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 Homework #15 Plate Tectonics Physical Elements (Geography 1) Name _________________________________________ Class: 7:45 am 9:30 am Circle 11:15 am A. Identifying Tectonic Plate Boundaries 1. How do scientists identify the boundaries or edges of tectonic plates? The boundaries are marked by __________________________________ & __________________________________ activity. B. Tectonic Plate Movement: Convergent, Divergent, & Transform Boundaries Go to the website: Click on the tectonic plate map to enlarge it. Use this to identify the direction of plate movement on the map below. 1. Trace where tectonic plates are moving TOGETHER with a RED pen or marker & add small RED ARROWS to show their movement. 2. Trace where tectonic plates are moving APART with BLUE pen or marker & add small BLUE ARROWS to show their movement. 3. Trace the San Andreas fault in GREEN (or another color) pen or marker and add small GREEN ARROWS to show how the plates are sliding past one another. 4. When you finish, add small mountain symbols to show the location of the Andes & Himalaya Mtns. (The Southern Alps in New Zealand have been drawn for you as an example.) 5. The Andes, Himalayas, & Southern Alps are found along which type plate boundary? (Circle one) Convergent / Divergent Southern Alps C. Seafloor Spreading Draw a diagram of seafloor spreading. (See the one in your Course Notebook.) Label the “ocean crust”, “continental crust”, “upper mantle”, & “magma”. Add red arrows that show what direction the Ocean Crust and magma are moving. Explain what is causing the magma to rise. ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ D. Subduction 1. Explain what “subduction” is. _________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Why doesn’t continental crust subduct under oceanic crust? ________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Why doesn’t continental crust subduct under other continental crust? –– Because continental crust is made of… ___________________________ , & it is… (circle one) more dense / less dense than the Mantle below it. E. Physical Features Created by Convergent Plate Movement 1. Ocean trenches & volcanic island arcs are found near which type of convergent boundary? Circle one: Oceanic/Continental Oceanic/Oceanic Continental/Continental Example: _____________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Ocean trenches & volcanic coastal mountains are found near which type of convergent boundary? Circle one: Oceanic/Continental Oceanic/Oceanic Continental/Continental Example: _____________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Major continental mountains are found near which type convergent boundary? Circle one: Oceanic/Continental Oceanic/Oceanic Continental/Continental Example: _____________________________________________________________________________________