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Global History I Ms. Black Unger
Research Note Grid Unit:__ 7 __
Name_________ Luke Doris______ Date___ January 12, 2011 __ Period_ 2
Your Topic:____ Inca _____ Your sub-topic:_____ Social Classes and Job Specialization ____
Directions: take notes below on the activity/project, bullet information, paraphrase most information, put “quotation” marks around direct quotes.
Tip: organize your notes into categories or Big Ideas (highlight/bold/underline), then bullet important supporting details under these.
Text Notes: be sure to put page numbers here___164 – 167 ____
Use the section headings to help you find the Big Ideas. Be sure to
include all key terms/vocab from the section (highlight/bold).
The Incan Empire
 Sapa Inca or emperor is the ruler of the Incas
 The queen, or Coya, carried out religious duties and
governed when he was gone
 Nobles came after the queen and they ruled the provinces
they conquered along with the local chieftans
 Below them came the officials who collected taxes and
enforced laws
Roads and Runners
 Had runners who ran along roads and carried messages
throughout empire
 Had soldiers who were stationed along outposts in the
Daily Life
 Leaders of the ayllus, or communities of people carried out
government orders
 They assingned jobs to each family, organized the
community to work the land, and arranged marriages
 Farmers had to expand their limited land by putting terraces
on the sides of the hills
 Most skilled metal workers in all of America
 They alloyed or blended metals such as, copper, tin,
bronze, silver, and gold
Outside Source: be sure to have correct MLA citation, include the title of
the article, etc. here:
(if you use multiple articles, cite each beneath your notes on the grid)
 Had Surgeons that were capable of head surgery
 As commander in chief Sapa Inca was supposed to lead troops into
battle, but they also had commanding generals
 Couriers had to run along the supposed line of march of an army to
make sure that the warehouses were filled with food
 The army had slingers, who used slings to attack the enemy at long
range, and infantry who engaged in hand to hand combat
The Incan Army
Gabriel, Richard A. "Inca Army." World History: Ancient and Medieval Eras. ABC-CLIO, 2011.
Web. 13 Jan. 2011.
The mita was a compulsory rotational labor draft system
Members of each ayllu were part of this draft
Ayllu owed labor to their curacas, hereditary village chiefs, but also
to the Inca emperor
Members of the ayllu worked as laborers on a curaca’s land and on
Inca state and church lands
Jobs assigned to those part of the mita were; clearing and terracing
land, building roads and maintaining them, cleaning irrigation
channels, constructing military fortresses, mining, and the production
of a specific amount of clothing for the state
For their services people get the right to work their communal lands,
and in times of drought or shortage, government storehouses
provided grain and cloth
Copper and bronze were used for useful items
Precious metals were used for statures of gods and
goddesses and eating utensils for the aristocrats and as
Medical Advances
 Incas discovered important medical techniques
 They had surgeons who could perform surgery on the
human skull
 They cleaned the operating area, and then knocked the
patient unconscious with a drug.
 Powerful priest class served the gods, celebrating their
special feast days and tending to their needs
 Chosen Women were selected from each region and
attended to the chief god, Inti, the god of sun
 During training, they studied the mysteries of the religion,
learned to prepare ritual food and drink, and made elaborate
wool garments worn by the Sapa Inca and Coya.
 At the end of their training most continued to serve the sun
god, but they had the option to join the Inca’s court or to
marry a noble.
Sapa Inca
Ruled all of empire
Suyuyuq Apu
Controlled one of four
regions in empire
Hunu Kamayoq
Governed province
containing 10,000 families
Waranq Kamayoq
Head of 1,000 families
Pichqa Pachaq Kamayoq
Head of 500 families
Pachaq Kamayoq
Head of 100 families
Pichqa Chunka Kamayoq
Head of 50 families
Chunka Kamayoq
Head of 10 families
Pichqa Kamayoq
Head of 5 families
Head of 1 family
 Had engineers and construction workers who designed and
built the many public works of the Incan empire
Through gifts, goods were redistributed from one region to another
"mita." World History: Ancient and Medieval Eras. ABC-CLIO, 2011. Web. 13 Jan. 2011.
Aristocrats ruled the regions of the Incan Empire
These aristocrats were usually relatives of the Sapa Inca
Many Nobles became the commanders of the Incan army
Exploring the Ancient Cultures of Peru
"Archaeology in the Andes: Background." World History: Ancient and Medieval Eras. ABC-CLIO, 2011. Web. 13 Jan.
The Inca warrior was a very important job because without them the empire
wouldn’t have been able to fight its wars.
The Inca priest was very important because they performed rituals for the
gods so the empire would have good fortune. The priests were very high on
the social class ladder because only they could perform these necessary
Text Notes: be sure to put page number
Outside Source: be sure to have correct MLA citation include the title of
the article, here: