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Slide 1
At the Threshold of Life
Slide 2
Looking Ahead
• On completing this chapter, you should be able to:
– Explain the events leading to the discovery of viruses and
recognize some turning points in the development of virology;
– Appreciate the distinctive structure of viruses, including their
incredibly small size and relatively simple components;
– describe the stages and details of the replication process
exhibited by viruses;
– Explain the significance of viral replication with respect to the
disease process and the development of resistance to viral
Slide 3
Looking Ahead
• On completing this chapter, you should be
able to:
– Identify some methods for controlling viruses and
for using viruses to benefit society;
– Recognize the existence of certain types of
subviral particles;
– Summarize the development of cancer and
understand the involvement of viruses in this
dreaded disease.
Slide 4
What is life
• Is cellular
• Growth
– Increase in numbers by reproducing
– Increase in size
• Has metabolic processes
– Uses energy
– Excretes waste products
• Can respond to its environment
Slide 5
The Nature of Viruses
• Not really alive
– Lack the capacity to perform any of the life processes
on their own.
• Not really completely inert
– When in the presence of a target cell they will attach
and incorporate their DNA or RNA into the cells
• Existence somewhere between living objects and
chemical compounds
Slide 6
The Discovery and Structure of Viruses
• The development of virology
– 1892 Dmitri Iwanoski
• Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV)
• Bacteria-free filtrate still infectious
– Viruses were small enough to get
past the filter.
• 1898 Martinus Beijerinck supported
these data
– 1930s Wendell Stanley
• Crystals of TMV
– 1933 Ernst Ruska
• Invention of electron microscope
– Finally allowed visualization of viruses
© National Library of Medicine
Dmitri Iwanowski
Slide 7
The Discovery and Structure of Viruses
The structure of viruses
– Size
• As small as 27 nm (0.027 mM); poliovirus
• Some as large as 250 nm (0.25 mM); smallpox
• At least 500 could fit inside single bacterium!
Figure 6.2: Size
relationships among
Slide 8
The Discovery and Structure of Viruses
• The structure of viruses
– Symmetry
• Helix
• Icosahedron
• Complex
Courtesy of Dr. Sara Miller, Duke University Medical Center.
Fig. 6.5
Slide 9
The Discovery and Structure of Viruses
• The components of viruses
– Minimum of nucleic acid and
protein coat
– Nucleic acid
RNA or DNA, not both
Segmented or non-segmented
Circular or linear
Single-stranded or double-stranded
Fig. 6.4a: naked Icosahedral virus
– Protein
• Capsid (a coat surrounding the
Nucleic acid)
– Made of Capsomeres
– Nucelocapsid: a combination of
the nucleic acide and the protein
capsid. This is a complete virus.
Fig. 6.4b: A naked helical virus
Slide 10
The Discovery and Structure of Viruses
• The components of viruses
– Some viruses have an Envelope
• Often made of Lipids taken from the
host cell
• Often contains surface spikes which
allow adhesion
– No cytoplasm
– No metabolism
– No increase or decrease in size
Fig. 6.4 Icosahedral and helical viruses
Slide 11
Viral Replication
• The stages of replication
– Attachment
• Binding to receptor site on target cell
– Penetration
• Fusion and entry of target cell
– Uncoating
• Release of genome into cell
– Synthesis
• Program of viral gene expression
• Translation of viral proteins
– Assembly
• Putting all newly synthesized parts together
– Release
• New viruses exit infected cell, leaving spent, dead cell behind
Slide 12
Viral Replication: Lytic Cycle
Figure 6.7:
of a DNA
Slide 13
Viral Replication
• When viruses don’t
– Lysogeny
• Integration of viral
genome into host’s
• Viral genome become
• Integrated viral genome
is known as provirus
• Human equivalents are
HIV, herpes,
• Typical for many plant
Figure 6.9: The formation of a provirus
Slide 14
Viral Replication
• Viral replication and disease
– Destruction of healthy cells
– Viral hepatitis
• Destruction of liver cells by infection
• Loss of liver function
• Destruction of immune cells
• Loss of immune control over other infectious agents
– Rabies
• Destruction of nerves
• Loss of control by nervous system
Slide 15
Viral Replication
• Defense against viruses
– Immune system
• Antibodies (bind to and block the virus)
• T cells (destroy cells infected with virus)
– Antiviral drugs
• Acyclovir
• Amantadine
• Azidothymidine (AZT)
– Interferons
• Released by infected cells this substance blocks the uptake of
viruses in healthy cells.
