and the rise of drug-resistant TB, adds
to the great need for new drugs to combat this
disease,” said Parish. Most importantly to her,
TB is an issue of lost opportunity. “TB is often
compounded by poverty, which limits access to
the drugs,” she said. “And, the length of therapy
for current TB drugs creates an even greater
burden for those in developing countries.”
Parish, who comes from a TB microbiology
background, was a natural fit to lead IDRI’s
TB drug discovery efforts.
IDRI’s drug discovery efforts are focused on
testing thousands of potential drugs in its
screening facility – often using robots to speed
the process – to find new compounds that kill the
bacteria that cause TB. “One of the key issues with
TB is its cell wall, which has a thick, waxy coating,
making it hard for compounds to penetrate,”
explained Parish. “We’re working on ways to
overcome that.”
While IDRI has focused on TB for many years,
the emphasis was primarily on vaccines and
diagnostics. Drug discovery was a natural
next step, and soon a unique opportunity
was presented. When Eli Lilly purchased
Washington-based Icos in 2007, Lilly wanted
to continue its work on TB.
Through a partnership forged by IDRI
President and Founder Steve Reed, IDRI
acquired equipment, supplies and personnel
from Icos/Lilly, along with access to Lilly’s
comprehensive compound library to screen for
hits against TB. The ultimate goal: developing
drugs that are faster acting and cost effective.
Today, IDRI has leadership roles in two distinct
consortia focused on finding new drugs to combat
tuberculosis: the Lilly TB Drug Discovery Initiative
and the TB Drug Accelerator, funded by the Bill &
Melinda Gates Foundation.
Within a multi-disciplinary approach, chemists
develop new molecules, then biologists test
those to determine what works against TB and
why. “This approach – working as a team, not
as individuals – makes it all happen,” said Parish.
“The quicker we can test and refine, the quicker
we’ll have new drugs to combat TB.”
• Characterized molecular targets to better understand
the specific host immune responses to TB.
• Produced world’s largest collection of TB antigens and
screened them for promising prophylactic, therapeutic
and diagnostic potential.
• Screened thousands of compounds for hits against TB
with the goal of developing new drugs to shorten
therapy and combat drug resistance.
• Produced world’s largest collection of leishmaniasis antigens,
promising for prophylactic and diagnostic applications.
• Produced world’s largest collection of leprosy antigens
and screened them for promising prophylactic,
therapeutic and diagnostic potential.
• Designed the first leprosy vaccine candidate.
• Established a world class library of adjuvant molecules
and formulations.
Animal Vaccines
• Entered into numerous collaborations to design a range
of animal vaccines to improve animal health.
Tanya Parish, PhD
“The huge resurgence of TB in the
developed world, along with TB’s
toll on developing countries and
the rise of drug-resistant TB, adds
to the great need for new drugs to
combat this disease.”
What is an Adjuvant?
An adjuvant is a substance added
to a vaccine to increase the body’s
immune response. “Adjuvant”
comes from the Latin word adiuvare,
meaning “to help.” And, that’s just
what these substances do by boosting
immune response, broadening
vaccine protection and reducing
the amount of antigen and/or
injections needed.
A world leader in adjuvant development, IDRI produces adjuvants that
are used in our own vaccines for
leishmaniasis and tuberculosis, as
well as in vaccines our partners are
developing for HIV/AIDS, malaria,
hookworm, pandemic influenza
and other diseases.
Darrick Carter, PhD
Vaccine Clinical Trials
IDRI’s Recent & Ongoing Clinical Trials
IDRI’s Vaccines (Funder/Site)
Disease Area
(BMGF*/Washington) Leishmaniasis
(BMGF/South Africa)
(Wellcome Trust/
South Africa)
Ongoing Clinical Trials of
IDRI Collaborators
IDRI adjuvant formulations developed
and manufactured under cGMP conditions
are currently in use by our partners in more
than 10 clinical trials in the U.S. and abroad.
*Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
• Developed the first molecularly
defined vaccines against TB, and are
moving its lead TB vaccine candidate
(ID93+GLA-SE) from initial clinical
trials in the U.S. to trials in countries
where TB is endemic.
• Developed the first pipeline of
vaccines against leishmaniasis,
conducted numerous clinical
trials, and partnered its lead
vaccine candidate (LEISHF3+GLASE) with an India based company
(Zydus Cadilla) to conduct clinical
trials and bring the vaccine to
market in countries where the
disease is endemic.
• Developed a second generation
diagnostic tool, which will be a low
cost body fluid diagnostic test for
asymptomatic case detection. It can
also monitor cure with treatment
(critical for disease elimination).
