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SESSION 2014-15
1. Read the drama (abridged) ‘Two Gentlemen of Verona ‘by Shakespeare. Write the
summary on A4 size paper with illustrations and bring out the similarities and
differences in terms of the plot, characterization and writing style between the play and
the chapter ‘Two Gentlemen of Verona’, from the literature reader.
2. Write a bio sketch of Tiger Woods in 80 words on an A4 size sheet with illustrations.
(plain white / colored sheet)
3. Reading Project: read chapter 1-10 from the novel, ‘The Story of my life ‘– Helen Kellerprepare a book jacket. The project will be marked (FAII) on the basis of creativity and
4. Practice Unit 1&2 of the Workbook
Social Science
1. Activity
a) Prepare a poster showing the importance of conservation of resources.
b) Mark the states of India, where, the three types of forests are found. (separately with
different colors).
c) Show any 10 wildlife sanctuaries of India on an outline map.
d) Prepare a poster to show any one method of water harvesting practiced in India
e) Locate any ten dams with their rivers on an outline map.
2. Project:- Prepare a project file one of the following topics:
a) Administering disaster management
b) Manual for disaster Management
c) The development and changes in agriculture in the world till today.
Learn lessons 1 to 4 if geography for class test, which will by there before 30 june, 2014.
General Instructions:1. Each child has to prepare a visual round of quiz contain pictures, diagrams, photographs
of scientists etc. on the topics allocated to you as per your roll numbers.
2. The quiz needs to be prepared in the form of a power point presentation (10-12 slides).
All questions to be followed by the answer in a separate slide.
3. The prepared ppt to be submitted in the form of a hard copy in a file on A-4 size sheets.
4. Soft copy of selected projects to be brought to the school only as per instructions which
will be given in the class later.
Date of submission : 30 June, 2014
Marks for the project : 10
1. Digestive system, Respiratory system, Circulatory and
excretory system in human beings.
( Roll no. 1-9)
2. Brain and spinal cord in humans
(Roll no. 10-18)
3. Nanotechnology
(Roll no. 19-27)
4. Cloning
(Roll no. 28-36)
5. Defects in vision-Myopia, Hypermetropia, Presbyopia, Cataract and Astigmatism
(Roll no. 37-45)
6. Green Energy
(Roll no. 46 onwards)
1 rhsya saahsa pòma dyaa [-maanadarI pr svaricat kivata ilaiKe tqaa ]sao ica~ sao sajaa[e.
2 pa^ca phoilayaa^ ilaiKe tqaa ]na pr AaQaairt ica~ banaa[e.
3 pZ,o gae pazaoM maoM Aae mauhavaraoM ka vaa@yaaoM maoM p`yaaoga kIijae.
1 sarsvatI maiNaka maoM sao hla riht p`qama 5 Apizt gad\yaaMSaaoM kao ]<arpuistka maoM ilaiKt $p maoM kIijae .
2 sarsvatI maiNaka maoM sao hla riht p`qama 5 p~aoM kao ]<arpuistka maoM ilaiKt $p maoM kIijae .
3 , sarsvatI maiNaka maoM sao hla riht p`qama 5 ica~aoM pr ,p`%yaok ica~ ko pr 5 vaa@ya ]<arpuistka maoM ilaiKt $p maoM
kIijae .
4 ,saMskRt maoM svaricat kivata Aqavaa khanaI ilaiKe f a 2 ko ilae .
Topic: Number System
Q1) Explain why 7 x 11 x 13 + 13 is a composite number.
Q2) What can you say about the prime factorization of the denominator of the rational number 34.
Q3) Without actual performing the long division write whether the rational number 3125 has a
terminating decimal or a non-terminating repeating decimal expansion .
Q4) State Euclid’s division Lemma.
Q5) Write 98 as a product of its prime factors.
Q6) Find the LCM and HCF of the following numbers by applying the prime factorization method: 40,
36, 126
Q7) Prove that 3 – √5 is irrational.
Q8) Without actually performing the long division state whether the following rational numbers will
have a
terminating or a non-terminating repeating decimal expansion
Q9) Use Euclid’s division lemma to show that the square of any positive integer is either in the form
3m or 3m+1 for some integer m
Q10) If d is the HCF of 56 and 72 find x, y satisfying d = 56x + 72y. Also show that x and y are not
Q11) Given that HCF (306,657) = 9, find LCM (306,657)
Q12) Show that any positive odd integer is of the form 6q + 1 or 6q + 3 or 6q + 5 where q is some
Q13) Find the HCF of 96 and 404 by prime factorization method. Hence find their LCM.
Q14) Show that any positive odd integer is of the form 8q + 1 or 8q + 3 or 8q + 5 or 8q + 7 where q is
some integer.
Q15) Find the largest number that will divide 398, 436 and 542 leaving remainders 7 , 11 and 15
Q16) Check whether 35n can end with the digit 0 for any natural number n.
Q17) Write the condition satisfied by 8 so that a rational number 17/8 has a terminating decimal
Q18) Write 234 as a product of its prime factors.
Q19) Use Euclid’s algorithm to find the HCF of 210 and 55.
3 +
Q20) Prove that
5 is an irrational number.
Q21) Show that n – 1 is divisible by 8, if n is an odd positive integer.
22. If cot θ = ¾, prove that
23 If ‹A and ‹P are acute angles such that tan A = tan P, then show that <A = <P.
24. If Sin (A – B) = ½ and Cos (A–B) =½, 0
25. If A and B are acute angles such that tan A = , tan B
26. Find the value of x
(i) 2 sin 3x =√3 (ii) √3 sin x = cos x
60+Sin 45 Cos 45
27. Prove the following
and tan (A+B) =
(iii) Cos 2x = Cos 60 Cos 30 + Sin 60 Sin 30
(ii) Sin (50 +Ѳ) – Cos (40 –Ѳ) + tan 1 tan 10 tan 20 tan 70 tan 80 tan 89 = 1
+cos59 cosec31 =2
28. If A,B,C are the interior angles of a
,show that cos(
29. If cos
30.Prove the following:
(iii) (cosec
(vi) (1+cotA+tanA)(sinA-cosA)=
1 + COSθ − sin 2 θ
= cot θ
sin θ (1 + cos θ )
1 − cos θ
1 + cos θ
= 2 cos ecθ
1 + cos θ
1 − cos θ
)=sin .
, find A+B.
(iv) √3 tan 2x = Cos
sin θ + 1 − cos θ 1 + sin θ
cos θ − 1 + sin θ
cos θ
(x)If x=a cos θ ,y=b sin θ
 x 3  y 3
Prove that   +   = 1
a b
Project for 1st term
Prepare a powerpoint presentation on one of the following topics:
(i) Parallelograms on the same base and between the same parallels
(ii) Heron’s Formula
(iii) Cyclic quadrilateral
(iv) Real Numbers ( rational and irrational )
(v) Surface Areas and Volumes of cube and cuboid
(vi) Surface Areas and Volumes of cone and cylinder
(vii) Surface Areas and Volumes of sphere and hemisphere
(viii) Circles and its properties (chord related)
(ix) Circles and its properties (central angle theorem)