Slide 16
Viral Replication
• Viral vaccines
– Stimulation of immune response without risking pathogenic infection
– Inactivated
• Chemically destroyed virus
• Example: Salk polio vaccine
– Attenuated
• Live, but weakened virus
• Example: Sabin polio vaccine
– Genetically engineered
• Production of viral proteins by recombinant organism
• Example: Hepatitis B vaccine
– Important part of combating bioterrorism
• Example. Those immunized against smallpox would be immune if smallpox
were used as a weapon.
Slide 17
Viral Replication
• Viral cultivation
– Difficult because viruses require a living organism to
use its cellular processes.
• 1930s: Claud Johnson and Ernest Goodpasture
– Growth of viruses in fertilized chicken eggs
• 1940s cell culture (living human or other cells grown on a
– Derived from dispersed tissues
• 1950s virus infection of cells in culture
– Vaccine production
• Diploid fibroblast cultures
• Continuous cell line cultures
Slide 18
Viral Replication
• Viruses as research tools
Discovery of ribosome, mRNA functions
Gene therapy delivery vehicles
Vaccine agents
Agricultural protection
• Viruses and evolution
– Presumed origin of viruses as normal cellular DNA or RNA
– Viruses as agents that drive evolution
• Incorporating viral DNA sometimes introduce a beneficial trait that
can be passed on.
Slide 19
Viral Replication
• Viroids and prions
– Viroids
• Single-stranded RNA
• No capsid
• Infect plants
– Prions
Stanley Prusiner
Proteinaceous infectious particles
No nucleic acid
Cause mad cow disease
PrPc is normal cellular protein
Change in conformation creates PrPsc
Results in spongiform
© Ulf Sirborn/AP Photos
Figure 6.11a: Stanley Prusiner,
winner of 1997 Nobel in
Physiology or Medicine for his
work on prions as agents of
infectious disease
Slide 20
Viral Replication: Prions
Courtesy of APHIS photo by Dr. Al Jenny/CDC
Figure 6.11b: A photomicrograph of brain tissue showing
vacuolar degeneration of gray matter characteristic of
human and animal prion diseases
Slide 21
Viruses and Cancer
• The development of cancer
– Cancer
Uncontrolled mitotic reproduction of cells
Faster replication than normal cells
Result is mass of cells called tumor
Some known forms caused by viruses
– Benign tumors (do not spread but that does not make them
– Malignant tumors (those that spread)
– Oncology (the study of cancer)
– Dedifferentiation (cells lose their characteristics)
– Loss of contact inhibition (continue to grow)
Slide 22
Viruses and Cancer
• The involvement of viruses
– Carcinogens
– Some viruses can induce tumors
– Examples
• Epstein-Barr virus (Burkitts Lymphoma)
• Human T cell leukemia viruses (HTLVs)
• How viruses transform cells
– Michael Bishop and Harold Varmus
• Oncogenes
• Proto-oncogenes
• How viruses may turn proto-oncogenes into oncogenes
Slide 23
Viruses and Cancer: How Viruses
Transform Cells
Figure 6.12: The oncogene theory
Slide 24
•Know the definition of life and how a virus fits in.
•Understand the structure of viruses
•Understand the mechanism and types of viral replication
•Understand the difficulties in culturing viruses
•Know the ways viruses disrupt cell function
•How can viruses be used in research
•What roles might viruses play in evolution
•Describe a viroid and a prion
•How can viruses function in cancers
•Learn the related key terms in your text.