• Transferred key technologies to
partners in developing countries,
including to Romania and India.
• Developing a T-cell based test
to determine which of the people
shown to be infected (using
IDRI’s already registered antibody
test) are likely to self-cure or
otherwise develop specific types
of active disease. This ensures
appropriate case management
and therapeutic treatment.
• Provided broad access to its
library of adjuvants and adjuvant
formulation expertise to support
third parties’ development of a
wide range of vaccines, including
those for HIV, influenza, malaria,
hookworm and other diseases.
Animal Vaccines
• Developed canine leishmaniasis
vaccines in collaboration with
partners, using IDRI designed
recombinant-protein antigens
and its proprietary adjuvants,
to support animal health and
human disease control.
Preclinical and Clinical
Rhea Coler, PhD, recalls a shyly smiling boy, standing beside her at a hospital
in Ethiopia. He was being treated for leishmaniasis, a disease that has serious
consequences – ranging from severe scarring to death – dependent on its form.
But the effects are even more farreaching. “Abraham and his father, who
stayed with him in the hospital, were
separated from the rest of their family
for several weeks,” explained Coler, Vice
President of Preclinical Biology at IDRI.
She also pointed out that by caring for
his son, Abraham’s father was unable
to work, creating another burden
for their family.
Leishmaniasis is one of several devastating infectious diseases that do not
have viable vaccines for either prevention or treatment. IDRI is working to
change that, with pre-clinical studies
and clinical trials under way for vaccines
to combat leishmaniasis, tuberculosis
and leprosy.
The Long Road of Development
Rhea Coler, PhD
An incredible amount of work and
energy are needed to design vaccines and see
them successfully through the development cycle.
IDRI screens and tests hundreds of recombinant
proteins as potential vaccine candidates. “We have
identified and successfully characterized several
proteins that have been studied across multiple
animal models and human cells,” said Coler. From
there, scientists develop vaccine candidates,
composed of IDRI designed recombinant fusionprotein antigens plus IDRI’s proprietary adjuvants.
adjuvant, LEISH-F3 has produced an immune
response and is protective against infection from
at least two different forms of Leishmania parasites,”
explained Coler.
Creating a Vaccine for Leishmaniasis
With promising preclinical results, IDRI received
approval from the U.S. Food & Drug Administration
(FDA) to conduct Phase I clinical trials in the U.S.
to evaluate its vaccine candidate in healthy adult
volunteers. Trials in Tacoma, WA, and Iowa City, IA,
are ending, and safety and immunogenicity data
are being generated.
For IDRI’s leishmaniasis vaccine, preclinical studies
in animal models resulted in the identification of
two prominent Leishmania proteins, leading to the
development of a unique fusion protein
called LEISH-F3. “When coupled with our GLA-SE
“The data from the U.S. trials provides direction
for our next step – trials in countries such as India,
Bangladesh and Sudan where prevalence is high
and the need for an effective vaccine is of utmost
importance,” said Coler.
To Market
Steven Reed, PhD
Early in his career, IDRI founder Steven Reed traveled to Brazil and observed something that
set the course for his life’s work and forged the basis of IDRI’s mission. Time again, he saw
children being forcibly held down to test for leishmaniasis, a parasitic disease caused by
the bite of a sand fly. “At that time, diagnosis consisted of putting a needle in a kid’s
sternum or spleen to look for parasites,” Reed explained. “There had to be a better way.”
And today there is, because of Reed’s vision
and hard work. IDRI’s diagnostic requires just
a single drop of blood, with results appearing
within minutes.
“I’m happy to say the test is being used now, around
the world, and is saving lives,” said Reed. In fact,
on a recent trip to Bangladesh, Reed visited a
hospital where, on a list of tests provided by the
hospital, IDRI’s leishmaniasis diagnostic appeared,
free of charge.
But IDRI hasn’t stopped at developing a
diagnostic for just one disease.
Chagas: Screening the U.S. Blood Supply
While most commonly spread by the bite of an
insect called the “kissing bug,” Chagas disease, a
parasitic disease prevalent in Latin America often
resulting in serious heart and digestive issues,
can also be passed through infected blood.
IDRI developed technology to diagnose Chagas.
That technology has been incorporated into a
test, created by Abbott Laboratories, to identify
whether T. cruzi (the parasite that causes Chagas)
contaminates any portion of the blood supply.
“Blood donations in Latin American countries where
Chagas is endemic have undergone screening for
many years,” explained Reed. “Now countries, such
as the U.S. that have growing populations who
come from endemic areas, are recognizing the
threat and testing all donated blood and tissues.”
Leprosy: A Modern-Day Threat
Earlier this year, IDRI registered another test for
use in Brazil, offering new hope for early diagnosis
and treatment of people infected with leprosy.
An ailment most people associate with biblical
times, leprosy is a chronic infectious disease
prevalent in countries throughout Africa, Asia
and South America – including Brazil. And there
are reports of leprosy infection, carried by
armadillos, in the southern U.S.
“Currently the method of detection for leprosy is by
clinical and/or microscopic assessment,” explained
Reed. “There is a great need to more rapidly
diagnose infection, before nerve damage occurs.”
According to Malcolm Duthie, Senior Scientist at
IDRI, the leprosy diagnostic test is simple and easy
to use. “The test, which could detect infection
up to a year before disease symptoms occur,
requires just a single drop of blood, mixed with
a developing reagent,” he explained. “From there,
a line develops and it’s somewhat like a pregnancy
test: the appearance of two lines indicates the test
is positive.”
The first step to ending an infectious disease is
accurately and rapidly diagnosing it. “Having our
diagnostics on the market and available for use
is one of IDRI’s greatest successes of the past 20
years,” said Reed.
• Licensed technologies to Abbott Laboratories for
the development of a test to detect infection of
T. Cruzi, the causative agent of Chagas disease.
The test is marketed throughout North and
South America, including its use to protect the
U.S. blood supply.
• Partnered with multiple commercial entities
in the U.S., Africa, India and Brazil, to license
our technology for the development and
commercialization of very low-cost, rapid
diagnostic tests for leishmaniasis. These tests are
approved and registered in endemic countries.
• Licensed technology to our Brazilian diagnostics
partner, OrangeLife, for the development and
commercialization of an antibody diagnostic to
detect infection of M. leprae, the causative agent
of leprosy, in advance of clinical symptoms. This
test is approved and registered in Brazil.
Our Team
Eric Easom, MBA
Anna Marie Beckmann, PhD
Rob Lin, PhD, CFA
Christopher Hentschel, PhD
David J. Maki, JD
Darrick Carter, PhD
Curt Malloy, JD, MPH
H. Stewart Parker, MBA
David Perry, MBA
Franklyn G. Prendergast, MD, PhD
Massimo Radaelli, PhD
Steven G. Reed, PhD
David Webster, MBA
Vice President,
TB Drug Development
Immediate Past Chair
Chairman & Treasurer
Vice President, Development & Regulatory
Vice President, Adjuvant Technology
Gail Cassell, PhD
Funding Sources
Vice President,
Drug Discovery
H. Stewart Parker, MBA
Erik H. Iverson, JD, LLM
Steven G. Reed, PhD
IDRI now has a 4,000-square-foot, state-of-the-art
cGMP manufacturing facility for the formulation
and vialing of its library of adjuvants, as well as the
following capabilities and capacity for the fill/finish
of large or small molecules in liquid, emulsion or
liposome formulations:
14% Royalties,
& Service
Founder, President & Chief
Scientific Officer
Thomas Vedvick, PhD
3% Individuals
Vice President, Formulation &
Process Development
IDRI’s Manufacturing Capabilities and Capacity
With the move earlier this year into its new home,
IDRI expanded manufacturing infrastructure to
support vaccine development for our work as well as
that of our partners. Industry veteran Erik D. Laursen
directs IDRI’s GMP operations.
12% Drug
Chief Executive Officer
Executive Vice President,
Business Development & External Affairs
Vice President,
Senior Vice President,
Operations & General Counsel
Vice President,
Preclinical Biology
Karen Kinch
By Disease
US Government
Vice President, Finance
Tanya Parish, PhD
Rhea N. Coler, PhD
By Activity
•Formulation development
• Analytical development for in-process and release testing
•Cell based bioassay
•Method verification and qualification
•Engineering run for pre-clinical purposes
[≤~15,000 vials/batch]
•cGMP run for Phase 1 and 2 clinical studies
[≤~15,000 vials/batch]
•Vial size range: 2-10 mL [with ability to expand to 20 mL]
•Labeling of small lots [<2000 vials]
•Release testing
•Stability study
5% Other Government & NGOs
9% Diagnostics
3% Antigens
13% Flu
5% Corporate Funding
Balance Sheet
Statements of Activities
ASSETS Total Current Assets
Property and equipment, net
Pledges receivable - long term
Investment - long term
Total Assets 49,538,156
LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS Total Liabilities 12,130,421
Net Assets Unrestricted
Temporarily Restricted
Total Net Assets
Total Liabilities and Net Assets 49,538,156
REVENUES Public Support 7,517,219 Private grants and contributions 13,845,150
Earned Income 3,089,456
Investment and other revenues 442,209
Total Revenues 24,894,034
EXPENSES Program expenses 20,000,794 19,403,333
Management and General expenses 4,412,113 3,322,898
Fundraising 304,135 166,464
Total Expenses Change in Unrestricted Net Assets 24,717,042 22,892,695
Audited financial statements available upon request.
Making IDRI Technologies Available to Support Global Health
Investing in Ourselves for the Future
Erik Iverson, JD, LLM
Executive Vice President, Business Development & External Affairs
Funding sources for non-profits typically include foundations,
government and individuals. However, it’s a bit unusual to see
“royalties, manufacturing and service” cited as revenue streams.
This helps distinguish IDRI as we invest in our organization
for the future.
In 1980, the U.S. Bayh-Dole Act was passed, permitting universities
and non-profit institutions to own inventions resulting from
federally funded research. IDRI follows this model to further
develop our technologies into life-saving products,
and to generate licensing revenues to complement
grant funds to support our global health mission.
With specific products in development, and widely
applicable diagnostic and vaccine technologies,
IDRI has licensed out products and technologies
to pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies
while reserving rights necessary to continue the
development of products for global health. The
benefits to IDRI are twofold. First, IDRI receives
licensing revenues used to support our charitable
mission programs in tuberculosis, leishmaniasis
and leprosy. Second, the scientific studies
conducted by the companies and funded by
private investment provide critically important
data used by IDRI scientists to strengthen our
global health programs.
We’ll continue to seek new opportunities to
make our technologies available to support the
achievement of our primary goal – to transform
our science into global health solutions.
Abbott Laboratories
Instituto Butantan
Academia Sinica
Instituto de Biomedicina
Cape Town, South Africa
Addis Ababa University
Instituto de Infectologia Emilio Ribas
London, UK
Iowa State University
Geneva, Switzerland
Anandaban Hospital
Istituto Superiore di Sanita
College Station, TX
Laboratory of Malaria Immunology
and Vaccinology/NIH
Kerala, India
Bethesda, MD
UK Consortium on AIDS and
International Development
Laboratory of Malaria Vector
London, UK
UK HIV Vaccine Consortium
LSU Veterinary School of Medicine
Universidad del Valle
Massachusetts Institute of
Universidade Federal de Goiás
Chicago, IL
Taipei, Taiwan
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Rockville, MD
Kathmandu, Nepal
Canton, OH
Bio Veto Test
La Seyne-sur-Mer, France
Cantacuzino Institute
Bucharest, Romania
Case Western Reserve University
Cleveland, OH
Cebu Leprosy and Tuberculosis
Research Foundation
Cebu, Philippines
Centers for Disease Control and
Atlanta, GA
Chembio Diagnostics Systems, Inc.
Medford, NY
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO
CTK Biotech, Inc.
San Diego, CA
Shanghai, China
Indianapolis, IN
Eli Lilly & Co.
Indianapolis, IN
European Vaccive Initiative
Heidelberg, Germany
Fraunhofer Center for
Molecular Biotechnology
Newark, NJ
Gennova Biopharmaceuticals
Pune, India
Dhaka, Bangladesh
Immune Design Corporation
Seattle, WA
Imperial College London
London, England
InBios International
Seattle, WA
Institute of Endemic Diseases
Khartoum, Sudan
Institute of Human Virology
Baltimore, MD
Sao Paulo, Brazil
Caracas, Venezuela
Sao Paulo, Brazil
Ames, IA
Rome, Italy
Bethesda, MD
Baton Rouge, LA
Cambridge, MA
MCRF/Institute of Microbial
Tokyo, Japan
Quebec, Canada
Whitehouse Station, NJ
South African Tuberculosis
Vaccine Initiative
St George’s University of London
Texas A&M
London, UK
Cali, Columbia
Goiás, Brazil
Universidade Federal da Bahia
Salvador, Brazil
Universidade Federal de Sergipe
Sergipe, Brazil
Universidade Federal de
Minas Gerais
Belo Horizonte, Brazil
Universidad Peruana Cayetano
University of Banaras
National Hansen’s Disease Program
University of Delhi
National Institute of Infectious
University of Hawaii
Duluth, GA and Lyon, France
Nes Ziona, Israel
Baton Rouge, LA
Tokyo, Japan
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Oswaldo Cruz Foundation-FIOCRUZ
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
PECET Universidad de Antioquia
Medellin, Columbia
Research Triangle International
Research Triangle Park, NC
Lima, Peru
Varanasi, India
Delhi, India
Honolulu, HI
University of Iowa
Iowa City, IO
University of Texas Medical Branch
Galveston, Tx
University of Tokyo
Tokyo, Japan
Washington D.C.
Rockefeller University
Walter Reed Army Institute of
Sabin Vaccine Institute
Weill Cornell Medical College
Seattle BioMed
Zydus Cadila
New York, NY
Washington, DC
Seattle, WA
Silver Spring, MD
New York, NY
Ahmedabad, India
American Leprosy Mission
Army Research Organization (ARO) /
European Commission
Murdock Charitable Trust
National Institutes of Health/
National Institute of Allergy &
Infectious Disease
New York Community Trust /
Heiser Program
(Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency)
(Biomedical Advanced Research and
Development Authority)
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
CRDF Global
Eli Lilly & Co.
(Party with a Purpose)
The Wellcome Trust
Anonymous (2)
Sherry Adams
Andy Anderson
Fred & Thuan Angeles
Cheryl & Chris Antony
Mary Rae Armantrout
Bill & Pamela Ayer
Rip Ballou & Alice Grasset
Kristin Beaulieu
Paul Blair
Gregg & Jane Blodgett
Carolyn Booth Stanson
Ryan Brown
Delphi Chatterjee
Ines & Jay Clark
Rebecca Clark
Therese Coad
Jessica Cohen
Rhea & Clark Coler
Genevieve Cseh
Brian Curtis
Walter Curtis
Erik Cutts
Jeff Dixon
Katherine Duncan
Statens Serum Institute
Copenhagen, Denmark
Norcliffe Foundation
PATH Vaccine Solutions (PVS)
The Paul G. Allen Family Foundation
Renaissance Health Service Corp.
Washington Global Health Alliance
Span Diagnostics
Surat, India
(as part of the Seventh Framework Programme
of the European Community for Research,
Technological Development and
Demonstration Activities)
Ken Duncan
Sharon Early
Eric Easom
Jean Feagin
Norman Ferrer
Edmee Files
Tom Fleszar
Benjamin & Griselda Gay
Joshua Halverson
Fred Hapgood
Erik Iverson
Ed Kesicki
Aaron Korkegian
Kenneth Lee
Rob Lin
James R. Lisbakken
Dave Maki
Curt & Ana Malloy
Karina Martens
Jennifer & Mike Mortensen
Helen & Ron Ness
Kelly O’Malley
John & Molly Otter
Yulia Ovechkina
Lynda Paleshnuik
Cherry Parish
Gina Parish
Tanya Parish
Stewart Parker
Jeremy Peterson
Jon Peterson
Trang Pham
Franklyn G. Prendergast
Marianne & Steve Reed
Lee & Will Schoentrup
Sandlin Sequin
Laura Shoemaker &
Morgan Woolverton
Sanjay Singh
Susan Steinbach-Molloy
Giles Strekel
Tom & Claudia Vedvick
David Webster
Carl Weissman
Winston Wicomb
Tadataka Yamada
Ying Yu
Fisher Scientific
Mary North Travel
Wells Fargo Insurance Services
Join us.
We apply innovative science to develop products to
eliminate infectious diseases of global importance.
The Power of One
The power of one is impressive, even in the face of a challenge
as daunting as global health. Throughout this annual report,
you’ve read about the power of people who make a positive
difference in the lives of millions who bear the burden of
infectious diseases.
Now we invite you to consider how you can contribute to improve
global health. It’s simple.
• Tell someone about what you learned by reading this report.
• Visit our website at to learn more or to sign up for
our electronic newsletter.
• Attend an IDRI event.
• Invite an IDRI scientist to speak at an educational or civic event.
• Donate to support our research and product development efforts.
We believe in the power of one – your contribution will improve
the lives of many. With good health comes a world of possibilities:
thriving families, flourishing communities and stable economies.
1616 Eastlake Ave. East, Suite 400
Seattle, WA 98102, USA
206.381.0883 •
We envision a world in which infectious diseases are
either prevented or rapidly diagnosed and treated using
products that are available to all people.
Compassion: We are driven by compassion and the belief that all
people should be free from infectious diseases, which cause untold
death and suffering. Our work holds the promise of saving millions
of lives and improving the quality of life around the world.
Scientific Excellence: We are rooted in scientific excellence. We are
committed to the diligence, integrity and ethics required to conduct
research and develop products in a responsible, efficient manner.
Impact: We believe our research and product development will
have significant, positive impact for the benefit of the world’s most
underserved populations. Through collaboration and innovation,
we bridge knowledge and action to reduce suffering and save lives.